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"He's travelling to London very soon, looking for someone to buy Radisson corp". My younger brother, Jordan informs me.

"Hmmm". I smile, a mischievous one. "He's falling right into our trap, i see".

"You mean my trap". Jordan rolls his eyes at me. "Cause all you do is sit in here sipping very expensive wine from very expensive glasses".

We are currently in my penthouse and Jordan hates coming here, he says it puts him on an edge and makes him unnecessarily angry. Why? Simply because i have her pictures all over, in the sitting room, my bedroom, my dressing room, and other places, I mean everywhere.

"She doesn't deserve you brother". Jordan speaks up after a minute of silently sulking like a child. "She's not worth your time and attention, heck, she's not even worth all the risk you are taking for her".

"What risk"? I ask perplexed. "I've never considered anything i do for her a risk, everything i do is to show my love and affection. Even in the past everything i did was for her own benefit, even though i always got hurt in the process".

Jordan raises his hands up in disbelief and drops them by his side again. "Here we are about to spend billions to buy her company back from Dexter, why don't we just get her a lawyer and do this legally"?

I keep silent at his question, I have my reasons for not getting a lawyer. I have my reasons for doing it secretly but i can't tell Jordan, it'll only make him hate her more.

He scoffs at my silence. "Yeah, i thought so too. I think i have the answer to my question big brother".

I raise my brow at him, anticipating his answer.

He stands up to his feet. "Because, no matter what you do for her, she'll always run back into the hands of the nicompoon she calls a husband. Damn, even when the evidences are screaming at her face, she'll never believe anyone because everyone is the enemy who is trying to separate her from her high school sweetheart".

"After this, she'll come running into my hands, watch and see".

Jordan sighs. "And if she doesn't".

I smirk. "I'll get rid of Pierce right before her very eyes".


Anger, Anger doesn't describe what i feel right now. Rage, i think rage is the perfect word. It's there, i could see it in her eyes back there at Primal hall but she wouldn't admit.

That bastard Dexter. He has manipulated her so much and she can't even see it. Why is she still with him? Can't she see all the atrocities he is committing against her? Doesn't she feel the hurt that all his actions are causing?

Well that isn't my problem anymore, I have given her two options, it's either me or Dexter and the earlier she makes her choice, the better for all of us because I'm running out of time.

I smile as memories from high school invade my brain, all those time we spent together. All those time that i she loved me wholeheartedly. I was a fool in love because i ignored everyone because of her.

One time, she accidently poured food on Dexters celebrity girlfriend, Joelle, and the whole school went into a frenzy because no one in their right minds dared to hurt Joelle.

Joelle was mad, she wanted to hurt Stacy right there in the restaurant but being the loving boyfriend, i stood up for her. Dexter stepped into the picture and beat me to a pulp.

Stacy insulted me in front of the whole school for being a weakling and almost broke up with me but guess what? I went down on my knees and begged her not to leave me. Long story short, she dumped me.

Now thinking about it, i think she purposely poured food on Joelle, i think everything that happened right from the time i started dating her, all the coincidences, every fucking thing was planned by her. Damn, what was i thinking?

I'm so fucked up, so fucked up because even after realising that she did all those things to me, i still love her with my whole being. I literally exist because of that woman.

And what if she doesn't accept you at the end of the day?

"Then i'll do what i know how to do best until she accepts me".

I stare at my phone on the counter wondering if i should call her or not, it's been two days and i haven't heard anything from her, not even a text message, to show that she's thinking about me and here i am worrying my ass off about her.

I pick up my phone and dial a contact on it. Book a flight to london, it's time.oh, and send her those pictures with dates attached before booking your flight.

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