Riley's POV
(Shit's going down)
"Boys! You guys done yet?!" I yelled coming down the stairs with basically my whole room.
It was my dad. I know cause I saved his number as dick face.
"Miss Evans? What would you like to complain about now?" I asked
"I'm having a moving truck come and get your stuff so you can have everything. The bank is taking the house."
"Well thanks for telling me last minute, I can only grab so much shit!" I said getting mad and loud. Then I heard the boys drop something from upstairs.
"Well you better go pack up then, see you in... 20 minutes. I'm at the airport."
"Ugh! Fine." I said rolling my eyes.
When I hung up. I sprinted upstair to see what the boys were doing. When I got up there all you see is Jake and Dallas wrestling.
"Hey! C'mon guys, we only have 15 minutes to pack everything in the house." I said pulling Dallas and Jake by the collars. The other 10 boys were cheering them on like Greeks cheering on gladiators. Things never change.
"Everyone take a room, and if there aren't anymore go help with the big rooms," Darren said making a football like huddle. "1...2...3... GO!" And with that everyone ran into I room. Of course with this place being my house I went to my room. Well my current room.
*10 minutes later*
*ding* *dong*
"I think that's my dad. I'll get it." I said walking slowly towards the door.
"Hello miss is this the Jacobs residence?" That was not my dad. "We're here to get your boxes." He said looking behind me. So I looked back. And behind me were all the boys even my brothers staring down the guy.
"Uh yeah this is the Jacobs residents. Were not done with all the boxes yet so you can take the boxes down here." And then I opened the door wider so the guy could get in.
"Cmon boys, let's go get the rest of the stuff." I said going back upstairs. "And by the way, my name is Riley, so if you need something just call me." I said to the mover guy. He looked like he was in his 40s with peppered hair and glasses. He just nodded.
"Riley?!" I heard someone say. Taylor got up and ran downstairs. Me and Brandon got up at the same time. He looked at me and nodded. When we walked out of my room, I hugged his waist from behind and walk down the stairs with him. I felt Brandon stop when we got down the stairs so I let go of his waist and stood next to him. I saw him. He was about 6'8 with black hair and a suit and tie on.
"Hey guys. Brandon you've grown so much." It was my father, Damien Evans. I was ashaimed to have his last name. I can't wait to get married. Brandon hated Damien as much as me, mabe even more. He was the first born and he got left behind. He never really was close to Damien. Damien only talked to Taylor for some unknown reason.
"Damien." Brandon said looking at him with cold eyes and a clenched jaw.
"Brandon-" Taylor said looking at him. Brandon turned to him so fast, His head could've flew off. He gave him a nasty cold stare.
"Its okay Taylor." He said putting his arm in front of Taylor. Then he looked at me. "Hi Riley." Damien said.
"I'm sorry, I don't believe we met. Or maybe we did but you walked out on me when I was in the hospital being born." I said looking like I was thinking hard, with my hand on my chin. "I'm going to get my friends. You coming Brandon?" I said going to the stairs. He didn't say anything but he followed me.
"Boys, come meet Damien, the man we'll be living with." I said hugging Darry.
"You good?" Darry whispered in my ear. I nodded no because I really wasn't.
"Cmon guys let's go. Be nice so he won't change his mind." Brandon said putting a hand on my shoulder. I let go of Darry and went downstairs with the boys.
"Dad these are the boys. They are Riley's friends that are gonna live with us." Taylor said to Damien.
"Wait, riley can I talk to you. Alone?" Damien ask looking at me then the boys.I smirked cause he looked scared.
"No." I said crossing my arms.
"Riley I will embarrass you in front of your friends." Damien said giving me a come now look.
"Fine!" I said throwing my hands I'm the air. "What?" I asked walking into the kitchen.
"Those boys are not coming with us to Phoenix." He said leaning on the counter.
"What the hell? Why?!" I yelled at him not bothering to look at his eyes.
"Well gee I don't know? Maybe because they're boys?!" He yelled back. That did it. I got in his face to where he was trying to back up, and pointed in his face.
"Listen here you fucking shit eater, you can't go back on a PROMISE you offered. And so what if they're boys? So is fucking Taylor! And he said he needed more guy friends." I said getting out raged.
"Why are you in my face? Its my house and you're gonna live by my rules!" He yelled. Just after he said that, he slapped my face. Hard. So hard my head went the other way. I looked back up at him with rage and lunged at him. I had him pinned down and he couldn't wiggle out of my grasp. As I started punching him he blead instantly. I kept punching and punching him until Taylor yanked me off of him. Taylor threw me to Brandon and I was trying to get back to what I started.
"Cmon he's not worth it. He'll get it worse later." Brandon whispered. I stopped wiggling and walked back upstairs. I found the boys straddled around the room. I spotted Darry on my spinning desk chair, so I walked over without saying anything, sat on his lap and hugged his neck as I cried. I always had a strong connection with Darry, but not enough for a relationship.
"What's wrong baby girl?" Darry asked hugging my waist. I guess no one noticed us.
"You guys can't come with me." I said crying a little more. Good thing I use water proof products or I would've been screwed.
"We can still see each other?" He said rubbing my back. I look up at his eyes, and notice sadness and a wistfull look. I got off his lap and went in front of everyone. I wiped my tears before I started to speak so I won't get a lot of questions.
"Babes listen up." They,all look up from what they were doing. "So change of plans boys, I have to take this one alone." I said with my voice cracking at boys.
"We kinda knew that was gonna happen when you beat the living shit out of pops down there." Jake said giggling while pointing to his right. I gave them sad smiles and taylor came in.
"What the hell was that?!" Taylor yelled at me. What's up with my dad and his style of raising kids?
"Ask me that when you actually get friends." I said crossing my arms.
"Oh shut up you're just jealous dad chose me over you and Brandon." Did my brother just say that to me. My own brother. My flesh and blood. I gave him a dirty glare.
"And to think you were different. You're just as dead to me, as Damien. I hate you so much. Your a disgrace to your mother. And I'm ashamed to be your sister." I couldn't keep a glare anymore. I ran out the room bawling and running into walls. Running to my mothers room took a lot of turns from the closets and guest rooms.
"Riley, I'm sorry I didn't mean it!" I ran In my mom's room and locked her door. She had a secret stash of liquor and weed I gave to her for her Christmas present. It was as a joke but it was both real. I grabbed both of them and went to her bathroom. I lit a joint and took a puff. Then I opened the bottle and took a big gulp. I kept repeating the two things until Darry came in.
"What are youuuu doiiiin in herrrrrreeee?" I slurred.
"The moving guys are done, and you guys are leaving." He said taking a swig of my tequila. Then taking a puff from the joint.
"Ohhhh great. I hope I don't get in trouble at the airport." I said cause I was totally tweaked.
"Just take this and your good. Don't talk and walk like you're on a tight rope. Keep these shades on until you get to check outs." I just nodded and took his pill he offered.
"Darren, could I tell you something?" I asked looking at him.
"Anything." He said holding my hand.
"Thank you for everything you've done for me. I love you. I loved you ever since we were dared to kiss the first time I met you. When we played truth or dare with the faggots we call popular kids at the school." I said getting out of the tub I was laying in.
"I loved you when we first met. I told them to dare us to do that." He laughed. I tried to get out but ended up slipping. Right before I fell, Darry grabbed me by the waist.
"Thanks." I said looking at his eyes. Then down to his lips.
"No problem." He said. Then we started leaning in. His lips were so soft and plump. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance. I gave in and let him in. He tasted like alcohol and weed. I'm pretty sure I tasted the same, but worse. We pulled apart and I smiled.
"C'mon you have to go. Here's your phone, I'll walk you out." He said putting his arm around me. I saw Damien with dried blood on his face. Taylor was in the front seat on his phone. I stopped in front of the house. I turned around and saw all the boys there with sad eyes.
"I'm gonna miss you guys." I said starting a group hug.
"We'll see you later babe." They all said at different times. I walked to the car and stumbled into the back seat. I waved at them, from the back seat as Damien took off. They got smaller and smaller until they disappeared.
"Here we go..." I whispered. As we headed off to the airport.