"Surprise," I whispered while looking down at the floor.
Lucy quickly got off the bed and grabbed napkin to wipe her hands off with then she turned her attention to The King, "Evening, Your Majesty!"
"There's no need for the formality," He replied while giving Lucy a small smile.
"How long are we here for?" Prince Xavier said while walking from behind them followed by Princess Charlotte which caused Lucy's mouth to drop open.
"Lucy, we apologize for invading your home," King Daniel said while looking around the poor hotel room, "I will be taking my daughter home with me as she needs to prepare for coronation."
"Wait!" Lucy exclaimed while holding her hands up, "Daughter? Home? Coronation? Ororo, what is going on?"
"This is my Dad," I started, "and those two are my half brother and sister,"
"My Mother did something that you do almost every night..." I begin until I was cut off by My father speaking.
"We shouldn't go into details, I will be stepping down from the throne as I'm getting older and sicker and she's the heir to the throne."He explained.
"What about me?" Lucy asked while looking at me, "you're leaving?"
"I have no choice," I whispered while avoiding eye contact. There was an awkward silence in the room and I'm pretty sure you could hear my heart breaking.
"I guess," Lucy mumbled, "It was nice knowing you!"
Suddenly, an idea went through my head. I gazed up at my Dad to see him looking pretty impatient but I didn't care. We weren't leaving until I got what I wanted.
I cleared my throat and began speaking, "As future Queen, I demand Lucy to have a residence nearby the Palace!"
"You cannot demand anything as I am still The King,"
"But you need me so what's it gonna be?" I asked while crossing my arms across my chest.
He groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose before sighing heavily, "Fine! She can stay in the Palace until we find her a nice place to live."
Excitedly, Lucy ran over and wrapped her arms around me while lifting me into the air. I giggled before pulling away from her slowly, "Pack your bags! Let's go!"
"I don't have much..." She trailed off while looking over to the side of the room where majority of her clothes laid and I sighed heavily. Lucy was a prostitute so most of her clothes were quite revealing and we both knew that it wasn't appropriate to wear around The Royal Family and especially inside The Palace where most of the Royal guards worked.
"Wear what you have, we will be sure to get you more clothing tomorrow," My Dad said while walking towards the door.
"Wait! That's too much. I don't want to seem like a—" Lucy started but she was cut off by my Father speaking again.
"Don't worry! You've been the closest thing to a family member for Ororo. I think the least I can do is get you more clothing,"
We ended up on a private plane from New York to California where the Palace was located. Lucy sat next to me and asked my Dad major questions and he answered every single one of them with enthusiasm. They were currently discussing why the Palace didn't just replace The White House but he assured her that California was where he decided the Palace should be and the fact that The White House was turned into a Museum. Now, we were departing from the plane and headed towards a black limousine.
"You'll have to get used to the paparazzi," He whispered as the limousine cruised down the busy streets of Los Angeles. I looked around at all of the people who stood on the sidewalk while waving at the limousine knowing that The Royal Family were inside.
"Do they know about me?" I asked.
He shook his head no, "I never revealed it because I want to give you a little time to meet those behind the gate of the Palace before tossing you out to everyone!"
"How long do I have?"
"About a week since you have to start training, I'm trying to get you more comfortable around the public which means you'll have lots of engagements since we do charity events," He explained.
I didn't say another word as I turned around to stare out of the window. There's no way in hell I'll be able to survive this so they may as well pass the crown to someone else.
"It'll be fine," Charlotte said while placing her hand on mine.
"That's easy for you to say, you were born into this." I replied.
"You were too,"
"Yeah but I haven't lived this life," I snapped. Charlotte's mouth opened but she closed it quickly before nodding her head slowly and sitting back.
"Don't be a bitch," Lucy whispered. I nodded.
There wasn't another word or glance exchanged between any of us the entire ride...
Until we were in front of the Palace gates.
"Holy fuck!" Lucy exclaimed while her entire face was shoved against the window.
"Lucy, we will work on your language," I heard my Dad mumble.
"This is where I'll be living?" I whispered.
"Yes," My Dad started, "There's lots of work that needs to be done but this is your home,"
"Lots of work?" I said while scoffing, "This place is gorgeous, I don't think it needs anymore work!"
"Very well then," He replied, "This is your Palace,"
Before I could say another word the doors to the limousine opened and I was greeted by a man wearing a black uniform, "Your Highness," He bowed.
"Hello?" I replied while looking towards Charlotte obviously confused.
"Follow me," The man replied before urging me to walk forward. I began to walk obviously not knowing where I was going.
"Would you mind leading the way? I have no idea where to go,"
"I am not supposed to walk in front of a Royal but very well, your highness!" He formally replied.
"You may call me Ororo!"
"Oh! Your Highness I cannot do that," He whispered, "I could get into serious trouble for not calling you by the name I am supposed to call you,"
"Your Highness is too formal," I whined.
"How about I call you Princess? Is that better than Your Highness?" He asked.
I sighed heavily, "Fine but when no one is around it's Ororo!"
He chuckled, "Very well!"
"I feel like we are going to be great friends..." I trailed off waiting for his name.
"Timothy, I am Timothy Williams!" He replied.
"We are going to be great friends, Tim!" I exclaimed.
"Hey! Don't call me that!" He whispered, "I could get into trouble!"
"Fine! I'll call you Timothy!" I said while rolling my eyes.
"But when no one is around it's Tim," He said while tossing me a smirk.