Chapter 7: Her
“I don’t even want to know.” Cam said.
I wiped the corners of my eyes and attempted to gain control of myself. It’s time to train, and I take my training seriously. Luca and I went back to stretching while Dad and Cam got everything ready. I’m practicing shifting today. My dad is a full-blooded dragon, my mom is a Lycan. So, what does that make me? A hairy dragon? No… I can shift into either. I’m the very first of my kind. Many think I am an abomination but are too afraid to say it to my face. People are also creeped out because my Lycan doesn't have its own alter ego. It’s just me, I am my Lycan, the same as I am my dragon. I don’t have voices talking in my head, and I like it that way.
I ran straight ahead moving in a blur. I pulled my dragon forth feeling the power pulse throughout my body. My arms, legs, fingers, and toes tingle as the shift begins. I continued to run as I stretched my arms out to the sides. I threw my head back as pain radiated from the back of my neck down to my pelvis bone. My spine broke and morphed, elongating, and making room for my massive wings to break through my muscles and flesh. Silver scales rolled over my body making it feel as if nothing could penetrate my now steel like exterior. My arms and legs have now repositioned under me. Claws protruded where fingers once were. My head is now bigger and proportionate to the size of my ginormous frame that would easily overshadow the size of a large city bus. I lifted off the ground and the rest came easy. I knew how to fly the moment I got my wings. It was all instinct.
I soared through the air and with it came a feeling that is hard to explain. If I could stay in this form for the rest of my life, I think I would. I wrapped my wings around me and did an Aileron roll. It’s essentially the same as when a jet rolls over. I took my time, savoring the moment. Even though I knew my dad would be on my case once I was back on the ground.
“Alright, let's see how fast you can shift from your dragon into your Lycan.” My dad said through our link.
I dove for the field below doing another roll before I made it to the ground. I opened my wings and caught air allowing me to slow as I got closer to landing. Before my feet were on the soil, I began the shift. My scales disintegrated as black fur sprouted to cover my body. Before I knew it, I was running on all fours toward my dad and Cam. I slowed my pace and stood up right before I made it to them. Dad clicked a stopwatch hopefully signaling the end of this training session.
“That was a new record for you. This time you were able to shift from your human form to your dragon, then your Lycan in two minutes. That’s including the time you spent playing around while you were in flight.”
I rolled my eyes at my father.
“I think it’s safe to say that I can shift at will, dad. You gotta let me live a little.” I protest.
“He’s right, Brax. Don’t be too hard on the boy. He needs a break.” Cam tried to back me up. My dad rubbed his hands down his face, looking more tired than usual.
“Alright, I’ll give you some time off from training, but keep up your workouts. You would look funny if you got all soft on me.” I didn’t want to say anything, too afraid he would change his mind. I nodded, agreeing to what he was saying instead. “Good, Alright then. You and Luca are dismissed.”
Glad to be done with training today, I head to the showers, needing desperately to wash away today’s dirt and grime. I take my time letting the hot stream of water flow over my head as I braced myself against the tile shower wall with my palm. Closing my eyes, I let my mind relax, needing to relieve the weight of all the responsibilities that I will soon inherit. Images of a beautiful blonde woman play like an old movie screen in my head. She’s looking at me. Her gaze never leaves mine. She’s a confident one. She knows she’s beautiful. Her big aqua blue eyes stand out against her golden tan skin. At first, I thought this was nothing more than a memory of the night I first saw the mysterious woman in the bar, but something new happened. The woman begins to speak, but I can’t hear what she’s trying to say. A shadow of worry now covers her face as her brows draw together, and her eyes look sad. I try to walk toward her, Before I could reach her, she fades away, still wearing the worry and fear on her beautiful face.
My eyes shot open. What the fuck just happened. One moment I was reliving the moment I first saw her, then it was like a vision. A vision of her trying to tell me something. I’m losing my damn mind. I turn off the water and step out of the shower. The relief I so desperately needed evaded me when my mystery woman vanished before I could reach her. I shook my head. That wasn’t real. It couldn’t have been, could it? It felt real, like I was about to touch her the way I wanted to ever since the first moment I laid eyes on her. I’m chalking this one up to being overworked. My father has given me a break, and I am going to take it. I need to get away from this place. I think I may travel to my pack that’s outside the veil of the Mythical Lands. I haven’t been to the Harmony Moon Pack in a while, so a visit is long overdue.
Walking away from the training grounds I notice Luca by the pool. He bends to pick up Laura who is sunbathing in a nearby lounge chair. He reaches the edge of the pool in three long strides. He braces himself then drops her in the pool. When Laura swims to the surface she looks like she’s out for blood.
“Luca, you asshole!”
Laura screamed at him as she fished her sunglasses from the water, then threw them at him. I laughed knowing she would eventually get him back. Oh well, it’s his funeral. I walk past the two eager to make it into the packhouse before I get caught in the crossfire.
“You know you like me, Laura. You can stop pretending now.” Luca said smugly. At those words, one of Laura’s friends, Kendra, came up behind Luca, plunging a rubber duck float over his head. Luca’s arms are now secured at his sides, and before he can turn to run Kendra gives Luca a big push. “Oh Shit!”
Luca’s voice bubbled, unable to get the final word out before he disappeared beneath the water. The weight of his body pulled the rubber duck float from over his head as he sank like the little shit he is, down to the pool floor. I couldn’t help but laugh, I wonder if those girls had that little stunt planned even before Luca threw Laura into the pool.
Luca swam to the surface and slung his hair. Effectively slinging water droplets all over Laura again who floated next to him. He gave Laura a crooked smile and she giggled, shoving him in the shoulder. Luca and Laura have had a thing for each other for as long as I can remember. Neither one of them wants to make the first move. So, being the best friend that I am, I decided to give him a little advice. I cup my hands over my mouth to give my voice a megaphone effect and yelled.
“Luca, why don’t you grow a pair and ask her out already?”
Laughter erupted all around. Luca’s face grew redder by the second, finally reaching his ears.
“Some best friend you are there, asshole. I bet you’ve been waiting for the opportunity to do that.” He said back to me as he drug himself out of the pool.
Still fully clothed, he left a trail of water as he walked. Finally reaching me, his look of pissed off embarrassment had me gasping for air.
“I’d do it again if I get the chance. The look on your face is priceless.” I say, finally able to compose myself.
“You're just the best piece of shit friend a guy could ask for.” Luca said while pulling his shirt over his head. I grinned at him.
“You know I got your back.” I replied. “You couldn’t find a better best friend than me. You're the most annoying guy I know.” I joked. He twists his shirt, ringing the water onto my shoes. I jumped back. “You fucker!” I say, watching him to make sure he doesn't do anything else to get me back.
I sit to pull my shoes off, and then my socks. I hate the way my feet feel when they are wet. I don’t take my eyes off Luca. I don’t trust the little shit. He walks past me, making his way into the castle.
“This isn’t over, asshole.” Luca says, glancing over his shoulder at me as he opens the heavy door leading into the castle.
I hope he forgets about this. I laugh to myself. Maybe I can take his mind off it when I invite him to go to the Harmony Moon Pack with me. I took a deep breath and sighed, standing to make my way up to my room. I carried my shoes and socks in one hand and opened my bedroom door. I fell down onto my bed face first, not bothering to undress. I decided to sleep for the rest of the day, needing this time to myself. My thoughts instantly wandered to the mysterious woman that I can’t seem to get out of my head. Every time I shut my eyes she is there. I let myself see her, never wanting to open my eyes because I knew she wouldn’t be there when I did.