I turned lazily in my big queen-sized bed when the rays of sunlight slapped my face forcing my senses to wake to the world. The birds chirped outside surprisingly as if telling me that the sun is up which doesn't usually happen at this time of the year. So I should be up too before Christine pulls me out of this bed by my hair. She can be very determined when she suggests something.
"Rise and shine Kitanya," mom chimed out of nowhere startling me. "Today is the big day and you need to do some signing and dressing. By the way darling, your unibrow needs a little of Violet's fashion touch and so does those awful nails," she added entering my room cheerfully.
"Mom just five more minutes. I need a little more beauty sleep," I said before burying my face in the fluffy pink rose scent pillows. I was up all night thinking over and over about that simple phrase Phaedra made in our conversation.
"I promise this ball will change your life forever."
"Minutes?!" Mom exclaimed really loudly causing me to flinch. "Honey, we don't even have a second to waste! You need to get up now!" she said hurriedly slapping my arm but I just ignored her. "Christine!" she called loudly and I groaned out loud.
I love my mother so much but sometimes she can be a pain in the royal bum!!
"Yes, Ma'am?" Christine said entering the room in her maid uniform and usual bright obedient smile.
"See to it that Kitanya is ready for the activities that must be done today in time for the ball," she said to her while I eyed her glaring and she ignores me.
"Yes, Ma'am" Christine smiled an evil one looking at me and I whined silently asking her to leave.
"Good. Oh and Kitanya?" she said.
"Yes, mother?" I answered through gritted teeth glaring at her. She is really loving and fun, but she can be really annoying at times when she wants to be.
Really annoying.
"We are spending the night after we fly there so pack good darling. Real good," she winked saying the last part a little funny.
"Mom!" I shouted embarrassed looking at her unbelievably.
"What?" she asked innocently shrugging.
"It's not my time of the month," I whisper-shouted feeling the blood rush in my cheeks.
"Who said you have to be menstruating? There will be Princes the-".
"Mom!" I shrieked throwing a pillow at her and she hurried out of the room laughing like a teenager.
She's just 37 years old. Pretty young to be my mom? She met my dad at twelve years old and had me during the year of her twentieth birthday. Young love, I know. I wish I could fall in love like that.
I miss my dad all the time. Since his death mom just, I dunno, died along with him. She hardly remembers things and most times she just sits and looks through photos of us and cries. I cry along with her too but it has been far too long and we made it through, we lightened up. It's been almost three years.
Now she's become energetic as ever but I secretly know she’s hurting behind her cheeky personality.
"Princess Kitanya!" Christine pushed me out of bed by my feet making me fall hard on my butt despite the fluffy grey rug around my bed.
"Ow!" I whined rubbing my butt. "Why today out of all days? It's a Saturday," I added pushing up off the floor.
"Ask King Harold. God said Saturday we should rest but I guess there is no time to waste so up up up and get ready for your day," she said spreading the bed.
Oh boy.
Nathaniel's POV.
Last night was simply described as horribly fun. Mostly horrible but I have to include the fun.
The boys and I decided to go to a club where most of us got desperately drunk. This princess was there who I think was Marcia which I brought to my room last night and we had a blast. That was the best part of my night.
I turn over in my bed to see that it was empty of the girl. Well, at least father won't come and see her in my bed or he'd be mad. He always gets angry when he finds out I was involved with other girls because I was supposed to be looking to settle down. Bloody hell! I'm 21 for God's sake! I am not getting married anytime soon.
I heard someone clear their throat behind me and I didn't turn around immediately. What the f***? I sneaked out a gun from my nightstand and rolled off the bed behind it aiming the gun at the man sitting in my room on my chair. And that man was...
Father? Yea, I'm in a lot of trouble.
"Father, I didn't see you there," I tried to act naturally but failed miserably.
"Shut the hell up!" My father cursed raising from the sofa with a deadly expression on his face.
"Nice to see you too, father," I said rolling my eyes and getting up off the ground.
"Cut the crap, Nathaniel. Why was Princess Maria seen sneaking out of your room?!" he yelled obviously furious.
Why are you in my room? That's a better question
"Who?" was all I could say putting away my licensed gun.
"Princess Maria. Why was she in your room?!" he repeated but this time louder and I had to prevent myself from groaning out loud wondering why he had to be shouting when I was a whisper away from him.
"I don't know," I lied letting out a yawn running my fingers through my dark, jet black hair before stretching my arms out to properly wake up my senses.
"Don't you dare lie to me, boy," he threatened, raising his finger as if accusing me.
"I went to a bar with my friends, had a great time, came home with a girl, and also had a great time. Happy now?!" I yelled tired of his over-dramatic behavior.
"You are soon becoming the King of England! You can't be sleeping around with women night after night. The responsibilities of a King involves him having a queen for his people. You’re not showing any responsibility of a King sleeping with every woman that willingly separates their legs for you!" he repeated the words he had been using for weeks.
"Oh like you do?" I backfired through gritted teeth. "You can sleep with every woman in and out of this country but I can't?"
"That is different I am a grown man that knows what I'm doing and when to do it," he said.
What this man just said is absolute bullshit!
"You are young and you need a woman in your life and not just any woman. And tonight you are expected to look for a bride at the party."
"See that's the problem. Let's talk about you, shall we? Not even a year after my mother's death you start sleeping around with her friends, which you plan to marry but is sleeping with the kitchen maids also. She tries to take the motherly role but I will never consider her as my mother. You have never even loved my mother, did you? I saw that night when you went to the maid’s room. The same night you got into a fight with her when you were forcing Nathalie to marry a 30-year-old man at the age of 17. No wonder why she's hardly at the castle. She hates your guts and I hate it too. Now I see why Mom was desperately wanting to divorce your wicked ass. She also hated-" before I could finish...
He slapped me. Backhanded me.
I held the side of my face that he slapped while he began to speak thunderously, his words laced with anger.
"I am your father!" he shouted. "I loved your mother and sister more than anything in the world. I love them. I even love you. Don't you ever speak about our troubles like they are the worst. And what's my business, stays my business," and with that, he walked through the door with two maids replacing his unwanted presence.
My blood was boiling, my fists were clenched, my breathing is rigid and my teeth are gritted. I trembled with anger staring into space. I punched the wall nearest to me, destroying it and the maids jumped in shock. I somehow felt no pain looking at the chip in the wall. He's lucky it wasn't his fu***** head!