Irene Payton
I hate this situation so much
I looked at my food with no appetite and the feeling in my stomach made me want to throw up right now. I hate sitting across Joel right now. I hate it.. I hate it!
"Where were you all this time?" Joel asked and I shot my eyes to him. I scoffed sarcastically
"Why is that so important to you?" I asked and Joel looked at me intensely
"Oh yeah.. Happy 4th Anniversary Irene" He said in a really painful tone and I looked away letting out a sarcastic cold laugh
"Funny Joel , our relationship already ended. I don't even remember anything related to us" I said looking at him coldly
"Well that explains why you left me huh?" He raised his eyebrows
"Where's the guy who doesn't stay with one girl? Isn't it weird for you to be here bidding on your ex?"
"Correction.. Girlfriend. I bidded on my own girlfriend. The relationship won't end unless I say so Irene" He said seriously and I can't believe him
"Excuse me? Our relationship ended with Joel Cesborn , there's nothing left between us. Stop dreaming and find someone else , you can get others in a flick" I said coldly and stated the fact. I took my clutch and stood up from the seat
"Just leave me alone Joel , I'm here for my dreams not to see your face again" I said coldly and walked to the door
"You're the one who left me , shouldn't I be the one who was mad at you?" He said and I stopped
"I left you because I don't like you anymore. I got bored with you" I said not even looking at him , he suddenly turned my body and pinned me to the wall
"It's funny to hear you say that Irene" He leaned closer to me and looking into my eyes
"You can't control me anymore Joel , I'm not yours anymore. It ended long time ago and it won't be there anymore" I said coldly
"Well aren't you brave now? Where is my shy little one?"
"I'm not that Irene anymore that you can control like a puppet. So fuck off" I pushed him away and walked to the door but again Joel pulled me back
"Let me ask you one thing.. Did you throw away the ring?" He asked and I froze. It's weird to heard him talking about the ring
"Of course , I burned everything along every memories that I had with you" I said looking into his eyes seriously
"So you burned it?" He must be deaf , he suddenly took out something from inside his shirt. My eyes widened. I saw his ring was attached to a plain necklace. He made it into a necklace. I made my heart like a rock again.. I almost went emotional because of that ring
"I don't believe that you burn it Irene , you must have it somewhere" He said
"I said I burned it! I already erase everything related to you.. Stop thinking I'm still crazily in love with you cause I'm not" I bursted a really big lie. He's still in my heart till this second
"Listen Joel , I came here to New York to chase my dreams. I never thought I will meet you again like this. Let's just go on our separate ways" I said in a soft tone looking at him hoping that he will agree
"Shouldn't you be explaining why you left me?" He asked in a sad tone
"I don't like you anymore" I said fast and simple
"Stop lying and tell me the truth!" He bursted angrily and I looked at him disbelief
"That's the truth.. I'm not lying" I said
"Look into my eyes and said it to my face Irene" Joel said seriously and I looked into his eyes
"I hate you Joel that why I left you 4 years ago" I said clearly and he looked away
"You left me without any messages , note , calls or explaination. I spent 1.5 years looking for you like an idiot and hoping one day you will comeback to me again. You broke my heart and took it away until now Irene. Do you think after this I will let you go? Not in a million years" He said and oh damn shit!
"Why bother looking for me? When you have girls all around you all this time?" I asked in a really sarcastic tone and he turned to me
"A guy like you won't go for a girl like me Joel , I can't believe I trusted you. I was a fool back then but now I'm not going to repeat again" I said firmly
"You still love me , that's why you denying this" He stated and I laughed
"You're completely stupid Joel , I don't love you. I never love you" I stated and was completely angry now. I sighed and decided to walk out
"I won't stop here Irene , you know that"
"Stop here because you won't get anything from me. Just because you bidded on me 300.000$ I will be down on my knee for you. I'm not the old Irene you know Joel" I said with a great pain inside my heart
"You're still my little one Irene"
"Stop calling me that! I hate it! I never like that nickname!" I bursted out angrily to him
"I hate everything that is related to you , I hate it! You don't even deserve to call me by my name! I hate you Joel Cesborn , with all of my heart and soul. Don't find me again and don't even try to show your face in front of me again" I continued and looked at him coldly one last time before walked out the room
I freaking hate you Joel.. I will always hate you