"Why haven't they come back yet, it's getting too late," Linabae said worriedly.
“Izzy and Huey? Craig asked beside her.
"Yes, they've been gone for ten minutes," she replied, standing up.
"Let's go check on them," Craig said and they left the classroom together, meeting Polly and Trinidad near the door.
Polly has that knowing smile playing on her lips as she walks past them.
Craig got suspicious and walked faster, Linabae walked behind him until they got to the bathroom.
A foul smell is everywhere when they arrived in the hallway.
“Laugh! Bae called but only the echo of her voice answered.
“Izy! Craig yelled and the same thing happened.
Bae started to cough lightly, as did Craig.
"The air here is stuffy," she coughed, covering her nose as she opened the first door.
Her eyes are almost popping out of their sockets from what she sees.
The room was filled with flames, the two girls lay unconscious on the floor with bleeding noses.
“Shit!, Huey!, Izzy! Bae screamed and ran but Craig pulled her back.
His nose is already bleeding.
"Your nose" she said shockingly.
"Yours is bleeding too" he replied and she touched his nose, it was really bleeding.
"I think the flame is toxic, we should put it out first," he said and she nodded.
Craig covered his nose with his palm and entered the flaming room, he looked for the container and luckily he found it not far from the door.
He took it and threw it in the zinc, he poured water on it and as soon as the water came in contact with it, the flames stopped.
Linabae came in and knelt next to Riri, she's definitely far from conscious.
" Rihanna ! " She screamed.
“Izy! Craig shouted, kneeling beside her as well.
"Let's get them out quickly, quickly please!" Bae said urgently.
With difficulty, she carried Quincy while Craig carried Izzy.
They ran out of the restroom and the students gathered to watch them both exit the block.
The school ambulance met them as soon as they left the block, they were both placed and taken away, Linabae followed the ambulance while Craig returned to class to collect their bags.
The last class is already underway and everyone looks surprised to see his bloody nose.
"Craig" Genova said standing up.
"I'm fine, something terrible happened in the toilet" he replied, taking his bag.
"You're bleeding," Genova said worriedly.
"Riri and Izzy have been locked in the toilet and a toxic flaming container has been thrown with them, the ambulance has already taken them away, Bae has followed them, I have to go too, I think I have been affected" says he weakly.
Polly smiled wickedly at Trinidad.
"Bitch" she muttered.
"Is not it?" Trinidad whispered back.
"I'm going with you," Genova said, also picking up her bag.
Craig led the way and they both left the class.
Linabae was talking with the doctor when Craig arrived with Genova, she looks tense.
"What's new?" Craig asked.
"He said it's called flaming poison, it's dangerous if inhaled and according to the scan they inhaled a lot and..."
"And what?" asked Genoa.
"The other girl, I'm afraid she's badly affected," the doctor said.
“You mean Riri? Linabae said fearfully.
"Yeah, the one with the glasses," he replied.
"Please save her, save them both," Bae pleaded.
"I promise to do my best, I promise" replied the doctor.
"We inhaled it too, we should get treated," Craig said.
"Follow me you two" replied the doctor and led them away.
Genova stood in front of the room for a moment before entering.
Izzy is on the first bed, Quincy is on the second.
He glanced around and sighed, looking at the two.
"Polly...Red, Trinidad," he said slowly.
He had actually seen them coming out of the bathroom hallway when he was returning to class earlier.
"How far are they going to go?" he said looking at Quincy.
"Idiot, I hope he breaks your heart so you learn your lesson the hard way," he said, shoving his hand into his pants pocket.
"And why do I keep getting involved with her?" He mumbled and someone entered.
He made the mistake of looking back and it turned out to be a trainee
Her eyes widened as soon as she saw him.
He actually used a mask on his way in and that's why he wasn't recognized but now... he broke out.
"SUGAR BOYS Genny!" She screamed.
His stage name is Genny.. Reece's is Ree.
He tried to tell her to shut up but it didn't work
"I've always been your biggest fan OMG Genny!!" She screamed again, attracting the others.
Before he could bend his fist, others poured in.
Autograph please!
It really is Genny!
Can I have a selfie with you please!
“Okay, I'm screwed” he thought and started to sign, hoping that Craig would come quickly and save him.
Only Reece walks around with guards, he hates guards so he is always alone.
The room got so full and he almost passed out before Craig arrived with Linabae but it got worse because whoops!, they're celebrities too and they passed out around them for their autographs too.
"Oh no" Bae whispered.
"I'm done...for," Craig said.
They started theirs until someone came with guards.
"It's illegal to suffocate celebrities like this," Reece said, standing by the door.
Everyone calmed down and turned to him.
Ree is here!
OMG Genny's twin!
I have never seen them both at the same time.
Guards poured in and with their help they were able to leave the hospital.
"Are you dumb?, You're celebrities, learn to keep your masks with you all the time," Reece said.
"So because you helped, we are stupid?" Craig said.
"I only asked one question," Reece replied and Genova plugged in her headphones before getting into her car.
"Craig, Bae I'm leaving" he said and left.
"That ungrateful kid," Reece muttered.
"Let's go Bae, we can just come back and check them out...with our masks on," Craig said and she got into his car with him.
They left, leaving Reece standing.
"They're all the same," Reece said and returned to the hospital, wearing his mask.
He went into the ward and stood between their beds.
He smiled looking at Quincy.
"She must be so dumb to think I would like someone like her," he chuckled.
"She's not bad, even with the glasses...but too bad for you, and it's too bad you're about to fall deep into my trap, it's gonna be so much fun, I just hurry" he said and smiled devilishly again.
He wanted to touch his glasses but a hand stopped him.
Kimberly threw his hand away and he glared at her.
“Did you just touch me? Who are you? he asked.
"Who are you?" Kimberly also asked and Reece took off his mask but Kimberly looked indifferent.
"Who am I? Don't you know me? He said.
"Yes, and that's why I'm asking," she answered flatly.
"Don't you know the big Reece?" He said.
"And what's so great about you? Stay away from her...demon!" she said and pushed him out of the room.
Reece put on his mask and smiled.
"Demon? You're going to pay," he said and left.
Kimberly rushed over to Quincy and almost cried.
"I told you the game is dangerous, I told you but you're not listening, how can someone be so callous to lock you in a room with flaming poison, Quincy , please wake up quick, saturday is only two days away come you have a photoshoot to do... we haven't even done the shopping... Quin please" she ends up crying.
The doctor came over to check their vital signs and smiled.
"She's recovering faster than I thought, she'll be fine," he said.
"A relative of mine once inhaled the flames by mistake and...since he's been bleeding from his nose every time, is the same going to happen to him?, huh?" she asked impatiently.
"We can't be so sure, the injections I gave will reduce the side effects though, we should wait until she wakes up first," the doctor replied.
Kimberly looked at Quincy again and hugged her on the bed.
"Laugh!!!" She cried.
"Kumbe! (Cheers!)" shouted the three accomplices as Polly mixed the soju bomb.
"Wait until I'm done mixing before you clap," Polly said as she poured the soju into their mugs.
She then added beer and put ice cubes in it.
"Ready!" She said and everyone took their cup
“Kumbe! They clinked glasses and drank.
"How refreshing," smiled Trinidad.
"Polly I love you" Red said and Polly smiled.
"I know" she said smiling.
"Today is my best day since I started dating Maybelline," Trinidad said.
"Me too" said Polly.
"I'm just glad they're unconscious, how many days will it take?" said Red.
"Ion know, and ion care" Polly licked her lips.
"Saturday is Quincy Norbert's first shoot in Korea, wait! Have you been nominated as one of his partners?" Trinity asked.
"I was... but I lost, I'm still a rising star you know... but I gotta go to the studio she's gonna use, I gotta meet her I swear, I never loved nobody my life at all... not even my twin or my dad... but I just love her like she's my sister, that feeling you know... I feel so connected" Polly smiled.
“Seeing you smile while talking about her, she has a big place in your heart,” Red said.
"Polly loves her so much" Trinidad said and her phone rang but she ignored it.
"That's your fucking mommy," Polly said.
"Ion wants to talk to him," Trinidad replied.
"You like to ignore her calls, you save something? I haven't even met her for once, I wonder if she's beautiful like my late mum," Polly said.
"I'm just…not on good terms with her," Polly replied.
"Since Trinidad isn't attending the concert next week, why don't we go Polly together?" Red asked.
Polly sipped her drink.
"Ooooo....k!" She winked.
"Really?" Red smiles.
"Yeah, but I'm just gonna pass the time, don't get any weird ideas, I'll always be in love with Genny only" she replied
"I'll wait for you to start liking me...I promise," Red said.
"Joke" said Polly and Trinidad laughed.
"That was you, wasn't it?" Molly said when she met Polly near the stairs.
They are both dressed for school.
"What me?" Polly looked at her.
"I wanted to shut up and not ask you, that's why I've been silent since Wednesday but I can't keep it anymore, you did that to Izzy and Huey, didn't you?" Molly said.
"So…" Polly said and raised her hand to Molly's cheek, rubbing it slowly.
“What if I did? Are you going to report me to dad? " She smiled
"You weren't like this before mum died, why did you suddenly change Pollyanna," Molly said.
"Oh Mollyanna, I just wanted a bit of a change and went for it, don't take it too personal" Polly said with a pitiful face and waited to see Molly's reaction.
Molly stared and Polly burst out laughing.
"Fuck you," she glared after the laugh.
She walked out angry.
Genova was about to get in his car and drive to school when Reece attacked him from behind.
He turned his back on her and slammed his back against the car.
"I always ask, why the hell did you drop me on Wednesday?" He wondered.
"Because you deserve it" replied Genova simply.
"What! You rude punk! Excuse me... excuse me!" Reece asked aloud.
Genova smiled and looked away for a moment, then he faced Reece again.
"Sorry" he said slowly.
Reece let him go and he adjusted his shirt.
"So you don't completely break your legs," Genova said again and Reece's eyes widened.
"Singing baby" Genova said and got into her car, leaving immediately.
The doorbell made Kimberly quit what she was doing.
She walked to the door and opened it to meet Linabae.
"Bae…" she smiled awkwardly.
"What's up Kim?" She smiles as she enters.
"I'm fine, didn't Quincy tell you she was traveling?" Kim said
"Travelled?, When?, To where?, Why?".
"She went to Switzerland just yesterday"
"Switzerland...yesterday?, His shooting is tomorrow," Bae said
"She'll be back before the end of today, I didn't know she didn't tell you, she had to attend a conference instead of her father there, it was a bit urgent and she was very rushed, maybe that's why she forgot to let you know," Kimberly said and Bae sighed.
"Then why is his line also cut?"
"Maybe she doesn't want to be bothered," Kimberly replied.
"I'm hurt," Bae said.
"I'm sorry on his behalf," Kim said.
"Oh no it's okay, she's mine anyway, I'll just hold my anger until she lands" Bae smiled.
"Are you sure she's perfectly fine?" Craig asked the doctor after he finished checking on Izzy.
She woke up a few minutes ago
"She's perfectly fine, although she needs rest, enough rest," he replied and Craig sighed before looking at Riri who was still unconscious.
Linabae and Kimberly are next to her.
"She'll be fine too," the doctor said.
Bae sighed and smiled briefly.
"It's surprising that you became his guardian, I didn't know you had a relative in Korea, I thought you were a complete Australian, are you a Korean-Australian like Quincy?" Bae asked.
"No, Riri is actually a...friend but I'm older, that's why she considers me her guardian since she lost her parents," Kim replied cautiously.
" Quincy came in last night and didn't even call me, but she went for another showcase in Busan, I guess I won't see her until the studio," said said Bae.
Kimberly just smiled as she looked at Quincy on the bed.
"Jebbal (please)" she whispered, hoping she would wake up already.
It's already an hour before the shooting and Quincy is still unconscious.
Izzy went to the back of the hospital for some fresh air.
Kimberly checked the time and panicked more.
"Oh no, qui please" she said.
She began to pace, visibly fidgeting.
"It's not happening...quin," she said fearfully, checking the time again.
"Kim" Quincy's voice called and Kim stopped.
She slowly turned to see Quincy already sitting on her bed.
His eyes widened. “Quincy!
"Quincy isn't here yet?" Linabae asked the first model she met after coming out of her dressing room
There are already thirty minutes left before the shooting.
She is already dressed in her red tight dress, her hair was curled and let down on her back and shoulders.
She looks totally different.
"She's not here yet, I'm afraid she can't come" replied the girl.
Bae tried her line again and surprisingly she rang and she chose.
"Where are you Quin?" she asked urgently.
"I'm on my way" she answered.
Bae hung up and Craig came out of his dressing room looking so sexy.
Her red suit looks great on her!, full bangs were given to her hair and her lips sparkled, her face looked perfect and she throbbed helplessly.
"Bae," he waved at her, walking towards her.
"Hey," she said wildly.
"Isn't she already here?" He asked
She was about to speak when loud screams filled the entire studio
She's there !
Quincy has come!
OMG the behind!
Quincy is hot!
No, she's a goddess!
How can a girl be creepy!
Damn!, she has curves!
She is magnificent !
Quincy entered the studio with Kimberly.
She wears a tight white fishnet dress, she is bare back but she wears a jacket to cover herself, her shapes and curves are perfectly revealed.
The cold look on his face added to his aura of uniqueness.
"Oh my God" Craig's eyes widened as he stared.
Everyone stared, no one will dare to ignore such beauty with shapes.
She hugged Bae when she got to her.
“I have a lot of explanations to give after the shoot,” she smiles charmingly.
"You better" Bae replied.
"Hi" Craig said.
"Hi Craig" she replied.
“Wow, do you know me? »
"Sure, Bae told you a lot about yourself," she replied and Craig smiled as they shook hands.
She smiled at the other models present and the director offered to let her in.
“Hi Quincy! A voice said from behind and looked back to see Polly.
She is dressed richly as if she is coming to see the President and she has a big smile on her face.
Quincy never spoke.
"I'm your biggest fan, Miss Quincy, I love you so much and I want to be like you, I'm your number one contender, I really want to be like you," she rushed.
"We're wasting time, go get dressed Quincy" said the general manager.
"Of course," Quincy said and walked into the locker room.
Polly smiled and adjusted her dress.
"At least I got to meet her."
Reece is home alone in the rehearsal room, trying to sing the SENSATIONS lines alone but it's impossible.
Without Genova by her side, it is always impossible to interpret the lines of their songs well and it has become a big problem.
He left the booth and fell into the chair, picking up his phone.
A hot idea popped up on his newsfeed and he only clicked to see a hottie.
He was sitting very well, looking at the picture.
"That's the popular Quincy Norbert?, Shit!" he said, staring at her.
The photo was taken outside Ginger Studios a few minutes ago.
He looked from her face to her hips and then she burst.
A video of his steps has also been posted... it's a killer!
How her hips move when she walks.
He stood up and his eyes went back to his face in the photo.
"She's pretty," he mumbled.