“Tomorrow is the departmental trip? How do we hear about it? Izzy said surprisingly when Molly announced.
Molly is the class representative.
"I'm sorry, but it's not my fault, tomorrow there is no conference because the meteorologists say it will rain from 10 am until maybe the end of tomorrow", replied Molly.
"So where are we going?" bae asked
"Our family vacation home, it's big enough to accommodate two hundred people, it has over 120 rooms," Molly replied.
" Where is it situated ? Craig asked.
"Cheongdam-dong" Polly replied arrogantly.
"Okay so when are we leaving?" asked Trinity.
"Early tomorrow morning at 8, we'll be there before 10," Molly replied.
"When are we coming back?" Linabae asked.
"We're having two days so we'll be back Thursday morning to resume classes," Molly replied and everyone was screaming.
“Are we flying? Craig asked.
"No, the school donated two long buses to accommodate us all, the ride doesn't last until 1:30 so there's no point in getting on a plane," Molly replied.
"All I know is I want to have fun, I don't care if we fly or crawl," Polly replied, silently praying for Genova to come.
"While there, Mr. Bong has some homework for us," Molly said and everyone started whispering.
Polly slapped her palms on her table and stood up, facing Molly.
"And why is Mr Bong always going to ruin everything? Holidays are for fun, giving us homework is shit!" She shouted and the majority supported her.
Polly is right.
Writing homework over the holidays won't be fun
It's gonna ruin everything
"Why do we have you as a class rep when you can't even fight for us? Go tell Mr. Bong we're not interested in the mission," Polly said.
"I can't do that," Molly answered seriously and Polly smirked.
*Do you want my palm on your cheek?" she said.
"You dare not," Molly replied.
"If you don't want an assignment during the holidays, then the holidays are cancelled," Mr Bong said as he walked into the classroom.
Everyone fell silent and Polly crossed her arms under her b**bs.
"And who are you to make such a rule, you're one hell of a lecturer" Polly glared.
" What!" said Mr. Bong and Polly laughed.
"My dad is still one of the top three contributors to this school!" She says.
" Can you get along?, One of the three major contributors...not the major owner.... Genova and Reece Alejandro are also the sons of the second major contributor, why don't they behave like a mental patient like you," Molly said.
" Mental illness?" Polly said incredibly.
"And the third person...the first contributor and the head owner of the school, Mrs. Maybelline, she's not as pompous as's funny that you're not in a mental hospital, in a patient gown,” Genova added, and Polly almost cried.
"Did you all gang up on me?, I hate everyone!!!!" she cried, tossing her hair back.
"She's going to get out of control soon, the psychotic virus can be destructive," Linabae said and Izzy laughed.
Polly looked at her angrily. "And why the hell are you laughing!, You're not allowed to laugh, you crazy girl!!" She screamed and rushed towards her.
She started pulling Izzy's hair as Izzy did the same.
"I hate you!!!" Polly screamed.
"He's a mutual psycho patient," Izzy replied, tugging more at her hair.
Polly screamed when Izzy overpowered her and surprisingly no one bothered to separate them.
"The toilet, flaming poison, you did it well!, You did it!" Izzy shouted, punching Polly in the face.
Bae smiled, crossing her arms over her chest as she watched satisfactorily, so far Izzy is taking over so that's cool.
"Polly's wing was clipped," Craig mocked.
"She was wingless from the start, she loves to brag about what she's missing," muttered Genova, wearing her headphones.
"Badass got beat is fun," smiled Reece.
Quincy got up from her seat and took Polly from Izzy, she pushed her and Polly fell into a chair.
"Are you crazy?" Polly asked with a bruised face.
"I didn't think of almost got me killed, you psychopath!" she cried, pulling his hair too.
Every time Polly tries to pull hers away, she pulls her hand away.
Quincy made sure to hurt her before letting her go.
Polly sat shamefacedly on the floor as everyone stared at her.
She stayed like that for nearly ten minutes before slowly getting up.
His hair is scattered over his face as a result of the fight.
She looked up and her eyes are already glassy.
"Is she going to cry?" Craig said surprisingly.
Polly pushed Izzy and Quincy out of the way before rushing out of the classroom.
"Well done," Linabae said, standing up.
She stroked both Izzy and Quincy's hair.
"Good job my babies" she said and they both smiled.
Molly left the classroom and went to the only place she knew she would find Polly.
She's sitting on a bench right there, crying slowly.
She approached her and sat down next to her.
"Go away" Polly sniffled, wiping away her tears.
"You're weak, I always knew that," Molly smiled.
"I told you to get lost!!!" Polly screamed.
"Your voice is always changing because you are always screaming, your throat will always hurt you I'm sure" Molly said and Polly stood up.
The tears on her face disappeared.
"I'm going to hurt you if you don't stop intervening," she said and Molly stood up.
"You just have to turn over a new don't have anyone next to you...Trinidad was in class earlier but she couldn't save you," Molly said.
"I got Red, if he gets to know that he'll kill 'em" replied Polly
"The stupid guy who loves you blindly? The one you don't love at all? That's funny" Molly smiled.
"He knows I'm using it and he's willing to let me use it, so leave me alone!" Polly shouted.
"Never mind...and...right now he's not in our department...he's not supposed to show up at the vacation home tomorrow," Molly said.
"Ion care, he's coming, I need him to protect me so he's coming with me...take it or leave it," Molly replied and left.
Quincy went upstairs and couldn't hide her surprise when she saw the table placed there.
Varieties of meals were on it, looking delicious.
Reece is already seated on one side of the table, smiling at her.
In fact, he texted her to meet him there.
"Come quickly," he said and she smiled as she walked over to the table, she sat down on the second chair.
"I wanted to have lunch with you," he said and she blushed heavily.
“I love everything here, especially the tuna,” she says.
“Do you like fish? He asked.
"Yes, my dad loves him very much and I love everything my dad loves, so I love him too," she replied.
Reece smiled and took the chopsticks, he took some fish and offered it to her.
"Say ha" he said and she opened her mouth tentatively.
He fed her and she chewed slowly.
"How is it?" He asked.
"It's delicious, for the fact that you fed me too," she replied happily and he continued to feed her.
*I love you so much Reece* she thought looking into his shining eyes as he fed her.
"Ree" she called suddenly.
"Yes?" He responded by stopping the feed.
“Do you like Quincy Norbert? She asked and he looks surprised.
"I understand"
"Her manager is my guardian, she told me you met her and exchanged lines, she said you won't stop calling her," Quincy said
Reece remembered the rude lady he had met on his ward at Cheon Hospitals the other time.
*So it's her* he thought.
*Then I have to stop communicating with Quincy for now, that dummy will fall into my trap soon anyway, once that happens then I can go back to Quincy* he thought further.
“Rece? " She called.
"Huh...I mean...yes I have her number and we communicate but...I just respect her because she's my celebrity crush, nothing more" he replied and she smiles.
"I'm relieved," she said and he continued to feed her.
"We're getting there, you can't stop falling until you spit it out, then you'll know my true intentions, I'll have fun however I want" he thought.
She keeps kissing the handkerchief in which Reece signed his autograph, she is madly obsessed with it and takes it everywhere.
She got out of the car with Kimberly and kissed the handkerchief again.
"Gosh!, I love him" she exclaimed enthusiastically.
"I promise not to apologize when he lands," Kimberly said.
"What lands?" Quincy replied
"Nothing" Kimberly said and noticed a new red car in the garage.
"'s not yours," she said.
Quincy looked at him. "Of course" she said.
The door opened and Antonio Norbert came out.
Quincy was shocked, surprised and happy all at once.
“Appa! (Dad!) She screamed and rushed over to hug him.
“Qui?, Is it really you? he said, not believing his eyes.
"I just had to transform," she replied, breaking the hug.
Antonio took off his wig and glasses, his original hair falling to his shoulders.
"She really is my daughter," he smiled.
Quincy hugged him again.
“Bogo sipeo appa (I miss you daddy) she said.
Antonio affectionately stroked her hair.
"Say what I understand, will you?" He answered and she giggled.
"I mean...I missed you daddy" she smiled
"I missed you more, that's why I came" he answered.
"You specifically came to see me or you came on business and moved here," she said suspiciously.
"Trust me, I came for you," he replied.
"I love you so much daddy...let's go" she said.
"Hello sir" Kimberly greeted.
"Kim, thank you for taking care of her...I owe you a lot" he said and Kimberly smiled.
"She needs a lot of care like a baby, I'm ready to give it to her since you asked me sir" she replied.
Antonio walked in with Quincy and looked around.
"Just what you like" he said
"Of course, Dad, it's comfortable, isn't it?" She answered.
"Yeah, I want to have dinner with you, get dressed, we're going out," he said and Quincy jumped up happily.
"Just a moment daddy" she said and rushed upstairs with Kimberly.
"Help me get dressed, I need to look as simple as possible, I'm having dinner with my daddy" she winked and Kimberly helped her into a complimentary nude colored dress.
She put on light makeup before choosing her handbag
She left home with her father and they went to a private restaurant where they sat and ate, chatting.
"So... how's the hunt going so far?" He asked and she quickly clicked on Reece's picture on her phone, she pointed to Antonio.
"He has the eyes of a flirt, his face looks mischievous, I don't look like him," he said and Quincy frowned.
"Everyone says he's flirty but I see him differently. He's a celebrity, yet he talks to me despite my camouflaged ugly appearance, he's nice and cool, trust me," she said. answered.
"Everyone says he's a flirt? Antonio said.
"Well…yes, but he's not," she defended herself.
"There must be a reason why everyone says that, you arrived a week ago remember?, you don't even know him well, be careful" answered Antonia.
" Dad...
"Just because you want a stable love life doesn't mean you have to act desperate Quin, be really careful...please...I love you very much and I don't want you to cry anymore, you are the I only have one" Antonio said seriously and she smiled.
"I'll be careful...we're going on vacation tomorrow," she said.
"Have fun, I won't be back until Wednesday but I guess I won't see you again until I leave,... Stay away from the cold water... I don't want you to get sick" he said. said.
"Saranghe appa (I love you dad)," she said.
"Nado saranghe ddal (I love you too my daughter)" he replied
"You can still speak Korean, stop pretending!" She laughed.
"Silly girl" he laughs too.
"Congratulations on your concert" said Max Immediately he entered the house.
He hadn't been there for three days, he just came back from a business trip.
"Dad" Genova smiled, walking up to meet him.
He hugged her as soon as he reached her.
"adeul (son)" he smiled.
"How was your trip?" he asked, breaking the hug.
"It went well, again congratulations on your gig, I heard it was awesome," Max said.
"Yes dad, it was the bomb" he replied.
" Dad!" Reece said as he descended.
He came to give her a hug too and Hanna arrived.
"Yeobo (darling)" she smiled, then hugged him.
"Ho are you doing?" He asked.
"I missed you," she replied and he just smiled.
"I'll walk you back to your room daddy" Reece said.
"No, don't worry, Genny come with me," he replied, leading the way.
Genova happily followed as Reece fumed.
"That bastard," he said.
Hanna held it.
"Don't be too harsh, he's still your brother," she said.
"I hate him" he replied and left.
Hanna sighed and entered too.
BA students thronged the park, each with their bags, ready for the trip.
Craig got out of Genova's car with him and the maids dragged their bags behind.
Genova never wanted to come but Craig can be a pest, he harassed him until he gave in.
“Craig! Bae waved from his seat and he waved back.
He saw Izzy next to her and Izzy looked away quickly.
"She definitely knows everything that happened on orientation day, that mean girl, but she left me to recover bits of memory," he muttered to himself.
Quincy's eyes met Genova's and they instantly turned away from each other.
Polly appeared with Red and Trinidad and Molly walked over to her.
"I thought I said Red isn't allowed, the holidays are for undergraduates only, he's a history student so he should excuse us," Molly said and Polly smiled.
"Who owns the vacation home? It's our deceased grandparents, and that's why it was named KANG'S VACATION HOME, get lost," she said, leaving Molly standing.
Reece appeared last, dressed to kill, the girls gasped at his outfit.
Quincy smiled as soon as he appeared and adjusted his glasses.
He only winked at her although it was done in secret.
She smiled wider.
The long buses arrived and everyone entered with their bags
That's two seats per row.
Linabae sat with Izzy while Quincy sat with Reece behind them.
Craig sat with Genova in front of them.
Polly sat on the other column with Trinidad next to her and Red behind.
Practice started early and the girls up front suggested someone sing.
Nobody answered and Craig nudged Genova.
"Sing" he whispered.
"Is your brain crazy? It's enough that I came to this fucking holiday, I want to sing," he replied.
"Genny jebbaaaal (Genny please)" he begged taking her hand
"I already regret coming to this vacation," he replied, taking Craig's hand.
"Genny is going to sing!" Craig said loudly and everyone turned to him.
"I wish I could kill you and throw your corpse in the Han River" Genova glared.
"Genny sings!"
"Sing Genny!" »
"Genny sings!"
"Sing, sing Genny!"
"Genny Sing!!!, Sing!!!, Sing!!"
Everyone started screaming at his irritation.
He covered his ears with his palms.
"Quiet everyone" Craig said and the noise died down.
Genova looked at Craig before clearing his throat, then he started to sing.
Because of you I lost my mind
Because of you, I lost my senses.
I went mad with love, mad with you.
My ears only hear your voice
My head is filled with you.
Your soft voice, your cute face, your thin lips, your warm hands...
Makes me crazy for you...
Why did you capture my heart when you knew you were going to leave.
Because of you, I'm shattered.
You left me in tatters, shattered to pieces, and now I'm left in misery....
The misery you created.
Reece held Quincy's hand and she looked at him.
He smiled and she returned it slowly before turning back to Genova who had just finished the song.
He looked at her and she swallowed the emptiness before he looked away.
Everyone started clapping immediately.
"It's a heartbreaking song," Linabae said.
"I sang whatever came to mind," Genova replied and put on her headphones before settling back in her chair.
Craig did the same and they both slept through the trip.
They arrived at the vacation home and got off the buses.
KANG'S HOLIDAY HOUSE was boldly written in front of the grand mansion.
It's really really beautiful, just like a castle, it's gigantic.
Polly and Molly led the way and they all entered.
Seventy students have gone on vacation so it's full.
"Nobody's allowed to interfere with anything I do, bouncer here is going to beat them blue black, right Red?" Polly said.
"Of course baby," Red replied and Polly climbed in with him.
There are more than ten steps leading to different parts of the rooms.
"You're free to walk around on your own, check everything out before we choose rooms," Molly said.
Everyone spread out and climbed different stairs.
Quincy smiled, not at all surprised.
Her father's vacation home in Australia is a senior citizen.
Instead of looking around, she looked around for Reece, not concentrating on the stairs she was climbing.
Her shoes missed the stairs and she staggered, she gasped and started to descend.
“Laugh! Izzy shouted.
Quincy expected to land on the ground any moment, but an arm wrapped around her waist and caught her.
The familiar scent of lavender and chamomile filled her nose again.
She looked at Genova's blank face and her eyes widened in her glasses.
“Kweanchana? (How are you?),” Genova asked.