I watch as she lay in my arms, her bare body covered in the blanket. As she lay in my arms eating her meal, there's something in them, something i cannot read.
She has been stealing glance at me after our love making. Truth is, it was the best ever. I like how she responds to my touch. You should have seen her when we made love just now, she wanted my hands all over her body.
But right now the look in her eyes makes me worried more than anyone can imagine. "Is there something wrong babe".?
She glances at me and quickly looks away shyly. I chuckle and pull her into me more. I want her to feel safe and secure at all times especially when she's with me. I place my finger under her chin and raise her head so i can stare into her eyes. She tries to look away and i quickly capture her lips in a calming kiss. I kiss her still looking deep into her eyes.
After the kiss, the tension in her body disappears and there she is ready to pour out her whole heart to me.
"Do you also think that I'm not good in bed".? She asks feeling sad.
What?!! that asshole. I'm sure he must have said something to make her think like this. Not to sound like a man whore but she is the best sex i have ever had, not because i am madly in love and obsessed with her but because she has this body that can make a man stare at her even for the third time. Everything she does, even her smallest body movement turns me on.
I have fantasised about her everyday in the last ten years and i still do. Having her in my arms today is a dream come true and i want more. I want her in my bed at home, not just as a sex buddy but as my wife. I'm not asking for too much and I'll make it happen.
I place my hands on both her shoulders. "Look at me". I order her and she slowly finds my eyes. "You are the most beautiful, most sexy twenty five year old i have ever set my eyes on. You are beautiful in every way. Can i tell you something".?
She nods.
"You are a monster in bed". She widens her eyes and cover them shyly. "Plus, you're always needy, always wanting. You make me want to fulfil your wildest desires Stacy".
She stares at me and leans into my arms for a hug. "Are you sure or are you just flattering me"?
"Should i fuck you again, for you to believe me? Do you want me repeating these words into your ears while thrusting deep and rough into you".?
She looks up to me. "Would you do that for me"?
"I would, I would do anything for you, all on your command baby". What has Dexter done to my baby girl? He has shattered her self confidence and left her empty and shallow. What does she see in that dick anyways? Why does she love him so much?
He's a cheat and anytime she catches him, she lets him go and he does the same thing over and over again, hurting her. She might not know but i know he's fucking some other woman he met at the club where i work. He's hurting my baby girl and she's allowing it all. Is she willing to suffer for him like this? For the rest of her life?
"I want you to fuck me again, Pierce. Make me forget everything. Fuck me while whispering those words to my ears again. I want to feel you inside me again Pierce". She begged.
"Your wish is my command baby". As I claim her lips in mine, her phone rings out loud. The panic in her eyes makes me release her. She scrambles through her bag for the phone and when she finds it, the panic is replaced with terror. She pushes me off her completely and moves away to take the call in nothing but her underwear. Jeez sexy.
"Yes, i'll be on my way. I promise I'll be home soon okay? I love you so much, take care of yourself for me okay". She says onto the phone. She quickly finds her way back under the tent, putting all her stuffs together. "Jeez, where is my fucking dress".?
At that moment, it dawns on me, the devil had really called her. "It's him right".?
"What do you mean it's him".? She smiles nervously while struggling with her palako whatever.
"Why do you keep running to him whenever he calls. You are always there for him but is he? Does he have so much time for you".? My anger was rising but I had to control myself.
Anger crosses her face and in one pull her dress is up her body. "I can accept you saying anything about me but don't you dare talk trash about my husband to my face, you can keep your fucking opinion to yourself".
She places a hand on her forehead and closes her eyes as if deep in thoughts. "There's nothing between us Pierce and i would appreciate it if you stop thinking otherwise. You're just some guy i met at the club, some dude who delivered a box of pizza to my house and some dude who is a waiter at a restaurant. That's just who you are".
Now, there's rage flowing in all parts of my body. How can she say something like this to me. I'm not one to totally control my rage, i always let it out and Stacy is seriously crossing a boundary. "You're forgetting one thing babe. That same dude is the one, you just had sex with on a rooftop, that same dude is the one who had you screaming and moaning all afternoon till sun set, that dude is the same one whose touch you've been yearning for, now tell me, can your husband ever".?
Her eyes are watery now and she's trying hard to keep the tears in. "You really thought you had me with sex? I didn't want to bruise your ego but now you've given me choice".
What the fuck is she talking about. I know Stacy, when she's mad, she says whatever thing in her mind without thinking about the consequences of her action.
She inhales sharply. "You're just as worse as the first sex i had in high school, the foolish nerd couldn't even keep and erection for thirty seconds. You're much worse, nobody can make me feel how Dexter makes me feel in bed and that's that".
"I guess you're just a whore after all". I whisper but loud enough for her to hear it.
"Yeah right". She says before walking out.
How i wish the moment spent with Stacy didn't end the way it did. We ended on bad terms tonight and the fact that he called her made me angry to the bones but i have no hold on her yet, she had to go to him. She's still legally his and it pains me that there's nothing i can do about it. What broke me the most was the guilt in her eyes when he called and when she spoke to him on the phone, she said sweet words to him and all the while, the guilt remained in her eyes.
Does she feel bad for being with me? Does she feel bad for spending the night with me? Does she regret all the hours we spent making love and moaning each others names? This is all fucked up. The way she reprimanded me for being angry broke my heart a lot. We both said a lot of hurtful things to each other and the fact that i wouldn't know if she meant those things or not made me mad. What if she never wants to speak to me again?
Jeez, i even called her a whore, a fucking whore. I messed up so bad. I pick up phone and dial a number on my contact list. "What's her location".?
"Primal hall downtown".? The voice over the phone replies.
Primal hall? What on earth is she doing at Primal hall? She left here like thirty minutes ago and she's now in primal hall. Most business parties are held in Primal hall and Stacy is a business owner or at least she runs a joint business with Dexter maybe that's the reason they are at Primal hall.
I pick up my Jacket and exit the house. I don't know where i am heading to but i need fresh air. Thirty minutes into my quest for fresh air, i find myself in front of Primal hall. Great!!!
"Give it up for Mr Dexter and his very beautiful wife, Mrs Anna Greene, the owners of Radisson corp". A young man in grey coloured suit announces.
As the hall roar in applause, i watch in disgust as Dexter and my woman make their way up the stage, all smiles and pretending to be the perfect couple, while they are not. Stacy's mind seems to be far away as Dexter gives his speech. Her eyes roams around the hall while her brows crease in worry. She's looking for something, something to put her mind at ease.
In no time, her eyes find mine and her features come to rest. She searches my eyes for something but i make sure they are void of any feeling or emotions. I need to know what she really feels for me and I know just how to do that.
As Dexter ends his speech, i make way into one of the doors in the hall trying to clear my head. I know for a fact that she's going to come after me. That statement she made about her first time in high school, i'm going to make her eat her words, someday... someday but for now i need to think. At least she seems happy with her husband and every moment she spends with him leaves me wondering if i should really let her go.
Sometimes, when we are together, i feel like things are really starting to get bright for us but who am i kidding? That Dexter is always there to dim the light. I'll say again, if I'm letting her go, I have to expose the demon for who he really is.
"Hey". A blondie waves at me. "Wanna have fun".?
I smirk at her. "Fun is good".
I pull her into an empty room. Later, I'll talk about how i know every nook and cranny in this place so well. I tear her shirt making the buttons fly in diffrent directions. She hastily unhooks her bra from behind her boobs come into full view. I take one into my mouth, sucking roughly while i fondle with the other one.
The blondie moans continually pressing my head into her boobs. In a moment, my hand finds her legs and i quickly pull them apart. I snake my hands into deep into her legs just to find that she's bare. Jeez! no underwear.
I push in my middle finger into her and she moans loudly, disengaging from our kiss. I lean in and capture her lips again, I'm not about to get caught finger fucking a whore. I slip in another finger and wait for her to adjust, before thrusting into her.
Pleasure is one thing i do not feel right now. I feel empty, without any feeling. I hear a light gasp from the door of the room and i turn around to see Stacy standing there. Her eyes are filled with tears as hurt and anger flashes through her features.
"Leave". I say to the blondie and i am grateful that she's one obedient lady.
As the door closes behind us, i turn around to face Stacy with smirk on my face. "Need something sweetie"?