I am one of many, a genetically engineered hybrid. Both werewolf and vampire. The DNA of my kind is one of the most comp...
Meeting The Alpha
I sat on the edge of my bed patiently waiting for the message from the intercom above me to finish. It wasn't long before it finally cut off ending with a loud screech that echoed across the walls of this haunting bare room. They had just given me orders to quickly get dressed into my Tactical attire and await further instructions. I sat up with a slight sigh as I stretched my back, leaning from one side to the other. Hurrying up, I put on a black impact resistant shirt and jacket. The jacket was leather, thank god. That would come in handy later if it ever rained and it usually always did. Wasn't my only problem. Slipping my black jeans on always seemed to end with me trying to hop into my them. Ass problems, I know. But black is the color around here and my ass looks good in them. Even if they are a little tight.
I let myself fall back onto the bed as I reached over and grabbed my combat boots off of the floor. Putting them on I laughed. They always want to believe that color makes a difference in stealth. Honestly, it all depends on if you're quiet and smart about shit. Good boots equals better grip and quieter steps.
Looking around my holding room I scanned the area until I found my strap holder for the gear I was about to put into it. Throwing it around my waist I made sure to tighten it firmly around me before putting my two handguns on each side of my hip. And a knife beside one of the guns.
I sighed.
This was the big day. The day where all of my training would finally pay off. And I'd finally get a home. A place to sleep that wasn't accompanied by loud announcements waking you at 5am to tell you good morning freak. Not to mention, I wouldn't have to be struck down with a whip anytime I had a different opinion. Well, who knows maybe they’re abusive too. So that wouldn't apply. One could hope.
My mind was going at it with hundreds of thoughts. My head may have been running a race, but the Anticipation was killing me. Putting my body in a trance to stay still. And all I could do was wait. I knew they'd be coming to get me soon. From there I'd be transported to my new home and master. Or boss if you want to keep it PG-13. They never said you'd have free will just because you're leaving the facility. It just means you'll have a different face to look at that'll barks orders to you. Good and bad.
But hey, at least I'm finally leaving this hell hole after eighteen years. Now my life is signed over to someone else and my purpose will finally be fulfilled. I would live to protect An alpha. Or die trying as I like to say to everyone that seems to believe that we can't be killed in battle.
I was quickly thrown out of my thoughts. As a man came bursting through my door. His eyes were covered by sunglasses, yet he still looked serious enough for me. He then proceeded to slowly walk up to my bed while keeping his distance. I kept my head down a bit avoiding any accidental eye contact. Waiting for him to inform me of my new duties.
"Finish getting ready, we depart soon."
It's like he only took two seconds to talk to me before he went and closed the door behind him. Pretty sure he was waiting for me in the hall. I shook my head. They never liked talking to my kind for some odd reason. It's not like I have rabies or aids. I shrugged it off. Putting my long brown hair into a ponytail. I took a quick look around my room To reassure myself that I was in fact ready to go.
I walked over to look into the mirror before I left. Taking in the woman looking back at me. I'm still the same as before. My hazel grey eyes we're staring back at me with a glimpse of that lingering pain. My Lips, plump and firm. But shit, I was happy to say my jawline matured just as much as my body did.
I guess this life hasn't turned me into an old lady just yet.
Time passed by quicker than I could blink. It's already been a full three hours since I left my room. I've been riding in an armored truck this whole time with my ass falling asleep from sitting too long on some leather seats. Not to mention I was being guarded 24/7 by three other men dressed like the idiotic council members. I knew they were human though. I could smell it.
Looking out the window was about the only thing I could do while we drove to my new alpha's house. I didn't have the luxury of small talk with anyone besides my own kind. Maybe even my master. The only things that I've been seeing outside were trees, trees, forest, trees, and more damn trees. The men haven't spoken a word to me ever since the trip started. Considering my kind has a reputation of having no humanity, or any emotions at that. Mix that with our killing reputations, I wouldn't blame them. It's exactly who we are, but deep down we still have all the good traits. We just don't show them, we have no reason to.
"Okay people, we'll arrive in five so get ready." The driver spoke up. Looking at me for a split second through the rear view. Before focusing back onto the road.
I guessed he meant five minutes not five hours. Or so I thought. Shrugging it off, I started to think about the alpha that was going to take me in. Whoever it was I would have to protect him or her. Although, It's rarely ever a she. The female alpha's would have to be strong enough to outrank any males to keep that title. Maybe even by birthright they'd still have to compete for it. That's when I realized, I don't know anything about who I will be serving or their pack.
My thoughts got cut short as the truck abruptly stopped in front of a tall black metal gate that seemed to travel deep into the forest. Can't be more paranoid than this. This pack felt the need to have a gate surrounding their territory. At least now they have me.
The driver lowered his window giving a quick wave to the camera. A few quick beeps followed and just like that the gates started opening. And the truck slowly started to move up the gravel pathway leading up to the Alpha's main house. As the car got closer I couldn't help but look out the window in awe. There stood a large mansion surrounded by smaller housing units scattered across the side of the grassy field. With some hidden between the trees of the forest that surrounded the property.
Well shit, my alpha's loaded.
With no warning the truck slammed on the brakes almost throwing my body into the front seat. I scoffed, glaring at the driver. I didn't even have any time to push myself back into my seat before they yelled at me to get out.
I tried to get out as fast as I could. Just like I was told, but as always these impatient fucks pushed me out of the car making me stumble to get my balance back. Best part was that they didn't even wait to see if I was okay. They just fucking drove off. Swerving across the gravel like lunatics. I just stood there watching them speed away until I could no longer see them.
"What's your problem." I yelled out trying to shrug it off.
I seemed to be stuck in my own thoughts for too long because I didn't once notice the lingering presence behind me. That is Until I heard a cough. A very obvious cough meant to get my attention. I felt myself instantly tense up. My heart beat was pounding through my ears like roaring drums.
Here we go. Time to meet the pack.
I slowly turned myself around. And damn a part of me must've just died a little. I looked up and locked eyes with the most breathtaking woman I could ever lay my eyes on. Just the way she pierced straight through me with her intense gaze made me feel like butterfly daggers were being ignited all over my body. It was a Weird comparison, but I never felt anything like this before. And I was shooting in the dark when it came to explaining my feelings.
My eyes started roaming. Leaving my control and traveling down her body as if I was watching one of my sparring opponents. Figuring out their moves before I stepped in to attack. It felt like a weird glazed over dream. I couldn't help myself. I just kept staring, taking in the rest of the her magnificent features. That's when I started feeling a hell of a lot more than just nervousness start to ignite in my chest like a flame.
Her black hair was so luminescent. Pair that with dark brown eyes that just captured me. With lips that could steal your soul. That is if I Even had one.
When I looked even lower I took in those curves that were in all the right places. I couldn't help but notice her eyes start to roam across my body just as I was doing to her. Was she really looking me over too?
I felt myself muster up a smirk. I didn’t know what else to do but to keep watching her eyes. Seeing them transition from her regular color to a glowing deep orange. But that wasn't it. Her eyes filled with something else that I couldn't quite put my finger on. I really had no clue on how I should react or go about replying to her. I for one didn't want to get scolded on my first day. So I just stood there waiting.
When she finally snapped out of it she shook her head a bit before smirking. She took a few steps towards me holding her hand out for me to shake.
My eyes must've been wide by now. I was shocked. A handshake was something I never had the pleasure of getting. I made sure to blink a few times to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. No one has ever done that to me before. Which is pretty fucking sad. I didn't know how to react so I did what I always do when I faced council members. She may not be one of them, but this wasn't that different. I kneeled down on my right knee, bowing my head.
"I apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused. I'm the new bodyguard for the pack that resides here. My mission is to respectfully service your alpha and protect him and his pack with my very life. If he wishes it. Please give me my new set of orders Ma’am ."
I stayed on my knee waiting for what felt like ages. Time seemed to freeze at the worst possible moment. My gaze was fixated on the gravel beneath me until her hand went past my face. I felt her fingers glide under my chin lifting my head up to meet her gaze. Electricity started to flow through my whole body resonating from her touch. I couldn't help but shiver and I'm pretty sure she noticed. She was staring at me so intensely. It was almost too hard for me to bare.
Never taking her eyes off of me she sighed calmly before she spoke.
"I believe you are mistaken, I consider you an equal here. Don't kneel, There is no need for that. I want you to stand by my side and I have a feeling you'll become much more to me now that I've met you."
She smiled. Slowly gliding her fingers up and down my jawline before continuing.
"Now with introductions, I'm Saline Minder. Alpha of the Depth Moon pack and what is your name my lovely mate?"