Chapter 3 – Friends
Lorenzo's POV
I woke up to find myself in the guest bedroom. She was no were in sight as I sat up looking around the room. I silently thanked God that nothing bad had happened. Pulling of the covers I discovered something that made me take back my words, that's when I heard the soft sobs and shower running. Going towards the bathroom I found it locked as I thought to myself, what have I done.
"Ruvarashe," I whispered against the door loving how her name sounded upon my lips. "Please open up for me," I begged after getting no response.
Kicking the door open I found her sitting under the shower, shivering. She seemed to not have heard me as I walked up to her. She was wrapped up in a robe which was now soaking wet. It was only when I turned off the shower that she looked up at me startled her expression quickly shifting from shock to fear as she moved towards the corner of the shower clutching her robe tightly. I never wanted this, I never wanted her to be afraid of me.
"Ruva, please forgive me," I said eyes cast down unable to face her.
"Forgive you for what, stealing my womanhood. The one thing I kept for the man I loved. The man who would love me in return. Not a man lusting over me. Not a rapist," she spat out angrily. "Just leave me alone to cover up my shame," she said. "I can't even report this, what will I say. My husband forced himself upon me on our wedding night? I will be a laughing stock."
Each word a slap to my face, a stab to my heart, a sharp reminder etched into my conscience, for what I had done could never be undone. How would I ever gain her trust after such a stunt, I mean she was my wife, it was my right, was it not.
Reaching out for her hand she flinched in repulsion creating some distance between us. The disgust in her eyes undid me as I turned away from her leaving the bathroom quickly before I did something I would regret.
Taking a shower and some painkillers for my headache I got into my car leaving my house. Maybe some distance would make things better. Dialling the one person who would understand me, I called my best friend Nicolas Steele.
"What have you done?" Nico asked before I could even greet him.
"Who said I did anything. Can one not call their friend and ask how they are?" I asked him.
With a sigh Nico greeted his childhood friend as Lorenzo arrived at his friends’ office building.
"So how was your business trip?" Nico asked.
"Fruitful and somewhat the reason I am calling you."
I could hear him sigh once more before he said, "Like I asked earlier, what did you do?"
Barging into his office he looked at me not surprised in the least. He just stared at me blankly.
"Well I kind of got married," I told him with a wide grin showing off the wedding band.
Nico stared at me hard most likely to see if I was joking. Seeing the wedding band on my finger his eyes widened in disbelief.
"What have you done Lorenzo?" He said standing up. "Who is the innocent girl you have ruined?" He said grabbing his jacket.
"What who said I ruined her. She ruined me with her innocence and purity, her dark chocolate skin, her innocent smile with dimples, heck her everything. She has ruined me," I told him throwing my hands up in exasperation.
"I must see the woman who is brave enough to get hitched with you. And not even an invite to this wedding of yours. How are your parents taking the news?"
"Umm they don't know yet. And I intend to keep it that way," I told him with a grin as he shook his head in disapproval.
The staff had returned from their night off and where busy cleaning the house. I found my wife in the kitchen chatting with my housekeeper. At first glance anyone could see she had not slept at all though she tried her best to hide it. Dressed in loose baggy clothing I frowned at her choice of clothing. We would have to change her wardrobe and find something more suitable.
"Nico!" The elderly housekeeper Mrs Potter greeted my friend throwing her arms around him.
"How have you been Mrs Potter," Nico greeted warmly before turning to my wife.
I made sure to keep some distance between us, the look she had given me earlier could send a man to his grave.
"Hello Mrs Salazar," he said with a gentle smile seeing her uncomfortable in their presence. "My name is Nicolas, but only my close friends call me Nico," he said extending his hand for a handshake.
Hesitantly she turned around extending her hand a smile forming on her face as she looked at Nico; my world seemed to stand still as I ingrained that smile into my mind not knowing when I would ever see it again. Her black eyes danced with delight as she greeted him back.
"How do you do Nico? My name is Ruvarashe, Ruva for short."
"May I," Nico said taking her hand and leading her out of the house towards the gardens which she gladly accepted.
I so badly wanted to follow them. How could she take a liking to him so fast when I was here?
Ruvarashe's POV
"It is good to see you again Nico," I said looking at the man I considered my brother clearly my so called husband did not know that we knew each other. Thankfully he had played along when he saw this concern etched in his features.
We had been thick as thieves at university both of us majoring in business management though I was also tackling economics. Seeing him after a year, he still hasn't changed much as he looked down at me with a wicked smile.
"I would be happier if the circumstances where different Ruva. How did you end up married to my childhood friend," he said with a worried expression.
"Well where do I begin? Remember when I told you five months ago that my father wanted to marry me off, well a string of suitors followed and each of them could not meet his expectations or demands. Especially when it came to my bride price. Your friend over there just happened to meet my fathers’ standards in every aspect. The next thing I knew upon returning home was to find him making demands. Funny enough do you know why he married me? He married me for my body, as he says. Last night I got to know exactly what he meant when he forced himself upon me," I told him. I could always tell him anything.
Nico had been staring at nothing as I told him my predicament. Hearing the last statement he turned his gaze towards me, eyes blazing with fury.
"He what?" He growled tilting my head up so I could look directly into his eyes.
Memories of the previous night overwhelmed me causing tears to pool in my eyes.
Lorenzo decided to show up saying, "What is going on here?"
The next thing I saw was him on the ground as Nico punched him repeatedly.
A couple of the male staff rushed to stop Nico from killing their boss, holding him back as he fought to finish what he had started.
"What has gotten into you?" Lorenzo shouted wiping blood from his face.
"I asked you what you had done. You did not tell me. Then I find out you hurt my friend, the woman who helped me find my love. You are disgusting, you deserve to live a miserable life for what you have done," Nico said shaking off the men. "Ruva you are coming with me," he said grabbing my hand.
Having no choice I stumbled after him, glad to be leaving this house.
"Wait I need to get my things," I said shaking his arm. He followed me to the room and helped me pack my bag.
"You are not going anywhere with my wife."
"I don't see any wife of yours here. As a husband you should cherish your wife, not act like a barbarian," Nico breathed out.
"You are not taking her away from me."
"Try stopping me, you will regret the day we had our first play date," Nico said opening the door.
I looked back at Lorenzo, he looked beyond angry as he stood at the door looking at us as we left his premises. Reaching his estate I was at a loss of words, immersed in the beauty of the house. If the exterior was this alluring I wondered how the interior would look. As soon as the car came to a halt in front of the entrance Francesca walked out of the house waddling towards them with a smile.
"Ruva! Is that really you? You finally left your homeland and graced us with your presence on this far aside of the world."
"The pleasure is all mine Francesca dear," I said giving her a hug as best I could. "Why was I not informed I would soon be an auntie," I asked glaring at Nico.
"Did I not inform you? Forgive me," he said scratching his head ashamed at forgetting to tell his best friend.
Nico instructed one of his staff members to get my belongings and place them in the guest bedroom. Deciding not to tell Francesca the real reason behind her visit they enjoyed each other's company as Nico had to rush off to work.
"Ruva, are these the only clothes you brought," she asked frowning at the pair of jeans and skirt I placed upon the hanger in the closet. Folding a few tips and placing them on a shelf.
I just shrugged not responding to her question hoping she would just drop the topic of clothing all together which I knew she wouldn't.
"Come with me," she said struggling onto her feet and pulling me out of the room. The next thing I knew we were being driven down a street of clothing stores. Walking into one, Francesca was greeted fondly by the manager as asked them to look for clothing in my size.
"You don't have to do this, I have clothes."
"Nonsense, you will accept them. They are a gift from me to you," she said with a warm smile. Very well. But the next shopping spree is on me," I told her knowing she would refuse my offer to even pay for a single item.
Returning home exhausted we settled down and caught up on old times. She was impressed by how I had expanded my fathers’ bakery business into multiple stores around my motherland, Zimbabwe, and soon a few more would be opening up in South Africa and Botswana. Our products were always fresh and made with prime ingredients, never being a fan of the current trend of mixes, my father preferred doing everything from scratch. Because of this, the flavour was richer and people came back for more. We catered to every class be it vegetarians, diabetics, we had it all. I guess that's why restaurant owners demanded we supply them with products for their desert menu, lessening the chefs' work load. Only people we trusted were employed by us, this was a family business, and family was important to my father. I guess he never considered that when he married me off to that brute of a husband of mine.
Turning my focus more towards her I learnt she was due in three months’ time, and was beyond excited. Anyone could see her excitement though she complained of pregnancy related issues, such as back pain and the frequent trips to the bathroom.
They fell asleep only to wake up when they heard Nico laughing holding his phone.
"Tell me you did not just take a picture of me drooling," Francesca asked stretching her arms.
"Why would I ever do that? That picture would be very embarrassing meaning I would have something to hold against you so you can do my bidding," he said trying to hold in his laughter.
"Nico, I didn't see you there," I said standing up.
Before he could react I snatched the phone out of his hands making a run for it.
"You are out of shape old man," I teased him as Francesca laughed at her poor husband.
Stopping by the edge of the pool I knew he would catch me whether I ran left or right.
"Who is an old man now," he said with a grin walking towards me.
"Nico, remember I cannot swim," I said acting innocent as he changed his expression looking worried for a second before a wide grin formed on his face.
"Liar," he said taking a step towards me as I jumped into the water easily resurfacing as he laughed at me.
Looking at Francesca we had a silent conversation which resulted in him joining me in the water. By the time he resurfaced I was already out wrapping a towel around myself.
"Nico look down," Francesca said as we both giggled at his cheeky grin.
His suit was drenched as he struggled to remove his jacket. Looking down he saw his phone in the water and just gave them a lopsided smile.
"I'm glad you find this amusing, now how will I ever retrieve all my contacts?"
Looking at Francesca we just both shrugged saying, "Well you started it."
"I should have never left you two alone," he said as Francesca handing him a towel.
Taking the phone out of his hands I frowned seeing it still operational.
"Waterproof case," he said pulling the phone out of the case walking into the house, laughing at their perplexed expression.
After dinner I turned in for the night, little did I know that sleep would become my tormentor.