Everyone in the Palace were moving around urgently. Charlotte and Xavier were nowhere to be found, Lucy had moved out already leaving me pretty much alone. I watched as all of the Royal Guards lined up in front of the Palace doors. I heard someone clear their throat before I turned around to see my Father standing at the end of the stairs.
"What's going on?" I asked while walking over to him.
He reached over to adjust the crown that sat on top of my head before giving me a big smile, "King Noah will be arriving in a few seconds. I need you to stand over there with the rest of the family,"
I turned around to see Charlotte, Xavier and his wife standing a few feet away. I nodded my head before following his directions. Charlotte gave me a soft smile while Xavier gave my hand a tight squeeze and the doors opened.
Every single one of the Royal Guards bowed their heads as a man wearing a navy blue suit walked inside the Palace doors. He was a tall man and he was obviously buff, I could see how muscular he was through the suit. He was pretty attractive now that I think about it. He had a good amount of facial hair but it wasn't much, his blue eyes shined brightly as he stared directly at my Dad and to top it all off, he wore a crown.
"Noah!" My Father exclaimed while holding his hand out. Suddenly, a huge smile was on King Noah's face as he embraced my Father.
"It has been a long time, my friend," I heard him say.
We stood silently behind my Father as he continued his conversation with King Noah. It went on for five minutes before they slowly made their way towards us.
I felt weird.
I didn't know what it was but I felt extremely weird and it was only getting worse.
King Noah stopped in front of Lauren and greeted her, I watched as she bowed her head towards the mysterious man. He went to Charlotte after Lauren and she did the same thing. This kept going on and on until he finally made his way towards me.
King Noah's eyes landed on mines and they never left the entire time he was making his way towards me. Suddenly, my legs began to move. I didn't know why I was walking towards the man but my legs were dragging me directly to him. I heard Lauren gasp but I ignored it. My eyes continued to stare right into those blue eyes.
"You must be the infamous, Ororo?" He asked as he held a hand out. I slowly placed my hand in his and I watched as the corner of his mouth slowly turned up forming a smirk.
"Hello," I replied.
I didn't bow.
I was the future Queen.
"Truly beautiful," He mumbled, "It is a pleasure to meet you,"
He bought my hand up to his face as his lips slowly made contact with my knuckles.
"You're truly fit for a Queen," He said before slowly backing away from me. I turned my attention to Charlotte to see her mouth dropped open.
"Ororo will be taking the throne soon as she's next in line when I step down, she's preparing now!" I heard my Dad say to King Noah as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder.
"Oh I know!" King Noah spoke, "She will definitely be on a throne,"
Someone choked. I turned to see Timothy standing with the rest of the Royal Guards but his eyes were wide as he coughed.
Noah turned his attention to the man, "My Dearest Timothy, we have something extremely important to discuss."
"I agree sir," Timothy whispered.
"I will be leaving now, I hope to see you at dinner tonight?" King Noah asked.
"I will be a little late but I will be there," My Father replied.
"Very well," Noah said. I watched as he slowly made his way towards the entrance of the Palace with Timothy following behind him. He stopped right as he stood in front of the door, his head turned slightly but I could see his eyes were on me. He didn't say another word as the doors opened and he made his way out.