Alpha of Gods
Harmony Moon Series Book 3
A Steamy Werewolf / Dragon / Hybrid Romance Novel
Ms. Sophia
Chapter 1: Who is He?
My pulse was racing, my breathing was rapid, but I could do this all day. Nothing is a challenge for me anymore. I ducked as a fist aiming for my face barely grazed the side of my head. That’s only because I am becoming bored with all of this, he wouldn’t have touched me otherwise.
“Ryder, get your head in the game. Luca has almost landed a blow to your face twice now!” My dad shouted over the growing crowd.
I glowered at my father but decided to get a little more serious so he would back off. I caught Basil’s kick, spinning him in a way that caused him to land hard on his back. I turned fast before Luca could catch me with my back facing him. I trained my eyes on him. Luca attempted to land a right elbow strike then an uppercut. He moved quickly, and with ease, reflecting the skill of a trained killer. I could see the determination on his face as he hoped to successfully knock me out. It would be his first time. His attempt was unproductive. I positioned myself for a double leg takedown, then made my move. Once he was on the ground, I straddled him. Luca never had a chance as I finished him, delivering a jab to the neck that momentarily constricted blood flow effectively causing him to black out.
“It’s all you now, Basil.” Cam, my dad’s second in command yelled.
He was trying to pump Basil up so he would keep fighting. Cam was feeding him encouraging words which will ultimately end with him lying next to Luca. Deciding to get this training session over with, I approached an exhausted Basil. He held up his hands in submission.
“Sorry, I can’t continue. I’m beat, my entire body is aching.”
All my attention was on Basil when out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of a blue fist of fire headed straight toward my face.
“Damn it, Dad!”
I blocked his fist with my forearm, then landed my own blow to his ribs. I quickly followed up with a kick to his head, sending him tumbling to the ground. I didn’t knock my dad out, and I wasn’t trying to. He is a strong fighter. One of the only trainers that could get a hit on me. The other one being my mom. That woman can fight, and she doesn't pull any punches just because I am her son. My Mother is the first born Lycan. She was born from the Harmony Moon pack and is expected to take over the pack in the upcoming days. She is the next alpha in line to lead them. Additionally, all other alphas will rank beneath her as their Lycan Queen. There is no lack of power or skill when it comes to my mother. I can’t fight her though. I use only offensive moves to deflect her attacks on me. I can’t stand the thought of hurting her.
“Well King Brax, it looks like this session is over.” Cam announced. He walked over and took my father’s hand, helping him up off the ground. Cam took a deep breath and placed both hands on his hips. “There’s no one left in this entire kingdom that can defeat him, Brax.” Cam said in a low tone. “We could double up on the number of opponents at one time, but I don’t think that would benefit him in any way. The last time we placed ten opponents against Ryder, the match was over in less than three minutes. Not one of them could land even a single blow. Some of them were graduated guards who finished their training years ago, and Ryder took them down without killing them.” Cam shook his head, not knowing what else to do. “Besides, if he can take down the king of the dragons, there is no hope in finding any other being to face him. Not one that could win anyway.” Cam pursed his lips.
“I was going easy on him. He is my son after all.” My father spoke with a hint of amusement on his face.
Luca groaned as he got to his feet. He finally woke up from his nap.
“Pardon my French King, but you're a damn liar.” Luca held his head.
I am sure he had a headache after his brain went a moment without blood flow. My father laughed at Luca and smacked him on the back.
“How would you know? You were asleep.” My father teased him. “Ahh… You’re right, I never go easy on Ryder. It doesn't help him any if the training sessions are not a challenge. I can say that my son has exceeded my every expectation. I don’t want to get complacent though, Ryder. That’s the biggest mistake you can make. Never underestimate your opponent, remember that.”
My father looked at me with pride in his eyes.
“Thanks dad. Don’t worry, I won’t let the fact that I just kicked your ass go to my head.” I said.
Dad let out a loud laugh and patted me on my shoulder. If it wasn’t for my dad, I wouldn’t have been the accomplished fighter I am today. He was always pushing me to improve my technique and was consistent with my training. Also, who better to train with than the dragon king himself?
My father Brax Layden is the Dragon King of the mythical lands where we live right now, plus the dragon kingdoms of the North, South, East, and West answer to him. We are located in the center of all of them. I can’t imagine the weight of all the responsibilities that my parent’s carry on their shoulders. It’s a responsibility that I will inherit one day, and I’ll be ready for it. I plan to consolidate the kingdom and the pack, moving everyone into one location. Dragons, Werewolves, and Lycans will live together as one family… as one pack. Our entire settlement will be here, in the Mythical Lands. There are no humans here. We are on earth, but there is a veil that hides us from mortals. Only supernatural beings are able to cross through the veil. I will grow our already thriving societies into an impenetrable force, never to be trifled with.
Sweat dripped down from my face then slid down my torso. I walked over to a bench where I kept my gym towel and water bottle. I lifted my water and poured it over my head. The cool liquid was an instant relief from the heat of the fight. I shook out my hair, then reached for my towel. I wiped the water and sweat from my face, neck, and chest.
Glancing over, I acknowledged some females who have been gawking at me this entire time. I gave them a cheeky smile and a wave. I heard their sharp intake of breath then they giggled at the attention I had given them. I laughed to myself. This is nothing new. There’s always a crowd of girls ready to fight for my attention. I can’t say that I have saved myself for my mate. I have had my fair share of fun, but none of them call to me on a deeper level. I am starting to think more about my mate these days. I am beginning to feel desperate for that legendary connection with someone who is the lost part of me. She’s my soulmate, and she’s out there somewhere. I haven’t been intimate with a female in a while. Thinking about how long it has been reminds me of how bad I need to get laid. Yes, I want my mate, but I am still part Lycan. Our drive to mate is unlike all the other species. Likewise, I am sexually frustrated. I’m done with the females here in the kingdom. Being with one of them will stir up another shit storm that I don’t plan on walking through. I’ll make things easier on myself this time and visit the city outside of the Mythical Lands. It’s through the veil, but I don’t care. Most of the creatures here fear crossing through the veil, but I don’t. In fact, I spend most of my time amidst the humans. Most of them have no idea that supernatural creatures walk among them.
The thought of getting some action in the bedroom tonight has my manhood hardening in my pants. I pick up my stuff, throw my towel over my shoulder, and start toward the showers. I look up to see my mother walking toward me. Great, the last thing I want my mom to see is my raging hard on. I attempt to discreetly cover myself. Fuck, she stopped to talk to me.
“Good evening, Ryder. Did you have a beneficial training session?”
Diverting my eyes, while holding my towel over my bulging cock, I answered her.
“Ugh… yeah, sure. It was great, I’m headed to the showers now.”
“That’s great honey. Your father says no one is able to touch you in the ring.” She leans in to give me a hug. I quickly step away from her. “What? Are you too old to give me a hug now?”
I tried to think of something off the top of my head, but I stumbled over my words.
“No, Mom. Not too old, just sweaty.” She looked at me and grimaced. Before she could glimpse my erection, which was finally starting to calm down, I turned my back to her pretending to call for Luca. “Hey, Luca! Meet me in the dining hall after the showers!” I shouted.
“Yeah, yeah! After this headache you gave me goes away, you asshole!” I snickered.
My mother patted me on my shoulder.
“Alright, I’ll let you get cleaned up. Where’s your father?” She questioned.
“Oh… He was over by the ring a moment ago.”
My Mother nodded and walked away in search of my father. Relieved to finally make it to the showers, I took off my training shorts and tossed them into my gym bag. I turned on the shower and stepped under the flow of the stream. I like my showers cold after a training session. It re-energizes me.
After my shower, I get dressed in the change of clothes that I packed in my gym bag. A royal blue shirt that fits tight over my chest, and a pair of casual jeans. I attempt to comb my fingers through my black hair. I get my dark hair from my mother and father both. My sharp cheekbones and naturally tan skin I get from my father. I’m not a short guy, in fact I am around six foot three inches tall. I have broad shoulders and a slim chiseled waist. The girls say I’m built like a God, but I don’t care about all that shit. I focus on training, getting stronger and better. My people need a strong leader, and I plan to be the leader that they deserve.
Happy with my appearance, I made my way to the castle dining hall. I wonder if Luca has made it there yet. If not, I'll grab a quick snack before heading out. All I am focused on is the thought of a hot female body pressed up against me. Before my dick gets hard again, I push that thought aside. Damn, I’m a fucking mess right now. I have never gone this long without sex. I’ll be glad when this night gets started.