Gabrielle's POV
I felt my hair being pulled. Marisa and the entire cheer squad came over and sat by me.
"Thank you."
They ended up losing the game. Jacob's gonna be so pissed.
"Alright back on the field. Line up and start screaming."
I was at the front of the line on the right side.
"You know this drill too. Their names and numbers are gonna get called and they're gonna run through the line."
Jacob was at the front of that line too. His name was called and he ran passed everyone. When he got up to me we hugged quickly. Everyone said "aww."
When everyone was done running passed us we ran to the center of the field then got into lines. We sat down until our names were called.
"When you get called you can do a flip or just run to your families. Then you can leave."
"Gabrielle Blue."
I got up and did a cartwheel then ran into J's arms.
"That was sick G."
"Thank you! I love tumbling! From what I saw you guys were good. Even though you lost."
"They're so running laps on Monday. Now we just gotta do this over again next week."
Monday came around then out schedule started all over again. Monday-Saturday we had practice. Today was going well until I saw the new additions to the squad.
"Why are you four here?"
"If it's that easy for her then it's easy for us.I really wish I could kick her off this squad."
"Well I'm captain so sucks to be you."
"Marisa? Can I go sit down? Please?"
"We're almost done. I'm so sorry. Switch with Kenzie. That way you're in front of me."
Jacob wasn't kidding when he said they were running extra laps.
"Each time we lose your asses are running extra!"
We all just laughed at the boys complaining.
"You girls are done for today. Good job."
I went to the bleachers and started chugging my water.
They ran around the field one more time then Jacob ran back over to me. He clearly was out of breath.
"You okay there?"
"I have no idea."
We waited for Cel to pick us up. When she got there we raced to the car.
I was the first to get to the car.
"I WON!"
We both got in the car.
"How was practice?"
"It was okay. The guys are gonna kill me tomorrow. All we did was run six laps."
"It was fun. I got to tumble more!"
"I guess that's your favorite thing to do?"
We got back to the house and sat down to do homework.
"Dude I hate math. I keep checking my work over but none of the freaking answers I get are options."
"What'd you get for 10?"
"I wouldn't copy my answer. With my luck it's wrong."
"I got 30."
"What? How?"
"I just divided everything by 5."
"I don't want to do this anymore. I'm exhausted and sweaty. I'm in desperate need of a shower."
"Same here."
It took us like 2 hours to finish homework. We took a shower (in different bathrooms by the way) then we got ready for bed.
"You sleeping in here again?"
"Is that okay?"
While we were cheering at an away game we heard bodies clash. I mean we normally hear it happen but this time it just sounded worse. The announcer said someone was hurt.
"Take a knee."
Please don't be number 6. Please don't be 6. Please do not be number 6.
"It looks like two people are hurt. It looks like it's one person from each school. Number 23 from the home team and number 6 from the visiting school."
Did I just hear 6?!
"Marisa. Did they just say "number 6"?"
"Yeah. He's down."
I got up then started running.
"You can't go over there!"
I ran onto the field.
I practically slid on the turf. I saw him on his side kicking the ground.
"Gabrielle? You're not supposed to be over here."
"Are you okay?"
"My wrist is killing me. I think it's sprained."
"That's it you're out of the game. You hurt your throwing hand."
"I'm fine! I've played with a broken ankle before."
"Even after you got told not to. I can already see the swelling from here. Go get looked at."
"But I wanna watch the game."
"Get your ass over to the bleachers and sit. You can leave after halftime.I'll have a EMT look at it."
“Fine. Fine. I’ll go get looked at.”
He stood up and walked over to the bleachers. I walked with him until I was told to get back into my line. I couldn’t watch him so I’m not sure if he was getting looked at or not. I hope this game is over soon. I’m getting tired.
During our halftime routine something went wrong. My stunt group wasn't at fault