Irene Payton
5 years ago..
"Hello" I jumped from my seat and turned to see Joel Cesborn from the 7 Gold Life Kids in horror
"Uhmm hi?" I answered shyly and I gulped nervously
"Why are you here alone? This is an empty field" He asked as he sat beside me. I still can't process the situation. This is Joel Cesborn that we're talking about.
Joel Cesborn.. the highest chain in my school is talking to me
"Hey.. I'm asking.. Why are you here alone?"
"I- I love to enjoy the beautiful weather" I said a little bit sutter
"I just discover this too and can't believe there is someone who agree with me" He stated and I nodded
"I'm Joel" He introduced himself , he doesn't need to do that because even a dust know who he is
"I'm Irene"
"Irene who?"
"Irene Payton" I stated
"So what grade are you?" He asked , of course he doesn't know that we're on the same Math , English and History class
"Same as you" I answered and I didn't dare to look at him. I kept looking straight to the field
"Oh.." There's an awkward silence after that
"How is it feel to talk to me?" He suddenly asked and that's a weird question
"Interesting.. I'm the one who can't believe that you're talking to me" I stated and glanced at him for a split second
"Can everyone treat me the same? I hate when they treat me some kind of king or something.." I mean you act like one. You love reputation and you always love how people praise you
"So are you a nerd?" He asked
"No.. Just ordinary" I said and took out a plastic of cereal and a plastic of milk
"You eat cereal?" He asked , why is he asking me a lot of questions?
"Yes.. It's my favorite" I stated and pour a little amount of milk
"Why not pour it all?"
"I don't like it , it won't be crispy anymore" I said and offered it to him. He raised his eyebrows to me
"Want it?" I offered cause I still have one more. He took it and eat it with me
"Your friends won't look for you?" I asked in a small voice , I didn't dare to ask but I felt uncomfortable with his presence. I didn't want to take people's attention because one of the 7 Gold Lifes was talking to me.
"Nah.. They're busy. They knew I love hanging out alone"
"I'll go then" I said as I put my stuff back in my bag. I needed to find another chill place then.. since this boy will claim this place
"Hey no.. It's okay for you to be here. I don't mind having a company" He said
"But the others won't , I better go" I said and stood up. He held my wrist and I turned to him. His touch was burning my skin and it gave me a weird sensation
"Stay.. I insist you to stay" He said pulling me back to my seat
"People will see"
"No one will come here , trust me" He said and I nodded. I put back my bag beside me. He's starting to ask a lot of questions and we talked about a lot of things.
It began to be a habit for us. We hung out every break time together and it felt so perfect. I learned a lot about him and it made me develop feelings for him.
We were so close when we're together but when we're inside the school. We acted like we didn't know each other. He's hanging out with his friends and I'm alone.
One day he didn't come to our usual place.. I felt so lonely and felt so weird when he's not there. For 4 months he's there with me and suddenly he's gone for a day. I felt so weird..
Two days.. three days.. four days.. five days.. six days.. 1 week
We saw each other inside the school but he didn't come to our usual place. I felt weird and lonely so I decided to move to the rooftop. The rooftop is beautiful but I'm not that friendly with height
"Irene" I turned my head to see Joel , I raised my eyebrows because it's weird to see him on the rooftop. How did he know I was here?
"How do you know I was here?"
"I saw you went up earlier" He stated and he sat beside me
"You hate heights, that's why I'm a little bit worried. I went up immediately" He said and that made my heart jump more
"I'm fine"
"Sorry for not showing up , my friends were asking about where I've been these days. They felt weird so I decided to be with them everytime" He always thinks about his reputation. He loves that so he will always pick that over everything
"It's fine" I smiled assuring him
"So you're changing your place here?" He asked
"Maybe yes.." I felt lonely if you're not there
"Then I'll go here too" I turned to him raising my eyebrows
"Why follow me? You love being there" I looked down to the place where we always hang out
"What's the point if you're not there?" He stated and oh stop it! Don't make my heart go weird!
"So you're following me again?" I asked and he nodded simply
"I will always follow you anyway" He stated and I just stay silent
"Oh yeah , what's with you and that nerd boy?" He suddenly asked out of nowhere
"Nerd boy? Oliver?" I asked and he nodded
"He's asking my place so we can study toge-"
"Reject him!" He cut me
"Why reject him? I need h-"
"You won't like it if I get jealous Irene" What?
"Why get jealous when we're only-"
"I like you.. isn't it obvious?" My heart stopped , I turned to him and he smiled
"I like you.. so I don't like it when you're hanging out with someone else" He stated and damn you Joel
"You're lying.. This isn't funny" I stated disbelief
"You don't believe me?" He asked and I nodded. He cupped my face and kissed me. I felt my body went hot and went crazy. I like this boy too and this is crazy to know that he likes me too
"Believe me now?"
"I think so"
"Be my girlfriend Irene?" What?!
"Girlfriend?" I repeated
"Yes girlfriend.. I know you like me too" He smirked
"How can you be so sure?"
"You kissed me back and you're lonely when I didn't come" Oh boy..
"So confident.."
"I am confident Irene.. So is it a yes or no?" He asked and I pulled his shirt to kiss him again
Yes Joel.. I'll be your girlfriend