Life has so many wrong turns and so many obstacles, even for royalty.Kitanya was born royalty, sweet, and naive. So naiv...
It's funny how being a princess is a stress, a total nuisance, and a challenge. You thought it would be easy? Oh you have yet to get the tea.
"Your Highness. Yellow or cream?" Christine, my lady in waiting asked holding up the two elegant knee-length dresses.
"None," I gagged. "Pink, blue or purple," I suggested.
My room door burst open suddenly revealing a happy Queen.
"Mother, privacy," I cursed huffing and crossing my arms over my chest. Her usual habit was to just waltz into my room whenever necessary, and unnecessary, making herself comfortable.
"Darling, we have been invited by King Harold of England to a Royal ball," she breathed out excitedly with a big smile.
"What? Mom you know I'm not the party type of girl," I whined unconformably.
"Excuse me your Highnesses," Christine said holding up the dresses, three pinks in one hand, and four blue in the other. I stood up lazily and walked towards her as I eyed a blue one.
"That one," I pointed out.
"Where are you going, Kitanya?" Mom asked resting down on the sofa in my room.
"On a date with Kensington," I said with a smile looking at my mom for her reaction.
"I don't like him. He is too full of himself and he's always eating," Mom complained twirling her shiny blonde hair with one finger wearing a distasteful look on her face.
"I know you don't," I laughed as I changed out of my current clothes which were jeans pants, and t-shirt.
"Good," My mom pouted crossing her hands over her chest stubbornly like a little child.
"Mom, just give him a chance, he's a little nice when expected," I defended unsurely.
My mom looked at me and her hazel eyes sparkled with the shining lights of my room. "Honey, you look stunning," my mom chanted eyeing me like an angel.
"Yes Ms. Kitanya, you do," Christine commented, her and my mother sharing the same expression.
"Thank you for your comments. If you may pardon me, I will be off now," I said stepping in my white flats and exiting the room with my blue knee-length dress.
Invited to a Royal ball? Pssht. Not me.
I'm the most hated princess in the world. Mostly by all Princes that have asked for my hand in marriage. I always declined them because some of them just want a beautiful Queen for their people, others just want me for themselves because they knew of my value and wealth.
I want a man that loves me for who I am. Who calls me sweet names and is really possessive over me. He lets no one dance with me and he is not all about his worth and riches. He will be the father of my children and give them love beyond compare. He will teach his sons to fight or to drive a car or ride a horse. Or teach his daughter how to choose the right man and be very overprotective over them. He will tell me he loves me daily and w- oof.
I bumped into Frederik at the stairs. I almost fell but he caught me just in time.
Oh, thank goodness.
"I’m sorry Ms. Kitanya," he recovers with a smile. I wonder how he is still working for the Royal Family. He took care of my father since he was 39 and that was almost twenty years ago. He should have been retired.
"It's okay, Sir Frederik," I assured him with a warm smile that I usually give.
"Good. Your escort is here and waiting with that young man. He ‘ordered’ that you come now. How rude of him," he frowned emphasizing 'that young man' and 'ordered'.
Can't anyone like him? I mean, he's not that bad. Right?
"Thank you," I continued to the exit with a perky smirk playing on my lips.
I hope today goes well. Even though I feel it in my bones that today will be a total disaster.
I reached the exit and the door opens for me revealing a happy Kensington looking in the mirror flirting with his reflection.
Narcissist much?
I rolled my eyes mentally and walked towards the limousine. When I was a few centimetres away from Kensington, his brown eyes glanced at me and he straightened his posture putting away the mirror swiftly. Too bad, I already noticed.
"Why, Princess Kitanya," he held my hand and kissed it softly and slowly. He's a Latin American but he speaks English quite perfectly.
"Prince Kensington," I curtsied with a smile. He is so handsome, with his golden blonde hair and dark chocolaty eyes, but so full of himself that he can hardly be a gentleman. Like all the time. That's the reason no one likes him or even cares to notice him.
But he has a lot of potentials so I thought why not give it a try? We've been dating for almost three weeks now. He treats me well but not the 'well' I would want him to. He spends a crazy amount of money on me daily sending me gifts and self-absorbed messages about himself and how we'd be a great couple because we are two rich, important and beautiful people.
"Shall we go?" he asked opening the limo door. Well, I've been proved wrong. He has a bit of decency in him.
"Indeed," I said smiling but instead of letting me get in first, he jumped in without another word.
I rolled my eyes mentally at him for the second time.
Oh, why do I even bother? I thought entering the limo.
"Kensington! You are the most disgusting and revolting Prince I have ever met!" I yelled throwing my napkin in his face forcefully, wishing it was heavier to cause some damage to him.
"Oh like you have ever meet any Princes," he challenged with a frown rolling his eyes.
I rose my fist to punch him but he retaliated defensively by putting his hands over his face as quick as a hare to shield the punch.
"No! Not my beautiful face, please not the face. Anything but my pride and joy," he begged backing away cautiously. I lowered my fist and he dropped his hand from his face thinking it was safe. My hand swiftly darted up punching him in the face causing him to yelp and my hand hurt pretty bad that I had to flash it to relieve the pain.
"Shit," he cursed putting his hand over his nose staggering, a little dizzy from the impact of my punch. He removed his hands from over his nose and there was blood in them.
"You little-" I punched him again but this time in his eye because I didn't want any blood on me. His hand automatically covered his eyes as he whined in pain falling to his knees in defeat.
I heard chuckles from behind me and I turned around to see Sir Frederik laughing. I felt proud of myself and I was satisfied that I destroyed his face.
"Shall we go now Princess Kitanya?" Sir Frederik gestured to the limo and I smiled confidently raising my chin as if I'd just received an award.
"We shall," I walked to the car briskly with a grimacing smile playing on my lips.
"I'm proud of you Kay," Phaedra, my best friend said after I told her everything that happened today. "That Jerk deserved it," she added.
By the way, we are talking on FaceTime because she is in her country Greece.
"Where is Leonidas?" I asked furrowing my eyebrow.
"I dunno. After he and dad argued about him finding a queen and taking up the responsibilities of soon becoming king, he stormed off," she explained. "As usual."
"I can marry him if he wants," I joked while I ran the brush through my long blond hair.
"Haha really funny," Phaedra said in sarcasm. "Have you gotten an invitation from King Harold of England to attend his Royal ball?" she asked suddenly and I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah, we did," I sighed. "Girl you know I don't like balls," I whined placing the brush on the table before me.
"But you'll come, right?" she asked hopefully. I sighed unsurely and thought of my reply.
"Na ah, I think I'll sit this one out," I said convincingly gathering my hair into a messy bun.
"Please Kay, I need a friend. Please, come for me, your best friend," she begged me making puppy dog eyes and I sighed rubbing my thighs.
Phaedra is my best friend and I don't want to let her down so I did what any other best friend would do. Besides, it's not like I'd be the centre of attention. I would act lowkey so that most people won't even know I was there.
That is if my mother doesn't decide to go crazy and start greeting the whole party.
"Okay," I sighed clapping my hands in excitement.
"Yes! I love you so much," she sang happily laying on her back and kicking at the high ceiling.
"I hope I won't be bored to death," I said standing up for the end of our conversation.
"I promise that this ball will change your life forever," she said. "Okay, mom wants us to go dress picking so I'll see you tomorrow. Bye."
"Goodbye," I said before cutting the call off and going over to my bed to sleep.
"I promise that this ball will change your life forever"
Her words replayed in my mind like a broken CD record and I felt uneasy in my stomach.