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Chapter 4

Jacob's POV

"So let's debate on her scent now. I say she smells like roses."

"Maybe her scent is a mixture of lavender and roses?"

"Oo yes that could be it. Interesting combo."

                    *Phone call with Harvey.*

"Did you get your schedule yet?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Who do you have for home room?"

"I've got coach."

"I'm stuck with him last period."

"He's nice though. I've had him every year."

"Dude. He probably likes you because you do football. He's the coach of the team and basketball team. He's gonna hate me."

"And I'm captain of the football team. Your point? Wait are you trying to tell me you quit basketball?"

"Yes. Max is gonna kill me."

"Well sucks to be you. Alright I gotta go. My mom's yelling at me."

"Bye. I'll see you before you die."

"Dude I might ditch."

"Of course you are."

*End of phone call*

"Hey Jacob?"

I turned around and saw Gabrielle.

"What's up?"

"I'm going to school with you tomorrow. I'm extremely nervous."

"You'll be okay. You're gonna be in all my classes. Just sit with me and you'll be okay."

"Also. Can I sleep in here with you?

"Yeah. My bed should be big enough. What's wrong? You look like you're about to cry."

"What if no one likes me?"

"You can wear one of my football jackets. That way no one will mess with you."

"What's football?"

I did my best to try to explain it.

"I'm captain of the team. There's practice tomorrow. You can sit on the bleachers and watch."

"What do you guys practice for?"

"Every Saturday we have games."

I grabbed my phone so I could set an alarm.

"What's that?"

"Oh this? It's my phone. I'll show you how to use it during lunch tomorrow."


We laid down in bed then fell asleep. My alarm went off at 6 am. I woke up with my arms around her and her arms on my waist. We got up then started to get ready. We had to get there early so with could meet with the principal.

"You can go through the jackets in the closet and see if there's one you want to wear."

"What's that?"

She pointed to a small blue shirt.

"Oh that? That's an old gym shirt. You can see if it fits you if you want. I think we have gym as soon as we get there."

I checked my schedule.


"What do you guys do?"

"We warm up then we learn some stupid game then we play it."


She threw some old gym clothes I had on. I told her she had to put regular clothes in a bag so she can change out of them after gym. Once we got to school we had to meet with Athena (the principal) after we met with her we went to where my locker is. I put my stuff in it.

"Why are you putting stuff in there?"

"So I don't have to carry everything. I come back before lunch and I switch everything out."

"Oh. Do I have one?"

"We can share one."


She put her stuff in my locker.

"Let's get to gym."

We got to where the locker rooms are. I'm not supposed to but I waited over by her.

"So what do I do here?"

"You go in. Put your stuff down. After class you change into regular clothes,get your stuff, then wait by the door until the bell rings. You can leave the jacket on. Oh hey Bebe!"

"Hey Jacob. Who is this?"

"This is Gabrielle. I'll explain at lunch. But can you keep an eye on her for me?"

"Yeah sure."

"I like your hair."

"Thank you. My brother put hair dye in my soap. So now I look like bubble gum."

"Where's Max?"

"Stuck in English."


"I gotta go. Coach is yelling at me. I'll see you in a bit."

I walked back over the correct line. I looked over and I could tell Gabrielle was nervous.They let us in so we could change if we had too then we put our stuff down. A little while later we got let into the gym. Gabrielle saw me then ran up to me.

"That was so weird. Everyone was just staring at me."

"It's probably because you're new. No one knows who you are."

"That kind of makes sense."

We got told what lines we had to sit in. Obviously Gabrielle and I got put in the same line.

"Just watch what I do. You'll be fine."

"Everyone's still staring at me."

"You'll be fine."

After attendance was taken we had to warm up.

"You okay back there?"

"I think so!"

"Alright everyone sit down so I can explain how to play badminton."

I hate playing badminton. I can't run around.

"Get in teams of three."

Gabrielle, Bebe,and I got into a team.

"If you want you can sit down and see how this annoying game is played."

I served the birdie first.

(Author's note~I'm well aware it's called a shuttlecock. In my old school it was called a birdie.)

"Bebe, have I mentioned how much I hate this game?"

"Yes. Every time we play this."

I hit the birdie and it went really high. It got stuck on a part of the roof.



"Can I try to play?"

"Sure. You can switch out with me."

Bebe  handed her a racket. We started playing again. She's actually kind of good at this.

"Hey! I don't suck!"

I laughed.

"You're better than me."

"What do I do about classes? I know nothing."

"Copy what I write."

We won both of our games. After class ended while I was going back into the locker rooms to change Bebe grabbed my arm.

"Just so you know some girls were giving her crap."


"Star,Inez,Ava,and Chloe. Mostly Star. She told me not to tell you but I had to in case they do something."

"Of course it was them. Okay thank you. We should go before we get detention."

I went back in the locker room and threw some more deodorant on along with clean clothes. They let us out of the locker rooms five minutes later. which is early. I walked over to the girl's locker room and waited outside the door until everyone came out.

"Hey Gab. So I heard some girls were giving you issues?"

"Yeah. I don't understand why. We don't even know each other."

"High school  kids can be cruel. Especially the girls. Star thinks she runs the school but she really doesn't."

"Oh shit. She's Dawn's girl."

"Guys he knows what we said."

"Note to self:Do not mess with the new girl."

"We should run."

She grabbed my hand and we walked to our next class. In English class we sat at a table in the front. Athena told our teachers about Gabrielle so we wouldn't get in trouble for sharing work. I saw she was struggling to keep up. I moved my notebook over so she could copy my notes.

"You okay?"

"Besides having a hard time keeping up. I think I'm okay."

A few hours later it was 1 o'clock so we had to go to lunch. We went back to my locker and changed our binders and whatnot. Once we sat down I showed her how to use a phone. I also told Maxwell and Bebe about Gab.

"Ohh so that makes sense why she kept asking me all those questions."

About 2 hours later school was over and it was time for practice.

"It's only two hours. We'll leave soon."


I ran over to my team.

"GUYS! I swear if we lose to North Beach again you're all running extra laps."

Everyone groaned.

"Really Jacob?"

"Parker. Have you gotten faster?"

"I don't know."

"I'm not joking. Every year we lose to them. If we lose then we're not doing the big end of the season dinner."

"Jacob you're being cruel."

"What? I gotta give you motivation. The goal is to at least get to the playoffs."

"Ugh. Coach why are you letting him treat us like this?"

"I agreed on it."

Everyone groaned again.

"Alright start running."

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