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Chapter 3

Gabrielle's POV

Why is everything so dark? Why can't I move?

Diana? Are you there? Hello?

"Hi I'm here. I don't know where we are but this bed is comfortable."

I hear everything around me I hear nurses talking I hear people in the hallway talking. But I can only talk to my wolf. Wait those two voices I know them. Wait CELESTIA!

"Are you sure?"

"I'M POSITIVE! SHE WAS MOM'S BEST FRIEND! DON'T YOU REMEMBER THAT BRACELET SHE GAVE US! she gave it mom for her birthday... she wore it everyday.."

Come on get up before Cel leaves.


"Bye hon love you!"

"Love you too ma"

CRAP! Too late!

"You still need to wake up"

"Thank you caption obvious"

There's conversations going on all around me. That boy Jacob keeps checking on me so it's mainly his and a female and male voices I hear often.

"Why is he worrying about me?"

"Do I really gotta spell it out for you?"

"No. I get it. I get it. Chill.But he doesn't even know me."

I want and need to wake up. I feel like I'm trapped all over again and I hate it. I feel the metal of my necklace and bracelet on me still giving me a sign of relief. If I lost those I'd lose the last link to my parents and pack. I feel a presence enter my room and I start to see light.

The first thing I see when my eyes open was an IV with fluids in my arm and someone's legs. I scanned my surroundings and then saw body attached to the legs. It's the boy from the woods Jacob. All I remember is Diana yelling about how he was my mate then darkeness struck.

"Where-where am I?"

I tried to sit up on the bed but was kept down by two arms.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. You're extremely weak. You're in the hospital."

"So that explains the IV. I feel weird."

He chuckled at me being loopines.

"Ooooo buttons! What does this one do? And up and down and up and down"

"Ok and I'm taking this away from you now Gabby."

"Aw why?"

"You're being really weird and cringy right now.."

"Buzzkill. You're cute. But a buzzkill."

"What the hell kind of medication did they give you?"

I fell back asleep and woke back up a few hours to people talking again.

"She's really loopy. You sure you wanna talk to her?"

"I've know this girl all her life. I'm positive."


"What? She kept pushing the bottom saying "up and down" over and over again."

Celestia walked into my room.

"Nice to see you haven't changed sweetheart."

The brightest smile came across my face. Just the sight of a familiar face that I've know for years was calming. I wanted to run and jump into her arms and tell her how much I miss her and how much of a relief it was to see her but I couldn't do half those things. She's like a second mother to me. When my parents were busy she'd take care of me. When we got ambushed she was visiting and somehow must've manged to escape since she explained how she thought she and her daughter Carolyn were the last of our kind. She grabbed my hand at one point and noticed the bracelet.

"Before my parents hid me, my mom gave me it. She never took it off you know. She took extra care of it."

"If I could've I would've taken you with me. That was always our plan. If anything were to happen to the pack I'd take care of you. If I didn't leave right before it happened I would've."

We both began crying talking about my parents and how happy we all were together. Cel put her arm around me and I did the same, we embraced each other,and cried for I don't know how long.

"Sorry to interrupt but mom Kar and Chris need you. They're freaking out over something and I keep saying no. Help."

Jacob has this petrified look as he pleads for his mom's help.

"Are they with you?"




Jacob tried his best to hide by my bed

"Karla. Christina. Why are you giving your brother a problem?"

"Well you see..."

"We wanna go to the mall with the girls but he won't let us."

"And why's that." Cel questioned.

"Because he doesn't like our clothing."


This seems like a family issue so I'm just gonna sit here and erm watch the show?

"Jacob. It's shorts and a crop top."


"Jacob stop shouting. Let them wear what they want."

"Sorry. But I'm their brother. It's my job to be protective of them."

"Yes but sometimes you're too protective."

"Way overly protective."

"Superly overly- pro"

"Ok I get it jeez..."


"GO GO GO GO!!!"

He facepalmed himself knowing he crossed a line with his baby sisters.

"Sisters. Gotta love em. Even though they drive me crazy sometimes."

"How many do you have?"

"3. They're all triplets."

Weeks later I was discharged from the hospital but I've got no clothes except for this gown, no place to go, and I'm still weak.

"Cel will take us in if we ask. She'd do it in a heartbeat you know it."

"You have a point. I just-just don't wanna be a burden or a memory that she couldn't save mom and dad."

"Stop that talk. You know that's not true."

I look down at my necklace that hangs about 22 inchs (61 cms) down to my sternum and pick up the charm at the end. The fear from that night came flashing back. Why now?


"Gabs wake up! Something's wrong! I hear mommy and daddy talking about something!"

"DeDe  you know what they said about doing that.it's not nice."

" We have to do something about Gabrielle!"

"How do we get her out of here Rose?"

"Cel can get her out of here."

"Alpha Logan there's no more time. They've gotten inside."

"Shit! Go wake Gabby we need to hide her!"


"Gabby? Sweetie? You need to wake up love."

I felt a hand try and shake me awake.

"I don't wanna go to school. My teacher hates me!"

"Don't worry about that my pup." My father responded.

My mother picked me up and my parents started running for their lives. All around us a horrified 6 year me saw wolves fighting each other. I was brought to a shelter of some sort. My dad opened the door and I was brought in and placed on a couch. My mom took her bracelet off her wrist and a necklace out of her pocket and placed both on me.

"Now no matter what you know we'll always love you and we'll be with you no matter what right?"



"We love you."

"I love you too"

They gave me a kisses and hugs,walked out the door,and shut it behind them. That's the last I saw them. 

*End Of Flashback*

Why is this is this coming back to me now? 11 years later. Why does it want to haunt me?

I hear a knock on the door and turn to see it's Jacob with a pair of clothes.

"You okay?"

"I think so. Just remembered something about home and I don't know why that's all."

"Oh well I'm not gonna push you to talk about it if you don't want to but if you do I'm here."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. I brought some clothes for you to change into and then we can leave. I'll wait. It's some of my old clothes from when I was little. I couldn't find any others for you."

I thanked him and took the clothing from his hands then walked into the bathroom.

I try my hardest to get the clothes on since I'm since a bit weak. I stumbled across the bathroom getting dressed.

"Everything alright in there?" A worried Jacob asked.

"Yeah. No. Maybe. Kinda. I think. I GOT IT!"

minutes of struggling later I was fully dressed and was ready to blow this popsicle stand.

I sat down in the wheelchair and J wheeled me out the hospital doors and helped me into his car. I yawned more than talked.

"Since I can see you're still tired once we get to the pack house if you want you can rest and I'll give you a tour later. And we can wait till you're completely better before we get you clothes and whatnot. Mom  probably got some to hold you over for a while."

"Ok." I yawned again. "Thank You."


When I was all settled at the house Cel went to get me some clothes. Then she asked me if I wanted to go to school with Jacob and his sisters.

I was a little hesitant at first since I haven't been in a school since I was 6 or 7. In the end I decided I'd go. You never know. It could be good for me. She told me the principal is a family friend and they can put me in all of Jacob's classes. She went back out to get me stuff for school oh and deodorant.

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