Anastacia's pov.
I can't think straight as the strong arms of this handsome stranger pulls me in for a hug. I try to stare at him but he gives no room for me to do that.
He dims the light further and that action leaves me wondering what this sinfully handsome stranger is up to.
"You want me to make tonight the best night of your life right."? He asks huskily. "Then i'll make it the best night of your life".
He pushes me softly to the bed and i gasp slightly, surprised. Before i am able to say a word he captures my lips in the most thrilling way. I try to meet up his pace but who am i kidding?.
After a while, he lets go. He places his forehead on mine as we both catch our breath.
"Relax baby. He says, his voice soft. "You don't have to do anything tonight. Allow me make you feel special".
He places me properly on the bed and runs his fingers, in the most sexual way along my body, from my thigh up to the opening of my dress, beside my cleavage.
He allows his hand roam freely on my cleavage drawing circles with his thumb, and before another second his hand rips the upper part of my dress open like its nothing.
His hand finds my nipple and slowly he starts to massage from left to right.
I close my eyes drowing in this sinful pleasure. It's nothing like i have ever felt before. He's taking it slow very slow that I feel like I'm loosing my mind. An image of Dexter crosses my mind and for a minute i feel like i am commiting a terrible sin against him but that thought soon fade away as my thoughts are pulled back into the moment by this handsome stranger.
Slowly and slowly, as i am drawn into the world of immerse pleasure, his image flickers through my mind again. Surely, he wouldn't find out about this sinful affair, surely.
I wake up the following morning alone in bed, i look left and right trying to find the handsome stranger from last night but nothing, looks like i slept in the room all by myself last night.
Everything seems organised except for the clothes and underwear scattered on the floor. I pick up my phone to see Thirty missed calls and sixteen messages. I scroll throgh only to find out that, two of the missed calls are from Dexter while twenty eight are from Sofia.
Shoot, she must have been really worried about me. I quickly put on my underwear and it hit me again, my clothes; they are damaged.
I rush over to the wardrobe to find something at least. Oh goodness please let me find a dress, one single dress, please.
Ha, thank goodness. A dress. Just as I remove the dress from the hanger a note falls out.
'Call me, i just need to know that you are okay and you got home safely'.
Could this be from the handsome stranger? Why would he ask me to call him? Is there any possibility that he's going to come after me? The fact that i enjoyed what we shared last night, doesn't mean that i want to form a relationship outside what i already have with my husband.
Against my will, i pick up the card and walk out of the room, this is my last time in this room and this club.
A new feeling of panic overtakes my souls as i walk into my matrimonial home, the one i share with my huaband, the one he's rarely ever in, but that's okay, i bet he's just busy with work.
He is a really hardworker and he's working hard to give us the fuure that we deserve. I take a turn leading to our bedroom when i hear some unusual sound. No one is ever in here apart from myself and sometimes Sofia, well that is for whenever I'm lonely and need company.
I quickly grab a small glass frame on the wall and prepare myself to attack incase the intruder burst right into my face.
I quietly follow the sound and it leads me to our bedroom and suddenly my fears become worse than before.
Is my husband with another woman again? Did he bring another woman home just after catching him with one the previous day? Did all his sweet words and apology mean nothing?
I sip in a nervous breath, ready to see the worse. Wait, what could be the worse? My husband banging another woman in the most intimate position?
I sip in a lung full of breath and prepare myself to take the sight before me. As i burst through the door after opening, I am met with the most beautiful sight.
The bedroom light dim, rose flowers beautifully arranged all over the floor and the bed. God even our reading table has been turned into a dinning table.
As i look on, Dexter comes in from the dressing room, looking more handsome than ever. In his right hand is a beautiful rose flower. As he gets closer, i am overwhelmed by the efforts he put into decorating this place. He has made it specially for me, only for me, the real and permanent woman in his life.
He kneels before me taking my right in his left hand. "Anna,baby, I need you to know that you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You brighten up my world in ways that i cannot unserstand. You make my life complete and i wouldn't wish for anything more than to spend my eternity with you".
I stand there staring at him speechless, he did all this for me. He even said all these beautiful words to me, tears fill my eyes in appreciation but something bugs me to ask about the previous night, the one he spent with Cynthia.
"Why were you with her? Why were you with her on our anniversary dinner?.....You promised me you'd come back home to me right? To spend our anniversary with me but instead, you were banging another woman behind my back".
I tried as much as possible to keep my voice stable, to keep the tears from falling as I prepare myself to listen to his explanation.
"Baby...i...i". He hesitates a little. "I don’t really know what came over me, please believe me, i don't know why i fucked her that night, you have to trust me baby".
A part of me want to draw him into my arm and say soothing words to him, and assure him that i have forgiven him but another part of me wants him to suffer for what he has done to me.
After much, delibration in my mind, i finally let the former part take control. Maybe another chance is everything that he needs to make things right between the both of us, maybe he really wants to change and one chance is all he needs.
"I forgive baby". I say as i pull him into a soothing hug, "I forgive you".
"Hey bestfriend" Sofia immediately cling unto me immediately i enter into the sitting room of her posh apartment. "It's been two days and you only ever communicate with me on phone".
"Why didn't you drop by the house so we could talk"? I ask taking a seat on one of the very comfortable sofa.
She scoffs and scrunch her face in disgust. "I Could never babe, i would puke seeing the face of that disgusting handsome cheater".
I close my eyes trying to heal the wounds that her careless words have left in my heart. No matter what Dexter does to me, i could never listen to someone say something bad about him.
He is my entire world and insulting him would mean a direct insult to me.
"I'm sorry bestie". She says after a while. She takes her position in front of me with a remorseful look plastered on her face. "It's just that he's treating you so bad and you're letting him. I'm sure you're back with him already".
I nod pathetically, thinking in my mind if i am really a fool for letting him back into my life after all he has done, after all the ladies he cheated on me with.
Sofia sighs, one i am very familiar with. A sigh mixed with pity and sadness. I understand her worries but there's no way I'm letting Dexter go, I'd rather forgive him over and over again. He can hurt me all he wants so long as he heals me again.
"Let's talk about something else, shall we". She says in an attempt to kill the tension building between us.
I see the glint in her eyes and i immediately know what she's thinking of.
"No, Sofia". I nod my head dismissively. There's no way i'm talking about that.
"Yes". She counters. You're telling me everything that happened in that room and you're telling me over a glass of very expensive champange".
"You're paying". I quickly say.
"Of course sweetheart as long as you tell me everything i need to know". She says in excitment.
Sofia' eyes widen as i finish the story, it's pretty much been like that since i started the story over an hour ago.
"Tell me again, tell me again, please!!". She whines like a baby, giving me the puppy eyes.
"No, Sofia". I tell her blantly, looking around the resturant we are in. "This is the fifth time i'm tellng you this story and it's becoming really embarassing".
She heaved, her eyes looking dreamy. "This is the most beautiful hookup story, i've heard in so long".
"Shh shh". I quickly tap her hand in order to silence her. "Lower your voice and don't call it a hookup story".
She stares at me, her eyes filled with happiness and fufilment, not for herself but for me. "I'm glad bestie, I'm glad you finally felt the way you've wanted to feel in so long. Now we know the problem is not from you but from your husband".
I look at her disappointed. "No matter what you say Sof, i still feel the same way i felt last night, i'm supposed to enjoy love making with my husband and my husband alone, not with some hookup stranger".
I know deep within that I still need to up my game in the bedroom, i need to learn how to seduce him in the right ways to make him want me and only me, not some bitch from his workplace or some slut he barely knows.
"You are belittling yourself Anna, you're supposed to be confident and smart and everything but this man had diminished your confidence to nothing, you don't feel secure in your own body anymore and that's bad".
As i make way into my home, Sofia' words refuse to leave my head. She agreed to help me improve my bedroom confindence but her idea put me on the edge.
I suggested watching more videos from Youtube but she insisted that it wouldn't help me. She said i have to.........
The door bell interrupts my thoughts. Who could that beat this time? I didn't order for anything. Oh! shoot i actually have to order dinner for myself tonight.
As i open the door, a delivery guy pushes a pizza box forward and i immediately get suspicious of him.
Why is he hiding his face behind the face cap and why on earth is he wearing a nose mask.
"I didn't order this". I say simply.
"I know ma'am, our pizza place is giving free pizzas to all our very loyal customer and you happen to be one of them".
I still stare at him suspiciously. "Why didn't i get a message from your company"?
"You'll get one later ma'am, plus i have to take back a receipt signed by you else ill lose my job.
i breath out wondering whether or not to accept the box of pizza, i wouldn't want the poor boy to loose his job right?
I collect the pizza and sign on the paper in his hands.
"Can i at least see your face"?.
He hesiates for a moment. "Sure".
He raises his face cap so i can get a better view of his emerald green eyes, he also takes off his nose mask and damn he's got a very beautiful face. His skin; tanned and his features; perfect.
"Are you satisfied now...Stacy"? He asks.
I didn't hear the last word but i nod and in a few seconds he is out of my sight.
But wait, he seems familiar, very familiar and why did his skin contact with mine send so much shiver down my spine?