Chapter 5
Two months later
Sitting in my office I did not even hear my door open as Nico stood in front of me with a frown on his face.
"I swear I didn't do anything this time," I stated throwing him a glare.
"I know. My wife sent me. She is inviting you along on our date," Nico growled shoving his hands into his pockets.
"I will see," I said turning back to my laptop as he turned around to leave.
Going around the different booths Nico challenged me at a shooting game. Basically shoot three ducks in a row and win a teddy bear for your companion in this case spouse. Francesca squealed with delight watching Nico hit the first duck, on the other hand Ruva just stood by looking on when I hit my target. Hitting all three targets we were handed over our prizes. Picking out a giant panda I handed the prize to my wife which she accepted clearly out of obligation. Following the ladies as they led us to whatever booth they had in mind I heard her giggle at something Francesca had said. The sound was lovely and I was amazed I heard her through all the noise surrounding us.
"Well I be damned. Lorenzo are you in love with your wife?"
"What I don't do love. It’s my job as her husband, to make sure she is well taken care of, more like taking care of a child."
Nico laughed at my response before asking, "What would you do if she left you?"
"Go after her and bring her back," I answered outraged by his question.
"And you say you are not in love with her," he scoffed.
"She is my wife were else would she go? Her place is beside me always," I said receiving no response.
"I've always wanted to go on one of those teacup rides," Ruva said looking at Nico.
Gladly obliging her request, the three of us stood aside watching her enjoy herself. Francesca could not go in her condition. How one found joy in sitting in an oversized cup spinning around was beyond me. Watching her cup specifically I looked at her smiling catching the eye of several men who clearly had wondering eyes.
The next minute I found my limbs running towards her as the machine engine had burst igniting a fire. Reaching her cup I hauled her out of the cup carrying her bridal style away from the flames that had started consuming the wooden boards.
"Lorenzo over here! I heard Nico shout leading us towards his car. There was chaos everywhere as parents tried to get their children to safety. Francesca was already seated in the car when I finally reached them looking into my arms my whole body froze seeing her unconscious.
"Lorenzo!" I heard Nico shout at me snapping me out of my daze as I climbed into the car.
Reaching the hospital the nurses and doctors took her away. Only allowing family into her room, the doctor spoke after giving me a few minutes to take in the sight of her on a ventilator.
"She inhaled too much smoke which resulted in her passing out. The baby is doing fine. We will just keep her overnight for observation," he said as I looked at her, she looked vulnerable in her state.
"Wait doctor, are you telling me my wife is pregnant?" I asked him just as Francesca and Nico walked in overhearing the last bit.
They both looked beyond shocked.
"How far along is she?" I asked him.
"Two and a half months. Congratulations Mr Salazar," he said before turning to leave the room.
With a heavy sigh I wondered how she would take the news, after all this child had not been conceived willingly. Nico and Francesca left after seeing their friend asking when she would be discharged.
There was no way I could leave her. Especially in a place full of strangers. Sleeping in the chair I woke with a start when someone cleared their voice. Looking up I realized it was already morning and found my wife awake staring at the ultrasound machine as the doctor set everything up.
"You have to take care of yourself Mrs Salazar, eat well, I don't like your current state one bit," the doctor said with a gentle smile.
"You did this to me," she hissed as soon as the doctor left the room, pointing at her belly. "Now an innocent life has to be part of this tragic relationship. What wrong did I ever do against you, tell me. Now my son will grow up not having a good man as a role model," she wept.
"Stop this nonsense immediately. My child will be well taken care of and want for nothing," I said looking at her fiercely.
She did not respond to my words only looked away from me with a pained expression.
Returning home I found my parents waiting patiently for our arrival. Engulfing her into a warm hug my mother wept before smiling when she heard she was going to be a grandmother. News which Ruva dished out herself as they started talking about baby clothes. She was clearly acting excited for my mothers’ sake.
"Mom, she needs to rest please. Doctors’ orders, not mine," I quickly said seeing the frown forming on her face.
Offering to help Ruva up, she turned me down standing on her own. Just a few steps away from us she clutched the wall for support as a wave of dizziness overcame her. Trying to help her, she flinched away from me.
"You have done more than enough already," she spat slowly leaving the room.
Ruvarashe's POV
Lying in my room I so wanted to be back home right about now. If I could go back in time I would tell myself to never agree to such a union. Look were it got me, what baffled me is why he tried so hard to make us work when he should have done that first before breaking me. Taking my laptop I looked over some files from work before drifting to my pictures with my dad and friends. This was my only link with home which I so terribly missed I thought to myself as tears slowly trickled down my face. The food, the people, speaking in my mother tongue, it was all too much for me. I knew I had to try work things out with Lorenzo but now the child growing within me was a constant reminder of that fateful night.
Would I ever look past that and love him or her unconditionally. The mere thought of a life growing within me was scary enough that I would be responsible for this child. They would look up to me for approval, advice, security and above all else love. Abortion was out of the picture, who was I to take the life of another human being? I kept telling myself it was all part of Gods' big plan in my life. I just hoped I would forget the pain and love my child unconditionally.
An hour or so later I heard the door open as Mrs Potter walked in bearing a tray with food. Devouring the meal in an instant I took the tray back to the kitchen grateful that I at least had someone to talk to in the large house.
Nico and Francesca welcomed a baby boy into the world and I was beyond ecstatic for them. The moment I saw Francesca holding her baby, I knew there was no need to worry, for I would love my child just as much.
"Would you like to go see a movie then grab a bite afterwards?" He asked me standing by the door one evening.
"Okay," I replied. I had been cooped up in the house for far too long and it was becoming boring seeing the same surroundings daily.
Leading the way he opened the door for me, lightly closing it once I was settled. Trying to break the silence he asked me how my day had been to which I replied, "Fine."
Scrolling through his playlist I selected Quando by Michael Bublé and began to hum to the song.
Letting me pick the movie, I selected Spectre to his surprise.
"Did you want a romantic movie?" I asked him with a blank expression.
He looked nervous as he searched for an answer making me burst into laughter. This was a rare moment to see the mighty Lorenzo nervous over a small question. Slowly a smile formed on his face as he placed his hand in the middle of my back guiding us towards the theatre. We did not speak to each other until we reached the restaurant after the movie, the silence was somewhat comfortable actually.
As soon as the different aromas filled my nostrils I knew it was a bad decision to come here as I ran towards the bathroom emptying my stomach just in time. Feeling weak and tired I did not feel Lorenzo lift me up into his arms getting me cleaned up and leading us out of the restaurant. Before I could say anything a swarm of paparazzi invaded our personal space shouting questions about who I was. I heard him curse as he growled at them to get out of our way. Burying my head in his neck I clung onto him for dear life. Why these people refused to leave us was beyond me. This being my first encounter with such I was beyond terrified.
We somehow managed to get in the car and sped off home. Home I liked the sound of that after what I had just encountered. Mrs Potter looked worried as she rambled something in Spanish waving her arms frantically.
"Calm down Mrs Potter. What is wrong?" He asked.
"Her father called, he sounded worried and I have been trying to reach you but you were not picking up. Your parents just called a few minutes ago also, they sounded worried."
Pulling out my phone I dialled my fathers’ number waiting for him to answer.
"Sweet pea, how are you?"
"I am alright dad, I heard you were looking for me."
"Listen honey I know we haven't talked much since you got married but I needed to make sure you were safe."
"Safe from what dad?"
"There is something I need to tell you. Remember when we opened our first bakery and I told you I had borrowed some money for a price."
"Dad what is going on?" I asked worried about him.
"Well the money came from Jacobi."
Closing my eyes I knew my father had crossed a line of no return. Lorenzo stood in front of me, watching me closely. He knew something was wrong.
"What did he ask for in return?" I sighed.
"Your hand in marriage," he said leaving me speechless.
Now I understood why my father had tried so hard to marry me off. And most likely trouble was brewing once Jacobi discovered I was married to another.
"If you do not hear from me in the next couple of days do not worry, always know I love you dear. And everything I did was to secure your future. I love you sweet pea," he said softly as tears ran down my cheeks.
The next thing I knew Lorenzo had the phone in his hands speaking to my father. With each passing minute his expression turned darker. I knew he had the capabilities of being angry but this right here was beyond anger. Turning away from me he spoke with my father at a great length. The only thing I heard was, "I am sending someone to take care of the problem."
Turning towards me, I asked him one thing. "What are you going to do?"
"Take care of the problem," he said heading towards the liquor cabinet.
That night sleep was my number one enemy. Each time I shut my eyes cruel images tormented my sleep, images of my father lying dead on the floor of the bakery. Lorenzo woke me up looking worried as I moved away from him.
"Ruva, it's only me," he growled making the situation worse as I flinched from his words.
Cowering away from him I pulled the covers along with me seeing the angry expression he wore. Good you should be angry, with yourself, I thought to myself. You put me in this position after all.
Turning around he left the room trying his best to control himself from saying something he would regret.
Her tormented screams could be heard throughout the house causing him to lose sleep. Nico had told him before about her nightmares. The past month or two she seemed to not be experiencing any and that was before I discovered the sleeping pills she had been using. Had I ruined her such that she needed medication to get a good nights’ rest. Now that she was off them because of the baby, everything had changed. Mrs Potter had mentioned her lack of sleep to me and on the one night she succumbed to sleep she was having nightmare after nightmare.