“Kweanchana? Genova asked worriedly.
Quincy lay senseless in his arms for a moment before pulling away from him.
Genova gave him one last look before leaving.
Izzy rushed over to Quincy and fingered her hair.
"Are you OK?" She asked.
"Oh…yeah I'm fine," she smiled.
"Let's go check the house" Izzy said as she dragged her away.
The mansion has many study rooms and over ten playrooms, there is also a gymnasium and a dining room.
A flowered garden is behind the house and a large swimming pool is next to it.
A few minutes later, the clouds gathered and turned dark.
As expected, a heavy rain started and everyone went home.
"As I said, there are more than 120 rooms, feel free to choose a room with whoever you want, you can decide to stay alone too, there is enough space, the rooms are clean and comfortable, each room has a radiator and...
"Enough of the introduction, let's go" interrupted Polly.
"I'm the class representative, not you," Molly said.
"I don't care, baby" Polly smiled and left with her minions.
The rest followed and everyone started choosing rooms.
Izzy, Bae, and Quincy decided to use a bedroom.
Reece stayed with Red.
Trinidad stayed with Polly.
Molly was left alone.
Genova walked into a room and peeked out to make sure Craig wasn't following him.
When he saw he was nowhere to be found, he sighed and closed the door.
"At least no Craig to bother," he said and started to walk in but shockingly, Craig is sitting on the bed smiling at him.
"You scared me!" Genova gasped as she clutched her chest.
"Do you really think you can take me away from me?" Impossible,” Craig said as he stood up.
"Why are you still determined to frustrate me?" Genova said, taking her bag to the closet.
"Because I love you so much Genny!" He answered and jumped on her from behind.
"Stop Craig!" Genova said trying to shake him but he held on so tight
"You can't push me away, you're mine" Craig laughed.
"Do you always have to act like this?" Genoa was breathing.
"Of course honey," Craig replied, kissing her cheek.
"Craig, I'm going to kill you," Genova said.
"Kill me honey" Craig replied and Genova's legs hit the bed, they both fell on it.
"The rain is getting heavier," Craig said as he let him go.
"It's going to rain all day," replied Genova.
"I love this room, it's so warm like my bedroom" smiles Craig.
"I hate hot rooms, I like cold," Genova replied.
"I know, you're still the opposite of normal, and that's why your room is still freezing," Craig replied.
Genova fell silent, thinking about when he grabbed Riri earlier.
“Are you hungry like me? Craig asked.
"I'm just thinking"
" Enough to?" Craig asked.
"I really hate meddling in things that don't concern me but... it's become difficult since she arrived at Maybelline" he replied, staring into space.
" Who?"
"Riri...you know I even swore in front of her that I would never meddle in her business again but earlier I caught her when she was falling, I wanted to ignore her but I couldn't" said he and Craig smiled.
"Welcome to my world...the world of minding other people's business," Craig said.
"I knew you wouldn't have anything profitable to say, punk," Genova replied.
“The song in the car earlier is a heartbreaking song dedicated to him, isn't it? Craig said.
" I don't know"
"It happened to Heejin once, so I wouldn't be surprised if he did it again," Craig replied.
“Heejin? »
"Did you forget about Heejin? Our high school girl, Jung Heejin" Craig replied.
"Oh...that girl" replied Genova.
"Remember how she confessed to Reece and Reece publicly disgraced her?, Heejin was bullied by the girls after that, she left school out of shame and almost killed herself because the news was all over Seoul, she was tagged THE SHAMELESS LOVERGIRL, I heard she had facial surgery and moved to Japan with her dad,” Craig said.
"I heard it too" replied Genova.
And do you know the most surprising part? Huh," Craig said.
“He had lunch with Riri on the roof of the school? asked Genoa.
"Yeah, I saw them yesterday, remember he had his cupcake the other time too, and he's showing it a lot of attention, pretending to like it but in the end... Riri might end up like Heejin, Reece is a monster, is he really your twin?" says Craig.
"He is," Genova replied slowly.
"Anyway, let's go to the game room, I want to play games," Craig said.
"I don't want...I'm so tired I need to take a nap, take this moment as my nap," Genova replied.
"I don't either, please please," Craig begged.
Genova covered her ears with the pillow
" Please!!!!!!!" Craig shouted.
Genova took off the pillow and sat down on the bed.
"I must have done something wrong to you in your past life, and that's why you're still on my throat," he said.
“I love you Genny! Craig smiled like a clown and Genova laughed as she left the room with him...
Quincy looks lost as she puts her clothes in the closet, wondering why Genova surprised her earlier.
He promised not to interfere anymore so why did he save her?
This question raced through his head and all the components of his head failed to come together to produce an answer.
Izzy nudged her and she jumped.
"You're already on Pluto I guess, what were you thinking?" She asked.
“Me?, Nothing,” she replied and Bae appeared.
"She's probably thinking about her Reece," she said and Quincy smiled.
"Not really" she said.
"So...what should we do first? It's raining a lot and I'm really cold," Izzy said.
"Hell is hot, not cold" Bae replied and Izzy burst out laughing.
"I'm cold as heaven," she said.
“Heaven is hot,” Bae replied.
"So what's cold?"
“Genny,” Bae replied.
"Genny?, I think he's nice and cool, than Reece," Izzy replied.
"He's nice and cool but he's cold and he rarely talks but when he does talk he's stern and funny at the same time, he has a bad face," Bae said.
"Everyone knows, I think he's unusual and...crazy," Izzy replied.
"Hey, you don't say anything" Bae said, facing Quincy.
"I prefer... to listen" she said
"Sure, when it's not about Reece," Izzy replied.
"Enough about them two, let's talk about Craig," Bae said.
"And that's where I have to say no in caps" Izzy replied and rushed out of the room, Bae running after her.
“Why am I the only one who likes Reece? Even his brother hates him,” Quincy thought.
She slowly left the room and met Reece in front, her eyes lit up
"Ree" she smiled.
He is holding a hoodie.
"It's cold, you can't catch a cold yunno" he smiled and approached.
He closed it and started carrying it for her.
She stared at him from cover to cover, wishing she could kiss his thin lips.
*How can a guy be so caring?*
He finished wearing it for her and zipped up before covering her head with the hood.
"It's hot" she smiled.
"Yeah, that's why I brought it...are you ok?" He said.
She hugged him tightly and he smiled.
*We're getting there* he thought.
"Gomawo (thank you)" she said, smiling over his shoulder.
Genova was returning from the playroom with Craig at the time.
"Aww! Sweet feelings," Craig said and Quincy quickly broke the hug.
"Let's go" Genova said and pulled Craig back.
They left for the living room.
"See you later" Reece smiled and Quincy waved at him as he entered his room.
She came downstairs and sat between Izzy and Bae, they were all watching a series... SNOWDROP
"Featured Jisoo?" she said and Bae faced her.
"Yeah, that's so interesting," she replied.
“Oh…I guess. Quincy smiled, feeling uneasy.
The torrential rain is still falling outside.
She looked around and detected that everyone was happy.
Some lovers are cuddling while others are in the movie.
Some are in their phone while others are snacking.
His eyes fell on Genova who was wearing his headphones as usual, leaning against the chair he was sitting on, eyes closed.
She blinked for a minute and Craig covered Genny's face with his palm.
She looked at Craig and Craig pointed to Reece who had just entered the room.
"Look at him instead, Genny is mine," he said and Quincy looked away.
"Breakfast ready" Molly announced and most of them stood up.
"Call it brunch instead, it's a few minutes to eleven" Polly said as they all headed for the dining room.
It's large and spacious as expected, containing various tables, above which are various dishes.
Each table is for three, so everyone sat down with their partners.
Trinidad again received a call from her mother and wanted to cut it off, but Polly snatched the phone from her.
"Again?, I'll talk to him," she said and swiped green, but Trinidad started to struggle with her, trying to pick up the phone again.
"Why? We're friends and I can't even touch your phone?" Polly struggled with it.
"Give it back to me, it's mine!" cried Trinidad.
"Your mom calls and you don't even want to choose for no reason? Tell me why," Polly replied.
Everyone stopped to watch the drama.
"You don't need to know" Trinidad replied and pushed her.
Polly staggered and fell on one of the tables, she ended up falling on the floor and all the food on the table spilled on her, the phone broke.
Everyone gasped and Trinidad covered her mouth with her palm.
Polly looked at the crumbs of food on her and slowly stood up.
"I'm so sorry Pollyanna...I never meant to...
A resounding slap silenced Trinidad, Polly slapped her hard.
"For the rest of the day, don't talk to me," she barked and Red appeared.
" What is happening here ? he said trying to touch her but she slapped his hand.
"Touch me and it won't end well... fool!" She snapped and left.
"Polly is waiting!, Polly I'm sorry" Trinidad rushed after her.
"Polly!, I'm sorry for being late," Red said, also rushing after her.
"It's already a god, what's left is a temple," Genova said.
"You can build that for her," Craig replied and Genova stared at him as they sat down to eat.
Reece appeared and knowingly bumped into their table, spilling their food.
" Oh my God ! Sorry,” he said, pretending to be real.
Genova smiled slowly, knowing her true colors.
If it was really a mistake, Reece will never say sorry.
"I'm sorry Craig, bro, I'm sorry, okay?" he said and quickly left.
"When you get home, secretly cut some of his hair off while he sleeps and take it to the lab for a DNA test, I mean...Reece is crazy," Craig said.
Genova got up and left the room.
"Wait for me asshole!" Craig said, running after him but he met Izzy by the door, who had just entered.
Izzy ignored him and wanted to come in but he pulled her back, forcefully leading her into the empty living room.
"What happened between us on orientation day?" I don't remember, but I always felt like something happened,” he said.
"Nothing happened," she answered flatly.
"Fly away" Izzy glared and started to leave but he blocked her.
"Just tip me...tip please, I'm about to go crazy" he begged.
Izzy smiled and leaned over.
"Then go crazy" she whispered before leaving.
"Izzy!!!!" He screamed, shaking the entire living room.
The rain is about to stop, it has become less abundant.
Everyone is in one game room or the other, playing games.
Craig is busy winning every game, he's a pro.
Reece is his competitor.
The girls played Scrabble and Molly is obviously ahead
Genova just threw plastic arrows in the dart board although he never hit the target, he is not good at archery.
He continued to shoot arrows off target until Craig appeared.
"Can you just get back to your game? I'm happy alone, I don't want you to be disturbed," he said.
"I'm tired of winning every time so I came to play with you... but what the hell are you doing?" Craig replied
" Sense?"
"You haven't hit the bullseye for once, you're bad at archery, so there's something you're bad at…whoa!" Craig smiles.
"Go away" replied Genova throwing another arrow but it still didn't hit the center of the target.
"There's a trick to archery, should I tell you?" Craig asked.
Genoa ignored him.
"If you think of someone you hate a lot and you throw the arrow, you'll hit the bullseye," Craig said and Genova looked on.
"I'm serious, try to think of someone you hate," Craig said and Genova fired another arrow.
He took a deep breath and repositioned himself before tossing it.
He hit the bullseye!
"I told you!, I told you honey...it worked!" Craig yelled and Genova walked away from the dart board.
"So, who did you think of?" Craig asked following him.
"You" answered Genova.
"Hey... Genny you're in a death zone... I'm going to kill you!!!" Craig yelled and Genova quickly ducked away, smiling as Craig chased after him again.
He stopped when he saw a scene.
In the girls' area, Quincy wanted to sit down but Red took his chair away unnoticed and his butt landed on the floor.
Everyone laughed as Izzy helped her up.
Red winked at Polly and left the room.
"I'll be right back * Genova said and left too.
Red was walking down the hall when someone pulled him into a dark room.
"Who the hell!" He screamed and received numerous punches and kicks within three minutes. He bled from the mouth before Genova walked out of the room.
"F*ck him" he muttered and left the house, going to the pool downstairs.
He sat down next to it and sighed looking at his hands.
"I need to get checked, I think my brain is gone...why did I beat Red?" He wondered.
Quincy slowly entered the flower garden, hoping to see Reece soon.
He was actually the one who invited her there.
It has stopped raining for a few minutes although it is cold, it is freezing cold!
It is already dark but the garden has also been illuminated with colored lights, it is magnificent.
Someone suddenly pulled her from behind and it turned out to be Reece.
"Ree" she smiled.
"You kept me waiting," he said.
"I'm sorry" she answered.
“You look pretty, your glasses are cute,” he said.
"Thank you" she blushed.
He took out a flower petal and tied it to his hair.
"It makes you prettier," he said.
"Thank you," she replied, shyly tucking a lock of her hair behind her ear.
"Why are we here?" She asked
"Don't you want to be with me? I want to spend time with you," he replied.
"Me too, I'm glad we came" she replied.
Reece expected her to say whatever he wanted as they fell silent, but she didn't.
*I want to end this game soon, soon* he thought.
"Oh... cosmos flower... I love it!" she said, seeing him in front of them.
She wanted to go but he pulled her back and made their lips meet.
Her eyes widened when she felt his lips on hers.
He kissed her briefly and left her in shock.
" You have nothing to say to me ? he asked, reaching into his pocket, putting on the dictaphone.
"I....I....* She stuttered
" What?" he replied, stroking her cheek.
"I love you," she said and he smiled.
"Yes, I love you very much Reece, like crazy...I love you so much, I want to go out with you" she replied and he smiled wider.
“Laugh? " He said.
"Ne, saranghe (yes, I love you)" she replied.
"Close your eyes" he said and she did.
For more than five minutes, it was silent.
She opened her eyes but he left.
“Rece? She called, looking around but no sign of him.
“Rece? »
"Where did he go?" She thought as she touched her lips.
"He kissed me," she smiled as she walked by the pool.
A hand suddenly pushed her inside and her whole body froze!
It's super cold!
His toes and fingers curled up and his body shook in the water, making it impossible to swim
The cold made his limbs cramp.
She started to drown.
Genova walked over to that side of the pool and noticed there was something there.
"What is this?" he muttered, looking closer.
His eyes widened when he saw a hand.
He wasted no time in jumping into the pool.
He grabbed whoever from behind and dragged her out.
He was shocked when he found out it was Riri. she is already unconscious.
"Riri!, Rihanna!, Hey!" he cried, holding her face and shaking her.
It's amazing that his glasses didn't fall into the pool, it must be so tight.
He kept calling her name but when that didn't yield any positive results, he took a deep breath and leaned over her.
He held his nose with one hand before covering his lips with his, blowing air into his mouth.