My eyes lingered around her living room. Taking in all the decorative furniture that was purposely put together for visits from the Council. I could tell by how nice everything seemed. Expensive, even for me. The colors were amazing though. I couldn't lie about that. Red and intimidating just like her eyes.
My attention quickly went back to her as she started to walk away from me swaying her hips back and forth with her every step. She turned around looking at me from the side of her shoulder as she plopped down onto the couch with ease. We had just entered her house. Well, mansion and she had already made herself comfortable quickly patting the cushion beside her for me to sit.
Moving my gaze from the seat next to her I found myself looking back into her eyes. Catching her staring back at me like a light does to the night. I've only known her for a day and I already found myself losing track of my responsibilities as if they were no longer something important to me. Maybe some of them weren't anymore. The only way I would find out is if I let go of what was said to me by the Council. I was conditioned pretty well. Not going to deny that.
I let out a deep breath. Signaling my defeat. Her dark golden eyes never left mine as she watched me move to take a seat next to her. She was relentless. I'll give her that.
"So." She went on to say before pausing.
"Your name? I never got it."
I sighed. "Right, I never did tell you. It's Alvira. With no last name. We don't get one."
"Mm. Alvira. I love the way it rolls off my lips. You know, soon you'll feel the same about saying my own name." She spoke out smoothly, guiding her hand closer to my thighs.
I laughed.
She really didn't care about taking her time with things. Finds out I'm her mate and she wants to jump my bones like I didn't just get here. Must be the wolf in her. Maybe it's the desire who knows.
"I have to be honest with you Alpha. I was sent here with a sole purpose to be a bodyguard. I don't know how I'm supposed to do that now."
She didn't speak at first. Giving herself time to come up with the right words to say. The knobs kept turning in her head like she was speaking to someone in there that I couldn't hear. Then after a few moments she cleared her throat before finally answering me.
"Here's the thing. You are here to protect me and my pack. You can keep your bodyguard duties to make the Council happy, but don't expect me to put my life before yours. I'm your Alpha and I hope you'll see me as your mate in time. Unless you open up to things sooner." She said, chuckling at the last part.
"Well said. It'll take me a bit to drop the formalities, but don't expect me to fall head over heels." I said back to her smirking.
Her laugh came out of nowhere. Vibrating across my whole body like a symphony. She thought I was joking. Figures.
"You won't fall my love. You will be the one who jumps."
I couldn't help a smile that came onto my face. It felt like I was using face muscles that've been hibernating for years. What she said was cocky and wholesome at the same time. Kind of cheesy even. I was too caught up in my laugh that I had no idea that it caught her attention. She straightened herself in her seat moving closer to me with every breath I let out. I felt her thigh touch mine as her hand went under my chin. Turning my face towards her. This didn't feel pushed or like she was forcing it. Just felt like a warmth in me that wanted to be lit on fire.
"Close your eyes." she whispered.
I obliged not giving two fucks about anything else. Everything I was so caught up on before was dissipating. It seemed like the more time I spent with her the more she had me letting go. She had me using my emotions instead of stomping then down. Back into the deep abyss where they used to stay. Time was slowing down. The more I sat there with my eyes closed, the more I wondered what she planned on doing. All of my senses were heightened listening for anything.
The couch was curving in as her body came closer to me. Her presence lingered so close to my face yet not close enough. I could almost feel her breath on my cheek. Urging me to move. But I couldn't. I didn't want to. My cheek felt a warm peck touch my skin. Setting off a little jolt of electricity that went across my whole body from the simple touch. It was her lips. It had to be. They felt so soft and welcoming. I was so focused on the feeling she gave me that I didn't see it coming. She moved her lips across my cheek stopping at my chin. Before she lingered just above my lips not touching them enough for me to feel what would've been a kiss until she pulled away. Making my eyes shoot open with disappointment I didn't think I'd have. I stared at her with wide eyes.
"Why did you do that?" I asked her furrowing my brows.
"I had to see if you really wanted me. And now I know."
Shocked. I sat there as she got up taking my wrist in her hand. Guiding me out of the room and up the stairs that led to the floors above us. We finally got to the third or fourth floor when she stopped and turned us into a hallway. One that was draped in the same color as her living room. With a few photos of her pack on the walls and Wooden oak doors to take your gaze away from the distracting sexual colors. It wasn't long before we made it to the end of the hall. Where there was another wooden door just fancier than the others. I watched as she opened it leading me inside.
It definitely was a change in scenery. She still stayed with the red colors, but added some white to make it a lil less dark and more inviting. I knew it was her room for sure. The scent of roses strayed over me telling me so. The room was huge. With a bed to the right that looked comfortable enough to die in. Not that I planned on doing that.
"It's already getting late. Seems time passed us by while we were together." She calmly told me while pointing to her clock just beside her bed on the nightstand.
I sighed. It was already past seven pm and I had no idea where the time went. Today has been one hell of a day, that's for sure. The grip on my wrist never left as she grabbed it tighter guiding me to sit on her bed. I did as she wanted. Looking up at her with questioning eyes.
"Take it off." She asked softly.
"Take what off?"
"Your jacket and your gear. Shoes too. Why? What else did you think I wanted you to take off?"
I laughed. "Nothing. Just thought you meant something else for a second there."
She chuckled with me as she started walking to the other side of the bed. I heard her sit down on the mattress rustling through the drawer that was beside her. I ignored whatever it was she was doing as I did what she asked. Taking off anything that wasn't my shirt and pants. It was weird. I was oddly comfortable with being here and sitting on her bed. That was definitely a first for me. I'm sure she knew that. I finished up undressing hearing her lay down behind me.
"You can lay down now. I won't bite."
I obliged. Slowly turning my body over I let myself fall onto the bed. Resting on my back. Turning my head to the side I met her gaze. She had the dark maroon blanket on covering her legs with it going up just past her hips. Her toned caramel stomach was exposed leaving a bra to cover up the rest on top. And there was a lot on top. Something in me gnawed at my soul. Urging me to do something to her that wasn't as innocent as I thought I was. I knew I was half wolf, but I didn't think it had control over me. Until now. I quickly looked away. Focusing my eyes on the bare white ceiling above me. My heart beat was pounding through my ears making me well aware of what I was feeling. I heard her let out a small laugh before turning off the light with a clap of her hands.
"Goodnight Alvira. Get some rest."