-Riley’s POV-
"Hey Riley what are we gonna do today?" Said Darren, one of my closest friends from elementary school.
"Ehh I'm probably gonna be late for class, get detention... The usual." I said nonchalantly while opening my locker.
"May I join madame?" He asked bowing.
"Shut up you're not funny." I pushed him down just when the devil walks by and stops in front of me.
"Don't touch my brother like that" she glared at me.
"Shut up Melissa unless you want me to tell your mommy, Lisa." I gave her the nastiest glare I could whip up.
"I'd like to see you try." Melissa said getting in my face.
"Darry if you don't get this cold hearted bitch out of my face, she won't have a face when I'm through" I didn't take my eyes off her for a second.
"C'mon Lissa do me a favor and leave me and my friend alone" Darry said trying to puller her away.
"She wouldn't do it anyways." She said shrugging. And with that Darry backed up with his hands in the air.
"Not my fault I was trying to warn you" Darry implied.
"About what she won't hurt me. We're at school." She said laughing nervously.
"I'll give you till the count of 3 to get your skanky ass away from this hallway." I said gonna lose my temper. "1...2...3!" And with that I lunged at her and kept throwing punches on her face while she was struggling to get out from my grip. By the time my friends tugged me off of her, she had a busted lip and her nose was out of place. There way blood everywhere.
"C'mon let's go the principal is coming!!!" Darry, Jake, and Dallas said, trying to pry me off of her but I kept trying to wringgle out of their grip. When I saw her face all bloody that made me want to beat her more...
'Not enough damage' I thought.
When we were turning the corner I saw the principal running in and that calmed me down a bit. Enough to make me walk on my own to the school's parking lot. I just remembered I can't go home because 1)I don't have my bike cause my mom insisted on taking me to school and 2)I live on the other side of Portland, and I'm not trying to walk.
"Need a ride home?" Jake asked me. Even though I love his car I kinda want to stay at our spot on the field and just chill.
"Actually, you guys wanna hang out at the spot till school ends?" I asked smirking, knowing they would say yes.
"Ehhhh...JUST KIDDING! Of course I'm in." Jake said. He loves our spot. No one goes there cause they know its our spot. People only go there if they need something from us.
"Let's go!" Darry and Dallas yelled while Darry hopped on Dallas.
"Race ya!" I yelled hopping onto Jake.
"For Narnia!!!"Darry yelled pointing forward as Jake and Dallas sprinted to our 'chill' spot. Of course being crazy athletes, Jake won and Dallas got there right after us. It was half way across campus and they ran that in like, a fucking millisecond.
"Not even tired" Jake said not even breathing out of his mouth.
"Hey Jake this is a, no flex zone!" Darry said playfully getting in Jake's face.
"Oh you're lucky we're on school grounds cause if we weren't I would've hurt you." Jake said squinting his eyes and pointing at Darry.
"That didn't stop miss Riley, over here!" Dallas said pointing at me. I just smirked putting my hand under my chin.
"Bow down to your queen! The queen without hesitation!" I yelled pointing at them. This is why I love our spot, no one can hear our screams. As much as we try, our sounds are muffled.i