Chapter 4
Begging him to stop I woke with a start as Nico held me down. Francesca looked beyond worried as she climbed into bed sitting beside me wiping away my tears. I felt guilty at having woken them up with my screams.
"Ruva, are you alright," she asked her friend.
"I'm fine, you guys should go back to bed," I mumbled pulling the covers closer around me.
There was no way I was going back to sleep, that was a luxury I could not afford especially after that nightmare. Nico gave me a look that spoke volumes mainly that I had to tell Francesca sometime soon. With a slight nod of my head, he began to explain what had happened making sure she remained calm in her condition.
"By the time I am through with him, he will never be able to produce any grand-babies for his parents," she seethed hugging me too tightly.
Needing the closure of friends I didn't complain about the tight hug, somehow I was just glad I had friends who cared for my wellbeing especially when my so called husband was the cause of my pain.
Francesca fell asleep and hour or so later after chasing Nico off back to bed. Choosing to work I took my laptop and went over the details of the new branches we would soon open. Looking over the accounts I was glad everything was in order since the day I left. I saw an email from my father quickly responding to it. I was somewhat still angry with him for placing me in this predicament. How could he just give off my hand in marriage to some stranger fearing for my security? Yes I was his only child. His only family per-say, since mother had abandoned us once I was born. He was still my family.
"Did you sleep at all?" Francesca asked walking into the kitchen.
Shaking my head no I knew it would be pointless to tell her yes. Tonight we had to attend a fundraising dinner which she had insisted I join them for. Killing the time with work I soon found myself being dragged out of my chair getting ready for the event. Nico had helped me with obtaining a cell phone line for work purposes. Ringing my father he asked how I was and being the daughter I am I told him all was well even though I hated being away from home, being with my friends was the only perk of my stay here thus far.
Pulling up to the venue I allowed for Nico and his wife to lead the way, making sure I stayed out of the spotlight. Staying close to Francesca once inside Nico left us to fetch drinks for us as Francesca showed me the most important people at the venue if I was in search of investors. An older looking couple walked up towards us and greeted Francesca warmly as they inquired about Nico's whereabouts. Turning towards me introductions were made as I learnt who they were. The last people I expected to meet so early in the evening. I had been warned they would be coming. Google had not done justice to the striking couple that stood before me. Clearly their son had obtained all their good genes incorporated into his gene pool. At twenty nine years of age, Lorenzo had his fathers’ dark silky hair and aristocratic jaw line. His eyes and smooth skin from the lovely brown eyed dark skinned beauty. His fathers’ genes clearly dominated as anyone would think he was not coloured.
"Mr and Mrs Salazar, the pleasure is all mine," I said shaking each of their hands.
"Please call us by our first names, Demetrius and Lilian," Mrs Salazar said with a kind smile. "Any friend of Nico and Francesca, is a friend of ours in my books.
"Have you seen our son?" Demetrius asked turning towards Nico whose expression turned sour at the mention of Lorenzo.
"I am sorry sir, we just arrived," he responded coolly.
Their conversations turned to business once more pleasantries had been exchanged. Hearing she was from a developing country Demetrius took an interest in hearing what sort of business she was into. This drew the attention of several well know conglomerates as they stood listening to her as she spoke of her ideas, despite the harsh realities of being in a country with resources but lacking equipment when the manpower was already present or how that manpower was being exploited by others not benefiting them but someone else's pockets.
Lorenzo's POV
Walking into the venue I scanned the room searching for familiar faces. I saw my father and several men huddled in a group, whoever they were listening to had their undivided attention as other smaller business men tried to get their attention failing miserably. As I neared the group, they disintegrated leaving my father and MY WIFE?
Shocked at seeing her at such an event I stopped in my tracks drinking in her appearance. I couldn't keep my eyes off her as she laughed at something my father had said. He offered his arm leading her towards Nico and his wife who stood chatting with my mother.
I didn't want to know how they had met, all I prayed for was that they did not know that she was their daughter in law. My feet moved towards them at their own accord. The daggers Francesca sent me I knew she definitely knew what I had done. With a nervous smile I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out as Ruvarashe looked me straight in the eye. Her eyes spoke volumes as her expression remained unreadable.
Looking away from her, I turned towards my parents greeting them warmly before turning to my friends and wife.
"Ni...Nico. Francesca. How have you been?" I stated looking at them.
"Good," Nico responded taking a sip of his drink looking away from me.
"You look terrible Lorenzo," Francesca said pointing out my dishevelled hair and overgrown beard. "Is everything alright," she asked innocently.
I didn't trust her question. It held a double meaning judging from the look she gave me. A look of shame, disapproval, anger.
Having no response I just nodded my head before turning to her. She remained quiet looking away from me. It was as though the sight of me repulsed her.
"I see you have met my wife," I said softly so only my parents could hear my words.
"Your what?" Mother gasped her face contorting to reveal her anger.
"Follow me," his father said in a calm manner looking beyond pissed off.
Once the door closed I knew I was in for it.
"When did you marry the girl? Why did you not inform us of this? Did you not think for once that your mother would have loved to plan your wedding," my father bellowed. "Does she even know how much of a womanizer you really are," he said pacing up and down the room.
I knew I was a womanizer but to hear it from my father was something that really struck a chord.
"Lorenzo please tell me you have not hurt this woman, like the others," my mother said as Nico scoffed at her remark walking into the room followed by the two ladies.
Turning to look at him, my mother asked the one question I dreaded.
"What did he do?"
"Oh no keep me out of this, I am just here for my friend," Nico said looking at Ruva.
"We just had a bit of a misunderstanding," I said shoving my hands into my pockets.
"Son I pray you are not lying to me. From the look your wife is giving you there is more to this misunderstanding. Even your friend is not giving you any support," father said.
Shaking my head I looked towards my wife. She took a deep breath before turning to leave the room looking at her hand I noticed the wedding ring was no longer where it was supposed to be. I felt lost looking at her as she walked out, my marriage was ruined within a three days. I had not even experienced the joy of being married. I had to fix this somehow someway.
"Until you sort out your relationship do not step into my house. Only your wife is welcome. I taught you better than that," my father said. Both my parents left the room looking utterly disappointed and angry with me.
"Didn't I tell you not to show your face here?" Nico growled looking at his friend.
"I want to talk to her," I stated in a tone that clearly told him to back off.
Stepping aside to let him in, leading the way. Before Francesca could say anything I silenced her with a look, seeing Ruva standing up about to bolt out of the room. She clearly didn't want to see him, after spending sleepless nights whilst staying with them. The whole week had been torture for her as well as their part.
"Let's leave these two to talk," Nico said helping his wife up.
The room was deathly quiet as Ruvarashe glared at me. Trust me you did not want to be on the receiving end of this glare. Fidgeting with my hands I looked down searching for the right words, the opening I had rehearsed had left me once I set my eyes upon her.
"What do you want?" She asked so softly her voice sent chills down my spine. Her question was void of all emotion as she looked at me, no glared at me.
"Ruvarashe," I whispered moving out of my seat moving towards her.
She sat up straight in her chair ready to make a run for it. Gripping the arms of the chair tightly she looked at me, watching each movement of mine. Kneeling before her I lay my head on her lap, as tears ran down my cheeks.
"Please forgive this fool of a husband of yours," I mumbled. If my competitors saw me right now they would have a field day.
I felt her rise to her feet making sure she did not touch me not once. Looking up at her I wiped away my tears looking down at the marble floor.
"I know what I did can never be undone. I disrespected you beyond words and I deserve whatever punishment you throw at me, I will gladly accept any punishment. But please come back home. My parents refuse to speak to me, even my closest friends are angry with me. Please Ruva forgive me, give me a chance to make things between us better," I begged her.
She remained quiet. Seeing this angle wasn't working I took another route.
"I don't know what more you want from me. So here is my ultimatum. Go up there and get your bags, you are coming with me whether you like it or not. Or consider your fathers’ business finished," I said seeing her eyes widen in shock.
A few minutes later she came back carrying her bag, behind her Nico and his wife followed closely behind.
"Hurt her and this time you will be dealing with me," Francesca said in a clearly no nonsense tone obviously they knew nothing of my threat thinking she was willingly coming along with me.