Chapter 3: Thirsty
Luca didn’t seem to take a breath while loosely sharing his strange fantasies in the bedroom. I managed to block him out, nodding my head every now and then so he would think I was still listening. Relieved to finally make it to the security gates of the storage facility I scanned my key card and the metal gates automatically opened. I chose this facility to store my bike because security is a top priority here. I sped up my pace to a fast walk. Adrenaline was already coursing through my veins with anticipation of the ride. Damn, it has been too long, I couldn’t wait to turn the throttle and feel the power of my bike beneath me. There’s something about riding that calms me. It’s like no other feeling in the world. I must take my love of riding back after my father and grandfather. I have heard the same stories from both of them one hundred times over. Security lights illuminated our way as we walked toward our storage unit. The crunching of gravel sounded beneath my feet, and the familiar smell of nearby fast-food restaurants scented the air around us. This town comes alive at night. Echoes of dogs barking, police sirens, and loud talking was a constant here. Being a Lycan, dragon hybrid, I could hear the thumping of the loud music from the most popular night club on the other side of town. I smiled knowing that was my destination. Crowds of humans, fairies, vampires, and other types of mythical beings go there to socialize, and I am one of them. Booz, dancing, and… girls had me coming back for more. Key in hand I unlocked our unit. Using both hands I began to lift the metal door. Dim yellow light slid up the wall of the unit as the door raised. Lights reflected off the smooth shiny surface of my prized possession. My YZF - R1 passed down to me by my father. With nine hundred ninety-eight cc’s this baby was the envy of any rider’s dream. I didn’t change a thing, I kept it exactly the way my dad had it when he was around my age. This bike was a sleek custom ghost silver to gray color depending on the lighting, with custom graphics that looked like scales all over. With a shit eating grin on my face, I stepped into the unit eager to hear the rumble of the engine.
“What do you think about that, dude?”
Like a radio, the volume of Luca’s voice gradually seeped back into my mind pulling me from my personal daze. I hadn’t heard a single word since, Ah… I can’t remember.
“Ugh… yeah, whatever, man.” I shrug my shoulders having no clue what I was agreeing to.
Knowing Luca that could be a bad idea, but tonight I’m not worrying about anything.
Like a child given a shiny new toy, Luca stepped over to his bike and gave it a pathetic little hug. I roll my eyes. Luca is the absolute worst wingman when it comes to picking up girls, but he’s all I got. I take a deep breath and sigh. I love the stupid blockhead though. I am grateful to have him no matter how much a pain in my ass he can be. Regardless of how much he embarrasses me, I know he’s got my back, just as I have his.
“Yeah baby, let’s get it! Damn it Ryder, I never thought you would have it in you. Shit yeah, this is going to be a night to remember!”
I begin to walk my bike out of the storage unit with a slow roll, careful not to run my bike into anything when I do so. What Luca said just now has me a little confused. Apparently, this is something I have never done before, and Judging by his level of excitement, I feel a little scared. I decided to let it go. Whatever it is, it can’t be that bad, right? I slide my riding gloves over my hands and pull my helmet over my head. The snap from the latch secures it in place. I’m a hybrid and none of this riding gear is needed, but road rash hurts like a bitch. Tonight, I want none of that. Plus, I try to be inconspicuous to the humans who still have no idea that paranormal beings exist.
I throw my leg over, position myself and start my bike. I have a shit eating grin on my face when my baby purrs to life. Luca starts pulling up in front of me, eager to get on the pavement. He revved his engine, and the ear-piercing sound bounces off the storage units lining both sides of us. We are careful not to get loose when rolling over the gravel, there’s no way I am risking the chance of laying my bike over. Not only is she the sexiest machine on the road, but she means a lot to me. It’s a piece of my father and grandfather that I could never get back. Pulling up to the blacktop, adrenaline pulses through my veins. Unable to resist I turn to Luca and yell over the noise,
“Let’s wake em’ up!” I yelled.
Luca grins at me, knowing the look on my face all too well. Stomping my gear shifter, I hit neutral and turn my throttle. Like a pissed off dragon my bike roars to life, rattling the neighborhood and waking the city, letting all paranormal’s know that I am here and ready to play.
“Typical Ryder, can’t do anything without making his presence known.” He looks at me, raising his voice over the sound of the two engines. “At least all the females will know who’s coming. No doubt there will be a shit load waiting at the club when we get there.”
Raising the corner of my mouth in a crooked grin, I know it never fails. When the ladies hear me coming, it makes for a very entertaining night. Luca has no complaints as he makes a show of spinning his tire, burning rubber, and throwing smoke as he peels out the driveway like a bat out of hell. He doesn't get too far ahead of me before I pass him in a blur, riding my back tire as far as the roadway will let me, only sitting it down when I have to.
“Fucking show off! You reckless asshole, I hope you swallow a bug and choke on it!”
I laugh out loud at Luca’s words. I’m ready to get this night started, and I’m not ending it until a sexy female is moaning under me as I ram her over and over. With that thought I pull back harder on my throttle, eager to get to my destination. The thought of sex is getting me painfully hard. I have a thirst that I need to quench. Being the first and only Lycan, dragon hybrid. My sexual appetite is unmatched by any being ever to walk this earth, and I am ready to sate my beasts.