Pain. That was what I felt. All over my body. I don't know why but every bone I had seemed to be at the point of breaking and crumbling into pieces. But why couldn't I see? Maybe my eyes were closed. I tried and indeed found out that my eyes were closed and opening them seemed to cause even more pain.
It took some effort but I was finally able to open my eyes after some time. Lights blinded my vision and I blinked a little before turning my head. Oh God. A sharp pain went straight through my skull and I desperately wanted to clutch it, but my body wouldn't move.
'You shouldn't even try to move at all my dear.'
My eyes widened as I looked around the room which I now realized was something like a hospital room but there was no one inside here but me. Huh. I must be going crazy. All those punches I've been getting must have damaged my brain or those pulls finally made me have a great enough headache to run mental.
'Glad to see you still have a sense of humor.' The voice said again and my eyes searched the room frantically
Where was this person? Under the bed? Should I check?
'No I'm not under the bed and didn't I say you shouldn't try to move.'
Oh no, I think this person could hear what I was thinking. Was I talking out loud? I heard laughing and I blinked rapidly. Whoa. It sounded like it was coming from my-
'From your head? Yeah, that's because I'm in your mind sweetie which I must say is cool. You're like a radio. You were thinking of snow in your sleep you know.'
'I-I was?' I thought, risking the chance that this voice was actually in my head and it could hear me
'Yup! You're slightly weird but who cares. We're going to be stuck together for a long while. We can have amazing times together and gossip together and OMG, have I told you how much I love your hair, like damn girl, you-'
'Who are you?' I cut the voice off. Frankly, I was very confused'
'I'm someone who's here to help you.'
'Help me?'
'Yes but let me make it simple. I want you to turn your head to the right.'
Although it wasn't every day that you could hear a voice in your head, I had a strong feeling that the pack members weren't playing with my mind. Again. And that I could trust this voice with everything I had which was the little that I possessed physically and mentally.
So I turned my head because I finally felt like I could control my body; that I was in control. Pure surprise, anxiety and excitement as I caught what was staring back at me in the mirror. My eyes were there but they were the lightest shades of green I had ever seen. Then, there was the body of a wolf, laying on its back with its head turned, all paws up. That wolf was me. Oh my, that wolf was me!
My fur was a light grey and it looked so soft
My fur was a light grey and it looked so soft. I would have loved to run my fingers through it.
'Yeah but too bad you can't!'
'Y-You're absolutely beautiful.'
'Thank you! Would you like to stand up now?'
'Yes! Yes! Yes!'
I was excited to have my paws on the floor. The voice laughed and I remembered I hadn't asked for its name yet.
'The name's Keira sweetie.'
'U-Uh, sorry I didn't ask sooner.'
'It's okay really. I was excited and you were confused, no p.'
'I'm more than excited! I'm over the moon.'
I rolled over and gently lowered myself to the ground. As soon as I had all my paws on the floor, I slipped and let out a wolfish yelp as I almost fell.
'Careful sweetie, we don't want you hurting yourself.'
I took in a deep breath and focused on steadying myself as I took a step forward. I succeeded and was able to walk up to the mirror. I stood for what felt like hours but was only a few minutes, staring at myself. I couldn't believe that I had shifted. I couldn't believe that I would actually find my mate. But does that mean that my birthday was today? And how come I didn't feel it when I shifted?
'Actually, your birthday is today. You shifted at exactly midnight. You didn't feel it because you were unconscious and now that you're a full werewolf, I was able to block you away from the pain of the post shift.'
'But-But how come I don't remember anything?'
'Um, actually, I have no idea. You must have banged your head pretty bad sweetie.'
I nodded. I didn't remember anything from before I fell unconscious. Only the distant memories of the pack and how they treat me. I looked up and stared at myself in the mirror again. Now that I was a werewolf, I could get out of here. Surely my mate couldn't be in this pack. I could be free, finally.
'How do I shift back?'
'Oh, that's easy. Just picture yourself as a human. Let your mind paint that picture and let it be the only thing you focus on.'
'O-Okay.' I huffed through the nuzzle 'Keira?'
'Yes Ava.'
'Is it going to hurt?'
'Yes but only because it will be your first time doing it. Just try honey.'
I closed my eyes and pictured myself. I pictured my frail looking physique, my long dead looking red hair, my pale complexion, my malnourished body and most importantly, I pictured my freckles; my dozens and dozens of freckles scattered all over my face.
It was when I heard a sickening pop that I winced and my concentration on the picture faulted.
'Just keep going Ava. You can do it.'
I kept my concentration on the picture again and more cracks and pops followed. Filling my sensitive ears with its sickening sound. And the pain that I felt, oh man did it hurt. It felt like my bones wanted to shatter and form again while I was still alive.
After what felt like hours but was only a few seconds or a minute, silence filled the room and I no longer felt pain. I only felt tired, extremely tired. I opened my eyes. There, staring right back at me was my human form. The very sight of my sickly form made me want to puke. At the same time, I wondered why I had no clothes on.
'The clothes tore immediately you shifted.'
Oh, that explains it.
"Where will I get clothes now?"
My ears picked up the sound of rushed footsteps and they were headed straight towards my direction. Fear gripped me and I turned my head left to right, looking for a place to hide me and my nude form. I scurried for the blanket on the small bed and tried to keep myself from tripping. I failed.
The door opened and I gasped as a young man entered the room dressed in what seemed to be a doctor's uniform. He stopped short when he saw me on the floor.
"Damn." He mumbled, I heard it loud and clear
I blushed. Hurriedly standing up, I grabbed the blanket. I wrapped it around me and peeked up at him through my curtain-like hair. He had turned his back and closed the door.
"Good morning." He said. His voice was deep but airy, almost breathless "My name is Dr. Leonard."
I didn't answer and he took a deep breath.
"I'm sorry for barging in like this, I should have knocked." He continued. My eyes widened. I couldn't remember the last time someone ever apologized to me. "I was sent here to check up on you. You were brought in yesterday by some Omegas who were instructed by the Alpha."
I just continued studying him as he scratched his head and shuffled his feet.
"How are you feeling today? Does your head ache? It was bleeding pretty badly yesterday. Are you hungry?" Then he chuckled nervously "Oh sorry, do you need me to get you some clothes?"
Was this all an act? Or was this man actually concerned about me?
'We can trust him.'
I took in a deep breath and cleared my throat.
"C-Can I get some c-clothes p-please?" I said shyly
He stood straight and began to nod his head furiously. With that, he rushed out of the room and closed the door behind him.
Ten minutes later, I was dressed in an oversized green t-shirt and a pair of snug leggings. Dr. Leonard was sitting on a chair facing me while I sat on the bed with my legs dangling.
"Are you sure you won't eat?" he asked
"N-No thank y-you." I said
He nodded.
I had found out during the course of my changing period that I was in the pack hospital. My memories were a jumble of red, blue and yellow wires and I didn't know how to get any of them in order. So, that means, I didn't remember a thing. In my opinion, it was both a good and a bad thing.
"Am I permitted to check your vitals Miss...?" he asked
"When the Omegas brought you in, they didn't bother to give any information about you to us. That means, I don't know your name." he said "So, what is your name."
"I-I..." I licked my lips "...Ava."
"Ava." He repeated
He was the only one I had met in this dreadful pack that did not call my name like a sour lemon.
"Well Miss Ava, am I permitted to check your vitals?"
My eyes widened. Did that mean he was going to touch me? What if all this he was putting up was actually an act? What if immediately he got close, he smacked me right across the face and ordered me to get straight to work? What if he was like them? What if he was just like him?
I stopped my unending questions to listen to Keira.
'I know you don't trust anyone. I know it's hard for you to open up but look at him, really look at him. It's in his eyes. He's trying to help us. He's not going to hurt us. Trust me when I say this sweetie.'
I swallowed and let what Keira said sink in. Then I cleared my throat.
"Y-Yes." I whispered