There isn't really much that prepares you for for big surprises. I had learnt that during the short time that I had been alive. Because life has given me a lot of surprises; most of them not good, I had come to resent not being ready or uninformed about something. I preferred to be well rounded in information, knowing that whatever I was going to face was either going to make me or break me.
But now, looking at myself in the full length mirror, I could say that this big surprise I wasn't expecting. I didn't resent it in fact. I just found it so different, refreshing and yet, so myself.
"Wow..." I heard Cassie breathe out, her voice not too far from where I stood. I would turn to give her a smile, but I couldn't look away
I had my makeup done, hair done and I had worn the dress Maria had made me. The dress was pink; the bodice made of pink with intricate laces and patterns of gold that weaved down to the stiff skirt, the skirt fanned out around me and the sleeves were puffed. The shoulders were made of sheer which was dipped to the point that it came below my breasts. Faux red rubies were placed at the upper point of the skirt, plus the centre on the bodice. Astelle had done a beautiful job with my makeup; blending and contouring according to my shade and had given me what she called a fox eye. She also added touches of glitter and applied shimmery lip gloss on my lips. It was simple yet so beautiful. Smith had curled my hair into ringlets, holding one side up to the left of my hair with pins. My hair looked vibrant and alive. I also had on a ruby and silver tiara; courtesy of Ben, to match my outfit.
I felt like a princess.
Like I said, big surprise. So big I had almost everyone in the room speechless.
"Is this me?" I heard myself asking, taking note of the simple studs I had clipped to my ears. I had never gotten my ears pierced as a child and although I wanted to now I was older, the thought of the pain wouldn't let me
"Of course it's you!" Astelle exclaimed. She sounded like she wanted to cry so I turned to her in alarm. Truly, she had tears in her eyes as she stepped forward to encase me in her arms
"Please don't cry. It's not like you're watching me walk down the aisle or anything. Come on now." I said as I returned her hug
"Oh shut up! I'm allowed to be emotional on behalf of my best friend."
I giggled as I buried my hand in her thick afro. I was the only one she allowed to touch her hair at random times and I had made sure to take full advantage of that. She had tied it up into a high bun that stood at the top of her head and it looked like a giant fluffy lollipop.
"My baby girl, you look wonderful." Maria said, stroking one finger down my cheek as she came close. "I knew this would look good on you. I know you hardly wear pink but I just knew that this would look wonderful on you. I hope you like it?"
"Like it? She looks like a freaking thick ginger barbie. Of course she likes it!" Smith exclaimed "If she didn't, we'd have to sacrifice her or something."
"Hey! Would you really sacrifice me with this work of art you've done on my head?" I asked defensively, though I sported a smile
"Hmmm, maybe. At least it would give them a reason to have mercy on you." he replied, giving me a stink eye
"Well it's good that I love it then." I said as I stretched the arm that was buried in Astelle's hair towards her . She walked into the hug and managed to wrap her arms around us "Thank you so much Maria. I love it."
"Anything for you." she whispered, placing a kiss on my cheek
It didn't take long for us to break up, as we had to be at the Civic Centre in 30 minutes. Freddie and Donovan had left earlier as they wanted to make sure everything was good before I got there. They also wanted to have a conversation with Mr. Hall about the progression of programs; details which I had not bothered to concern myself with since they were handling it.
We all walked out the door; Astelle and Smith walking in front with small bags, my mum behind them, with Cassie, trying to adjust her evening gown. Everyone was dressed in their evening gowns as it was a somewhat formal event and the men were suited up with their bow ties. Ben looked extra handsome tonight as he had his hair slicked back, with a crisp navy blue suit and a black bow tie.
He was the last, as he kept the door open for me.
"You know, it's going to be a problem if I have to fight off men while you're on stage." he said before shutting the door and locking it
"Why do you say that?" I asked as we began the walk to the elevator
"Oh no reason. Probably because you look so beautiful tonight. It's a blessing and a curse to have such a beautiful daughter know." I laughed and held his hand
"Well you're lucky I'm capable of fighting them off too so you'd have backup."
"It would be an insult to me if you didn't!"
We rode the elevator down to the lobby and walked out to see a limousine, Freddie standing in front of the open door. His eyes went wide as soon as he saw me.
"You cleaned up good short cake!" he said
"Yes Fredrick, ignore the other female companions and your own mother as usual." Astelle said, slipping into the car
He grumbled under his breath about how not to call him that and made sure to compliment Maria as she slipped into the car behind Astelle. The rest of us piled in and I took time to admire how spacious the limo was. The boys had really done more than I could ask for. I was grateful for that and I made sure to let Freddie know as I say beside him. He responded with an affectionate kiss to my hair, which made Smith spark up and threaten to tase him if he came close to his masterpiece again.
'Ava...' Keira said and I sat up straight. We hadn't really talked since we got here. We were too into our own thoughts 'I'm nervous.'
'Oh Keira, I know how you feel. It's been a long day for both of us too.'
'After all this is over, can we go for a run? I can feel the tension in my bones and fur at this rate.'
'Maybe we can. I'll make sure to survey the area before then to see and maybe I'll get the boys to take us somewhere. I know you would have felt better if we ran before this but there wasn't time. I'm really sorry.'
'Oh it's okay. Besides, despite it all, I know we're going to knock them dead tonight. No one can haul ass the way we do.'
'Are you talking about a cabriole? After all these years, you haven't even bothered to learn about the basic styles of ballet!'
'We both know it's not my fault. If you had just let me take over when you're dancing, then maybe I'd know.'
I could see her rolling her eyes and snorting at me, as her paw simultaneously stroked her ear.
'I would never make that mistake. You'd just make us fall flat on our ass. Besides, we both know you've never been a dancer.'
I listened to her grumble and didn't bother to reply as I tuned back into the conversations happening around me. Everyone was talking, as usual. The overhead digital clock above the partition read 10:14.
It wasn't long before we got to our destination. Although we had pulled into a bit of traffic and arrived by 10:40. Donovan was waiting by the time the door was open. He made sure to compliment everyone and also gave me a hug as he whispered how beautiful I looked.
Since we had backstage passes, we got in easily. I was taken to a room that had a chair, a vanity mirror and lounge chairs. There were also snacks available. Maria and Ben said they wanted to be experience the whole show so they went off after I got settled in. Cassie stayed with me, along with Astelle, Smith and the boys.
Astelle touched up my makeup and Smith helped himself to the snacks along with Freddie.
"Are they all here?" Cassie asked Donovan "Plus the clarinet players and the DJ?"
"Yes yes. I made sure Mr. Hall also gave the instructions about the lighting in accordance to her dance steps to the technical team. They didn't have blue, but I suggested a teal. Everything will be fine." He replied
"How big is the stage?"
"They arranged everything so the performers will have enough space to move around. The props manager has detailed info on the dancers themes. He'll set up for 5 minutes when the curtain is closed for her. And they'll come in to retrieve her when it's time. Don't worry Cass, okay? I got it all."
I saw her shoulders visibly relax through the vanity mirror. I had forgotten about how this would make her feel. She must have felt tension too, considering the fact that I was her student and she would only want everything to go well.
"Cassie..." I said and immediately her eyes snapped to mine "Thank you so much for everything." I didn't mean just for tonight, but from the very beginning. If not for her, I wouldn't have known ballet
"Oh you don't have to thank me dear. Thank me by going out there and doing your very best." She said smiling "Also, I expect you to treat me to home-made meals everyday for the rest of your life."
I laughed and nodded my head as Astelle moved the brush away.
"Of course."
"Thank you so much for doing this Miss Rosewood." Mr. Hall said, with a bright smile "This show will go a long way in providing for the funds for the dance academy. I also took the liberty of inviting some big names in the industry here. Took a lot but nothing I won't do for the progress of young kids with dreams."
He laughed with his belly. That was the only way I could describe it. He wasn't that tall, just about two inches taller than I was. His head was full of grey hair and his eyes were lined with wrinkles that showed he smiled a lot during his younger years.
He had walked into my dressing room to personally see to it that I and my entourage were comfy and to also thank me. I couldn't help but warm up to him.
"It's not a problem Mr. Hall. I'm just happy I got the chance to be a part of something this huge and to help kids too." I answered, returning his smile
"Ha, you flatter me too much. You'll be going on in 10 minutes so I best make sure everything is okay out there."
He shook my hand one more time before leaving the room. I turned my gaze to the flat screen TV that was showing me everything that was going on stage. Presently, it was a man and a woman who moved gracefully to an upbeat salsa song. Their movements almost made me wish I could move my body like that.
I had made everyone leave the room to go watch the show live as I wanted them to enjoy themselves. I hadn't been here for long as the time was now 11:15. I stared at myself in the mirror and took deep breaths as I heard the applause ring through the speakers. It was almost time.
As if hearing me, a knock on the door made me turn my head to it. A head poked in, all seriousness written in the woman's face. I knew instantly that she was a werewolf. The first I had encountered in a long long time. It almost made me wince and my anxiety to spike, but I kept my cool. It was sort of even nostalgic.
To be honest, I had forgotten how it felt like to be near another of my kind. This time however, I felt no fear or malice from myself or her, just neutral feelings.
"You're going on now Miss Rosewood. Please let me escort you out." She said
She didn't even seem moved by the fact that I was like her. It was then I remembered I and Keira had made sure to cloak my scent to protect myself, so no one would know. We did it before leaving the house this evening.
I nodded at her and proceeded to get up and follow her. We passed by other dressing rooms and I saw the dancers who had just finished, laughing with others and holding flowers that had been thrown at them.
'I hope they throw the right flowers.'
I smirked and bent my head, because deep down I hoped like Keira that they would throw the right flowers too.
We made it to the curtain and she motioned for me to stand where I was supposed to. I took a deep breath and stood. I closed my eyes, stood en pointe and listened as Mr. Hall introduced me. I had to remember to listen to nothing but the music.
"Now without further ado, I present Miss Ava Rosewood."
An applause echoed and I opened my eyes as the curtains drew. The lights dimmed and faux stars were dropped above me. The music began almost immediately. I moved from en pointe to croisé and lifted my arms to third position. The hushed sounds of the harp were then accompanied by drums and violins.
I didn't know when I started moving. It was like my body had a mind of its own. It knew what to do. I closed my eyes and effortlessly moved across the stage, moving my feet as the beat got faster; switching from a pile to releve to saute quickly and efficiently. When the beat stopped, so did I. I made sure to stay elevated and moved lightly.
Just as I had rehearsed, the music stopped when I began to pirouette. I turned and turned, not even once getting dizzy and struck out my arm as the DJ began to play a song. I smiled and turned my arm towards the audience before pulling it back and changing positions of my arms from first to fifth as my feet moved. The song I had chosen made me slow and move fast as well.
When a part of the song climaxed, I dipped my head backwards and immediately the lights started to change; from teal to yellow to pink. The faux stars reflected on the audience as the lighting positions changed. I slammed my feet lightly on the floor and lifted my body as I turned in the air. I threw my arms to one side and watched the lights changed and did the same for the other side. Soon enough I was surrounded by images of the rainbow colored stars.
All the anxiety I felt had soon been forgotten and I steadied my movements towards the front of the stage, drawing my hand towards the crowd as the song began to close. I pulled it back, slowly standing en pointe with my two feet before lifting one to the air backwards and giving the audience my hand again.
I tried to steady my breathing as the song finally ended and I came down from the high I was on. I was finally able to focus on the crowd and tried not to cringe when I saw the multiple people there. The silence in the hall was deafening, but suddenly it erupted with the loudest applause I had ever heard. Even sensitive for my own wolf hearing.
Dozens and dozens of flowers were thrown my way and I smiled as I relaxed my body and courtesied as I had been taught.
"That was beautiful!"
Thousands of comments met my ears as I backed away and the curtains were slowly dropped. I felt like crying from joy. I had been nervous for nothing. Absolutely nothing. I felt so alive just now.
"Miss Rosewood." I heard, making me turn to meet the same woman. She smiled at me as she held out the flowers that had been thrown my way. Talk about efficiency. "That was simply beautiful."
"Thank you." I replied breathless, collecting them from her. These flowers were more than I expected. Much more. I can even bet it wasn't everything I held in hand
I walked back with her to my dressing room, constantly receiving praise from dancers as I walked by. I made sure to smile at each and everyone of them, thanking them as well.
It was not until I was left alone in the comfort of my room that I jumped up and down and screamed like there was no tomorrow. I was happier than I had came.
'We did great!' Keira exclaimed, prancing around
"Yes, we fucking did!" I shouted, not caring since no one was around
'Calm your fucking tits woman!'
"You calm your tits!"
'I don't even have tits!'
"It doesn't matter! Why are we screaming?!"
'Because we just owned that fucking stage!'
I jumped around the room laughing with her until I collapsed on the lounge chair. I only got a moment to calm my breathing before the door opened. Astelle was the first to scream, which made me scream and jump again. Cassie and Smith also came and screamed with us. It was like putting too many mad people into one room.
"You fucking did it!" Astelle exclaimed. She rushed to open the door and stood on the hallway "My best friend is the best dancer in the whole world ya'll! That girl with the redhead?! Yes, that's my best friend! You hoes wished you had her but noooo, she's mine!"
Her screaming down the hall probably got attention but I didn't mind and only laughed as I hugged Smith and Cassie tight. She closed the door and rushed to hug us all as we all squealed together out of excitement again.
After some time we all calmed down and they helped me to get changed out of costume. Astelle had made sure to carry a spare dress for me so I could blend into the crowd when I was done with my performance. The dress was glittery pink with thin straps and an open back that stretched down to just above my butt. The straps made a cross at back and the bottom flowed as the top to mid-thigh was fitted like a second skin.
The gown wasn't new. Astelle has gotten it for me as a birthday present last year and I just never had the chance to wear it. Since this was a black-tie event, I found the opportunity to do so. I matched the dress with a pair of heels because I didn't want it to flow so much. Smith allowed me to let my whole hair down and Astelle touched up my makeup again to fit what I was wearing.
We all piled out and went towards the main seating area, where our seats were reserved near the boys, Maria and Ben. We sat and watched the rest of the show together. At some point, the students of the dance academy gave their own performance which was awarded with applauses and from what I heard around me, new endorsements.
Everything drew to a close a little bit after midnight and the final performance was an opera by a blonde woman. I had never heard or been to an opera so I had been so astounded by her velvety voice and high pitches. No one I knew could go that high. When she was done, Mr. Hall closed the program with a thank you message and wished us all a good evening.
The crowds piled out as we did and I constantly got stopped by people to tell me about how great my performance was. I received invitations to other shows, met a few dancers from the academy, snapped a few pictures and even met up with talent managers who handed me their business cards. All in all, I felt like a celebrity. It was choking, but I had my family around the whole time so my discomfort was greatly reduced.
I was grateful when we were seated in the limo, away from all the noise. I wonder how movie stars handled these things. I could never get used to being the centre of attention for too long.
"How are you feeling sweetie?" Maria asked me as she stroked my hair
"A bit exhausted. That was too much but I'm fine, don't worry." I replied with a smile
She raised her arm and held me, angling my body so I would rest on her. I sighed in contentment. This was exactly what I needed. I'm glad she always knew what to do and when to do it.
"So where to?" I asked
"Well, those who have backstage passes have been given access to this fancy restaurant uptown. We should be able to rest and eat when we get there." Donovan answered.
"All these privileges. How did they even get to sponsor all this when the purpose was to raise money?" Ben asked, sounding genuinely confused
Donovan laughed and ran his hand through his hair.
"Mr. Hall is actually Mr. George Hall."
"Isn't that the CEO of those chain of fancy restaurants around the country?" Astelle asked
"The very same one. He started investing in dance academies when he lost his 12 years old daughter to cancer. She was a dancer and wanted to grow up to teach it professionally." Donovan answered. My heart tugged at hearing about this, just imagining what that bright man had gone through all these years. Yet he still smiled and laughed
"That is so sad." Maria said "So he invests in them then lets them go?"
Freddie suddenly slipped into the car carrying a bouquet of flowers. We all turned our attention to him.
"No he doesn't let them go." Freddie answered. I'm pretty sure he heard and was able to immediately understand what we were talking about "He invests in them, does fundraisers like this to get them recognized and to get money. Then he's also able to get other investors. But he prefers to remain silent and not let people know."
"So why can't he just keep investing with his own money?" Cassie asked
"He likes how this makes his feels." Donovan answered simply "The only thing he contributed to this are the passes to his restaurant where we're going. He likes to be grounded in the planning and also to instill in the dancers that everything is to be worked for. He prefers them making names for themselves while he just gives them a boost. Makes him happy."
Everyone hummed and nodded their heads, probably agreeing on how wonderful of a person Mr Hall was. If more human beings like him existed, the world sure would be a better place.
"Oh shortie cake!" Freddie said, extending the bouquet of flowers to me "I found this in your dressing room while I was getting your last things."
I raised my head from Maria's shoulder and gingerly grabbed it. It was a bouquet of irises. Exactly the same ones Keira had wanted. The same type I had secretly hoped for.
'How in the world...'
I didn't even know how to answer her. I sniffed the flowers and tilted my head as I saw a small note pegged to one of the petals. I turned it over and my eyes widened as I read it.
"You looked beautiful tonight on stage and even after. I hope these irises are to your liking princess. I had them picked out at the last minute just for you.
"Ouuuuu, someone has an admirer." Cassie said
"Oh please, after tonight, she has more than a hundred admirers." Freddie snorted
That was true. But then again who was influential enough to get them personally delivered to my dressing room? Who had known just the right ones to get me? This coincidence was so huge. I may have been overthinking it because I'm sure there were a lot of influential people there tonight.
The car moved and we started off to our destination. Conversations resumed as I cradled the bouquet in my hands. Keira and I had the same question engraved in our minds.
Who was M?