Dr. Leonard had placed a stethoscope edge on my heart and I was afraid; afraid that he might hear how confused, overwhelmed and silently panicked I was. A bit confused too because I knew as a werewolf, he could hear my blood running from my artery to the very edge of my toes. I chose not to ask. By the time he pulled back, he just remained silent and continued on, like everything about me was normal. I knew though. I had been able to detect emotions without trying. He was confused too and I saw it in the way he looked at me. There was pity shining in his amber-like eyes. I couldn't sense it before because all my defenses were up. I had taken most down due to Keira's intervention. He took my blood pressure, hit a hammer something on my knee, and told me to follow the light he shined at me with my eyes and poked and prodded at my ribs.
I visibly winced because let's face it; my ribs were one of the most prominent things on my body, aside my hundred and two freckles and it did hurt when his cold gloves touched my skin. By the time he was done, I promise I had never been so relieved in my life. Just him touching me, being near me, it made me want to run away and hide in my attic.
My attic...
I had converted that place to my sanctuary after-all so it wasn't a surprise I missed it.
"Well Miss Ava..." he started, successfully pulling me away from my thoughts "...your head seems to be healed and your reflexes are normal. Sharper than I expected. Sharper than a normal werewolf actually." He mumbled the last part but I heard him loud and clear
"How old are you?"
I turned my head to the window at the far end of the room. The sun was in the sky but with the direction of the shadows, I could tell it hadn't reached afternoon yet.
I looked at him again.
"Are you okay? Hungry? You seem to be getting lost in thought."
I remained silent and refused to look at his eyes. It felt strange for someone to be concerned about my welfare after so long.
'Sometimes the strange things hold the most beautiful gifts' Keira said softly
So did that mean Dr. Leonard wanted to give me a gift?
'You'll never find out if you don't reply to his questions.'
I could feel her roll her eyes and I suddenly felt a rush of confidence.
"I'm 18." I said
"I-I'm 18 years old. M-My birthday i-is today. I woke up..." I stopped to catch a breath because I could feel myself getting a growing headache "I woke up t-to find m-myself i-in wol-lf form and I-I c-changed back and t-then..."
"Shhhh. Stop don't say anything more, I can hear your heart beat increasing." He interrupted
I wanted to thank him. I wanted to so much. But then I smelt something. It smelt like power. It smelt like rage. It smelt like pine cones, honey and a slight mix of brewed coffee. The combination was strange but oh my gosh, it was the most intoxicating thing I had ever smelt.
'He's here.'
'Who's here?' I asked her. She didn't answer me.
I didn't understand. I couldn't understand. All I could and did do was follow the scent to the window, vaguely hearing Dr. Leonard calling my name repeatedly. I wanted to respond but it was like I was in a trance. One I couldn't escape.
I stood in front of the window that was closed and in my spell-like state, opened it so wide and so fast, a rush of wind almost blew my small stature back. I looked down and started to scan the ground, watching as the pack members carried on with their daily lives. Did that mean this wonderful scent belonged to one of them?
If any of the saw me, I would be in for a world of orders and new discipline for not carrying out my duties this morning and possibly since whenever I had been in this hospital. But my eyes still scanned and my heart literally stopped beating when I set my eyes on him. In the midst of a few pack members, there he was smiling and listening as he carried one of the children.
Alpha Xander Harrison.
And that was when all the memories came rushing back. The pulling, the hot irons on my skin, the whips on my sensitive flesh, the dark eyes of Alpha Harrison. The viscous pain. The only thing I could do was scream. But even when I tried, I felt two pair of arms come up from behind me and hold on to me. I was driven into a hard chest and heard the windows being closed. I fought against the person. The person was going to hurt me. The person was going to make me wish I was never alive. A small voice told me that I should calm down and that it was Dr. Leonard but the only thing on my mind was getting away from here. From everyone. I was never going to be truly safe.
I cried so much and felt the darkness draw me closer like a mother drawing a child to her bosom. Realization of everything as well as my sudden breakdown wore me out emotionally, mentally, psychologically and physically.
I had been in the hospital for two days.
It was Alpha Harrison who put me there.
He had been the cause of me almost dying.
But all these things didn't hit as hard as what Keira had whispered before I gave up to the peaceful darkness.
'Mate. Our mate.'
The man who had destroyed me beyond recognition and repair. The man who looked at me with hatred in his eyes. The man who had told me days on end as he invoked his wrath on me, that I would never be loved by anyone, that I shouldn't have been born. The man whose scent had intoxicated me. That same man was my mate.
Alpha Xander Harrison was my mate.
And that very realization alone made wish I would never open my eyes again.
I woke up to the sound of two voices. One I had come to recognize even though it was only through the course of a very short period and the other a mysterious foreign voice, hard, unemotional and much older. The latter made my heart beat pick up and I chose to keep my eyes closed. I desperately hoped they wouldn't notice the change in the rhythm of my heart, advanced hearing could be a pain sometimes.
"I'm telling you Archer, I can't let her leave just yet. She's weak and malnourished and I can see how scared she is. Her ribs are protruding more than a child with kwashiorkor." That was Dr. Leonard, I could detect his growing frustration from his voice
"She's nothing but the pack maid. Do you know how much trouble you could get in when they realize that she's awake?" the second voice sounded equally as frustrated, the first emotion I could detected from who I presumed was Archer "You've only been here two months and I don't want the new Alpha to have a reason to banish you. He's very strict, you know that. He doesn't exactly like the girl and neither does anyone else in this pack."
Those words made my heart race to even faster. I was surprised they hadn't hear it yet.
"I don't care. This is sick Archer and you know it is. She looks like she can't hurt a fly! But as long as the big bad Alpha doesn't like her, she isn't worthy of proper medical and social attention!"
"Leo, for goodness sake, calm down. Do not mind that all the rooms in this hospital are wolf proofed, you don't say things like that. Ever."
There was silence and the only thought that was bouncing on the walls of my mind was that Dr. Leonard genuinely wanted to help me. He didn't hate me like the rest did.
"Listen Leo..." Archer started again "...you're a good kid. You're everything a doctor should be but don't let your heart block your ration."
There was movement of feet then the opening of a door.
"She can stay. But when she gets better, I have to report it to the Alpha. His coronation is tonight, I'm sure you're aware. Not everything will be the same anymore."
"Thank you Archer." I heard Dr. Leonard mumble and with that, the door closed. I could hear only one other heart beat apart from mine so I knew Dr. Leonard was the only one in the room with me.
I summoned courage and opened my eyes. The lights above me were made dim and again, I couldn't have been more grateful. My eyes moved around the room until they landed on the tall figure. He was staring right back at me. My eyes clashed with his amber ones and this time, I trusted him enough and trusted myself enough, to not look away.
"Happy birthday to you..." he began to sing and I forgot it all. The pain and the fact that my mate was not only a member of this horrible pack but also the Alpha, it felt like they were issued I could deal with later.
He continued to sing as he inched closer and stood in front of me. Besides my strong will not to shed another tear in front of him, they began to pour silently down my face. By the time he stood about two feet from me, he had almost concluded his song.
"...happy birthday to you dear Ava, happy birthday to you."
No one and I mean no one for the past 10 years had bothered to look my way, not to even talk of singing a birthday song for me. But today, I was reminded that not everyone and everything in the world was as cold and heartless as the people I had become used to.
He brought out a something and i looked down to see it was a simple paper that said ;Happy Birthday Ava' in all pink with touches of white.
He brought out a something and i looked down to see it was a simple paper that said ;Happy Birthday Ava' in all pink with touches of white
I threw my arms around him. Something I had never done. It felt strange for me but I felt like I had to thank him somehow and ignore my complex.
"Thank you." I whispered but I knew he heard me loud and clear
He didn't hug me back and I was glad because I don't think I was ready to go any further than this.
"You're welcome Miss..."
"J-Just call me Ava."
Hey Hey Hey people!!!
What do you think is going to happen next? Ava now knows the big bad alpha is her mate. Will Leo listen to his kind heart rather than his brain? Will anyone find out she's awake? How come Xander didn't catch on her smell like Ava did him? Well i guess you have to stay tuned to find out.
Comment like crazy. I love it when you guys do