** Hey guys! I'm taking this writing thing very serious so I would really love to send a huge thank you to everyone for taking the time to check out this book! Before you go any further, this book is apart of a series. It is the third book of the series but the first book that introduces both of these characters. Thank you. **
"I am exhausted," I exclaimed before slamming my tired body onto the bed in the hotel room. Today had been too much of a busy day for my liking. There was traffic more than usual and more customers who'd she hasn't normally seen come into the cafe.
"I'm pretty sure you're exhausted. Sherrill, New York is busy today! I've never seen this many people here before." Lucy, my best friend and roommate, said while walking out of the bathroom.
I kicked my shoes off before rolling onto my stomach, "Where are all of these people coming from?"
"I read something on Twitter about The Royal Family of America being in town for a few days." Lucy revealed.
"Why would they be here? I'm pretty sure they don't have any engagements going on especially in Sherrill."
"I have no idea," Lucy shrugged before laying across her bed, "When the US got rid of Presidents and brought in The Royal Family, they've never visited small cities or towns. What gave them a change of a heart?"
"They probably just want something," I said while standing up and sliding into a pair of sandals, "I can only get us McDonald's again,"
"I'll pay this time," Lucy grabbed a $20 bill out of her pocket before passing it to me.
"You want the same thing?" I asked as she nodded. I quickly made my way out of the room and I was immediately hit with a cool breeze. I shrugged it off before making my way across the street and to the McDonald's that Lucy and I spend most of our money at.
"I was expecting you! Would you like the same thing?" The Cashier, Dylan, said while giving me a warm smile.
"I will get a number one and I would actually like to change it up a bit and get the 10 piece chicken nuggets for tonight." I watched as he nodded his head. I quickly paid for the meal and took a seat in one of the empty chairs. I heard the door open signaling a new customer had arrived.
"Your Highness!" I heard the cashier say which caused me to widen my eyes.
"Hello," I heard The King greet back to the excited but nervous Cashier, "I was wondering if you would tell me where The Village hotel is located?"
The Cashier chuckled, "It is across the street, your majesty. It is quite hard to find it since the lights on the sign are completely off and the half of the letters have fell off."
The King looked across the street over towards the rundown hotel. It was obvious that he didn't know what he was looking at. The Cashier raised an eyebrow at the King before clearing his throat, "If you're having a little trouble finding it then you can ask her over there!"
I quickly jumped up before walking over towards the side door. I heard The King tell The Cashier that it was fine and that he could find it himself.
"You're forgetting your dinner!" The Cashier yelled!
"It's fine," I exclaimed before exiting the McDonald's.
We would have to starve tonight.
I sighed heavily before making my way across the street back towards the hotel that I called home. As soon as I opened the front door to the hotel, I felt my arm being tugged. I turned around only for the guy to be pulling me towards a black car.
"What are you doing? Where are you taking me? Let me go!" I exclaimed while jerking my arm back.
"Relax," He started, He slowly turned around and spoke again, "You're making this very hard for me now be a good big sister and get in the car,"
"Prince Xavier," I gasped. He gave me a soft smile before pointing towards the black car which caused me to scoff, "I am not getting into that car, I don't know what you want from me but no!"
He rolled his eyes, "Dad!"
"Will you shut up, idiot?" I heard someone say as the door opened. Princess Charlotte slowly made her way out of the backseat of the car.
"What's taking Dad so long?" Prince Xavier asked his younger sister as she stared at me.
"He has food," She said while pointing at the King who came out the same door that I came out of.
"Great! We can leave!" Prince Xavier yelled before making his way towards the car.
"When have we ever ate McDonald's?" Princess Charlotte asked The King as he suddenly stood beside me.
"Since now," He replied.
"Wow," She said while staring at the King and I in awe, "Mom was right! She truly does look like you!"
"I don't understand," I whispered which caught The King's attention.
"Ororo," He started which caused me to gasp again.
"How do you know my name?" He smiles softly before passing the bags of food to Princess Charlotte.
"I'm your Father, Ororo."
"You're wrong. My Father left my Mom,"
"I did leave but not in the way you think. I was about to be The King and your Mother didn't want anything to do with the Royal life so we parted ways, I didn't know you existed until she passed away." He explained.
"Why are you coming to me now if you've known this for a long time?" I asked while avoiding eye contact.
"I've been watching over you but I didn't know how to approach you but now I have no choice,"
"Why is that?" I asked.
"Ororo," He started while grabbing my arm, "You are the heir to the throne,"
"No! Prince Xavier is!"
"Nope! You are! You're the first born!" Xavier yelled from the car.
"You are my first born, you are the future of the crown!" The King stated while giving me a sad smile.
"I can't be a Queen! I've never even behaved like a Princess!" I said while backing away.
"You have to learn and adjust to it but Ororo, you must come with me. You must come home."
"This is my home!"
"It is a hotel! You're home is the Palace!"
"How do you expect me to react to this? You expect me to be excited? I'm not! I don't know anything about running a country! I am not fit for a Queen!" I yelled while attempting to walk away only for Princess Charlotte to grab my hand.
"Listen Ororo, I know this is hard. I can't imagine how you're feeling but you can't just walk away from this! You're a Princess. In 2-3 years you'll be a Queen. We need you, your country needs you." She said. I looked back at my Dad before turning my attention to Xavier who was now standing outside of the car with a small smile on his face.
"Can I eat?" I asked which caused them to laugh. Charlotte passed me four bags.
"I wanted to make sure you had plenty to eat so I order your lots of sandwiches and I got your roommate something too!" My Dad said while looking away.
"Would you guys like to come inside?" I hesitated before asking in which they nodded.
I stood outside the door with a nervous expression before sticking the key in the slot and opening the door.
"McDonald's is across the street yet it took you two hours to bring the fucking food!" Lucy yelled while tossing a pillow my way but I ducked so she ended up hitting my Dad across the face.
"Sorry Luc!" I apologized. I turned around to whisper to my new found family and told them to stay where they were. I walked further into the room before tossing the four bags filled with food on the bed.
"Holy shit! Did you fuck for this?" She asked while grabbing one of the bags.
"She will not be fucking anything," I heard someone say which caused me to squeeze my eyes shut. I heard Lucy drop the sandwich before she cleared her throat.
"Ororo, who was that?" She asked.
Suddenly, my Dad walked from around the corner and walked over to where I stood. I slowly turned my attention to Lucy only to see her mouth wide open.
It kind of reminded me of her legs on Friday nights.
"Dad, meet my best friend Lucy!" I started as he gave her a small nod, "Lucy, Meet my Dad."
"Holy fucking shit!" Lucy whispered.