Joel Cesborn
"I want you to find everything about Irene Payton , give it to me ASAP" I said to my private investigator and ended the call
"Did you talk to her?" Suddenly Daniel came to me
"More like arguing , it didn't end well" I sighed and put my phone back
"I can't believe she suddenly here"
"Yeah me too , looking for her crazily for a year and a half but suddenly she came up out of nowhere" I leaned to the wall
"Talk to her in a calm and good mood Joel , fighting and arguing won't fix the problem" Daniel patted my back
"Joel.." My twin came and I raised my eyebrows to her
"Where's Irene?" She asked
"She left already"
"And why you're not with her?" Joan asked
"They both need to calm down first , you can't solve a problem in one day Joan" Daniel answered her for me
"But.. she might runaway"
"No she's in New York and I bet she won't go anywhere this time. I will find her again if she's going to runaway again" I said
"You still have that ring" Joan pointed , the necklace was out when I showed it to her. I didn't put it back inside
"He's still crazy about her" Daniel said before leaving
Joan leaned to the wall beside me and she just shut her mouth. I looked at the ring and put it back inside. I always kept it , I remembered when Irene gave me this ring and it felt like yesterday but time flies so fast
"Don't let her slip again from you this time" Joan suddenly said
"I won't let her slip ever again"
"Take time , treat her right this time.. She left you because she has a reason" Joan said and she left me alone. I decided to go home and go to the clan to train.
There's a lot of thoughts inside my head. A lot of scenarios inside my head. I never stop waiting for Irene. Since 4 years ago until now , she still remains in my heart and my mind.
I turned my heart into steel when she left. No one can reach me , I can't open my heart for someone else either. I was waiting for Irene only , only her. I stopped looking for her because my friends and family were worried about me.
When she left , I broke down crazily and started looking for her endlessly. I drove all around New York , trying to figure out where she was and even asked a private investigator to find her but she was gone.
She's gone without any trace and just completely disappeared
After a year and a half , they told me to stop. They helped me to heal and I fixed myself back. I still remember everything about her , everything
Her touch , her kisses , her hugs , her mischievous personality and just everything
I got home and changed my clothes into sport attire. I walked down from my room and found my parents were in the kitchen
"Joel?" My mom called
"Hey mom" I walked to the kitchen
"Why did you come home so early? Where's Axel and Joan?" My mom asked and my dad looked at me confuse
"I found Irene" I stated and their eyes widen
"What? Where?"
"At the charity , she was one of the participants. I bidded on her" I stated
"What happens after that?"
"We talked but it didn't end up well , she left and just.."
"Why did you let her go again?" My dad asked
"She won't go away , she said she's pursuing her dream here and she hoped I don't go find her here" I said as I took a drink that my mom gave me
"Find her.. You know we never listen to people" My dad said and my mom glared at her
"She has a reason and you need to find out about that first. In relationships there's 2 people and when a problem comes.. not only her that you can blame but maybe.. it's your fault Joel"
"She left you for a reason so find it and fix it. Listen to her too" My mom said and my dad nodded
"Yeah like that"
"I'm going" I said
"Where?" My dad asked
"Clan.. I need a distraction. If not I might find her now" I said as I walked out from the kitchen. I got into my car and drove to the clan. My phone rang and it's Robert my private investigator
"What is it?"
"I just found out where she lives and work"
"Tell me.."
"She's currently living in a small apartment around 30 minutes from your house sir and she has a small bakery near St. Regis hotel.. that she bought with her own money 1.5 years ago. She started the bakery shop last year and it slowly begin to rise up" Robert said
"Send me the address now" I said
"Yes sir" I ended the call and Robert immediately sent me the address. Instead of going to the clan , I turned my car to the address that he gave me.
I can't hold it.. I need to see her again
I stopped in front of her bakery shop and the lights were still on. It's 9 p.m and of course it's still on. I got out of the car and walked to the shop. I looked through the glass window hoping that I could find her and just look at her from a distance
"I'm so damn crazy" I said to myself and I got into my car again. I'm planning to wait until she comes out of the store. I never took my eyes away from it until suddenly the lights turned off
People were walking out from the store and I saw Irene still wearing the same red dress from earlier but she put a jacket on.. She bid her goodbyes to her staff and she walked the opposite way from the others. I decided to follow her with my car since it's not a packed neighbourhood
She's the source of everything. It's crazy that she's just everything to me
After following her for a solid 10 minutes , she walked into a bar. I parked my car quickly and decided to follow her inside
I walked in and she sat on the bar. I sat a few metres away from her with my hoodie on so she won't notice me.
I saw her starting to drink a lot of alcohol and strong shots. I walked and sat a few seats beside her
"I hate you Joel.. I hate you" She mumbled and she's starting to get tipsy
"I tried my best to run away from you crazily and I'm the one who messed this up. How can I be stupid to come to that charity?" She mumbled blaming herself
Typical Irene.. Still love blaming herself for everything
"I hate seeing you again Joel Cesborn , I will always run away from you again and again"
Sorry little one , you can't run away from me again starting from today. You're mine now and forever