Hey, Guys! It’s me Godsent Banky, the author of this novel.
I wanna point somethings out so y’all can be able to understand this book properly.
This book is a Supernatural contemporary romance book and it has to do with Vampires, Wolves, Witches, and Humans.
Vampires in this book have special abilities and they Include:-
(1) Immortality………………Vampires don’t age.
(2) Mind-Control…………….Vampires have the ability to control people’s mind. (I.e Humans, Wolves.) They also have the ability to read minds, hear people’s thoughts and get into people’s head. (I.e Humans, Wolves.)
(3) Supernatural hearing and sight……………………Vampires have the ability to hear far and see through things. They also have the ability to hear one’s heartbeat and see things during the night and they can also see the internal organs of one’s body. (I.e X-ray Vision).
(4) Speed and agility………………….Vampires have the ability to run in light speed and they are very agile.
(5) Supernatural Strength………………Vampires are unbelievably strong and they have Super Strength.
Wolves in this book have special abilities and they include:-
(1) Supernatural hearing and sight..............................Wolves have the ability to hear far and see through things(But not like the Vampires). They also have the ability to hear one’s heartbeat and see things during the night.
(2) Ability to transform into a Wolf
(3) Speed and agility………………….Wolves have the ability to run faster than the speed of sound and they are very agile.
(5) Supernatural Strength………………Wolves are unbelievably strong and they have Super Strength just like the Vampires.
Witches in this book have special abilities and they Include:-
(1) Ability to do Magic.
(2) Ability to Astral Project.
(3) Ability to read minds and control them (Only for the most powerful ones who come from a powerful bloodline).
(4) Body Jump.............(I.e Ability to possess any human body).
(5) Ability to visit the spirit world.
Humans in this book have no special ability.
Hybrids in this book have both the Vampire and the Wolf ability combined in them.
Vampires can be killed with a Diamond stake or dagger or anything sharp made of diamond and they can also be killed by ripping out their hearts except for the True Blood........The True Blood are Immortal and they can't be killed..........Well, except the person who wants to kill them can pierce their hearts with a Diamond knife or dagger or anything sharp made of Diamond.
Vampires can walk freely in the sun.
Vampires are weakened by “GARLIC.” It's very lethal to them but can't kill them.
Wolves are weakened by “FIRE.” It's very lethal to them and can kill them if they are not rescued on time.
Wolves can die of old age and they can also be killed by ripping out their hearts.
Witches can lose their magic powers If they go against Nature’s will or If they are anywhere near “MOUNTAIN ASH.” The Mountain Ash is very lethal to them........It can make them lose their magic powers for good If injected into their system except for the Tribrid. She was born with her magic so no Nature can take her magic powers and Mountain Ash can't weaken her magic powers
These are the things you need to know about to understand this book.
Note:- Everything written in this book Is just My Imagination so don't get freaked out with some things (I.e. Number of years some Supernaturals have lived.)
Thank you very much for your support and your future support that's yet to come. I really appreciate your support.
Godsent Banky
(The Past, Seven Hundred and Ten Million Years Ago)
A young witch about twenty two years old named Cassandra was sitting down on a stool, attended by two maids who were braiding her platinum blonde curly hair and these two maids were also witches.
“Cassandra, How are you looking forward to your Coronation as Crown Princess of the Gemini Coven??” One of the maids asked Cassandra warmly while smiling brightly as she was braiding Cassandra’s long brown hair.
“I’m looking forward to it just fine...........I guess I'm excited about it................I don't even know If I should be excited or not......................I see nothing special about being the Crown Princess of our Coven.........You all have been treating me like a Princess all these years,” Cassandra replied the maid warmly while shrugging her shoulders.
“Cassandra! Don't say that!! You have to be excited.........Not all daughters of the leader of the Gemini Coven get to be the Crown Princess..........The next leader for that matter.............Do you know what It means to be the bridge between we witches and the ancestors??” Another of Cassandra’s maid who was also braiding her hair asked her while looking at her inquisitively.
“I see nothing special about it.............It’s only a lot of responsibilities to me.........All My life I've been trained to become the Princess of our Coven and I hated it.” Cassandra replied the maid warmly while rolling her eyes and shrugging her shoulders.
“You don't have to hate your Destiny.........You can't hate it but you can never run away from it, Cassandra,” The two maids said to Cassandra warmly while doing the finishing touches on her hair.
“(Sighs!!) I hate it,” Cassandra replied the two maids while sighing heavily.
“You hate what, Dear??” Cassandra’s Mom asked Cassandra as soon as she came inside the Hay House.
“Nothing, Mom! I was just saying I hated the first braid they braided me,” Cassandra lied swiftly to her mom while avoiding her mom's gaze.
“Oh! I see! No wonder you are taking so long to come out!! We've been waiting for you to come out so we can start.................For a moment I was beginning to wonder how long it takes to braid a simple hair...................You two should hurry up!! The Elders are waiting,” Cassandra’s Mom replied Cassandra warmly while ordering the two maids sternly.
“We are done, My Lady,” The two maids said to Cassandra’s Mom while bowing their heads as a sign of respect.
“Okay, Come on out, Cassandra!! The Elders have waited long enough,” Cassandra’s Mom replied the two maids while ordering Cassandra to come out.
“I’ll be out in a minute, Mom,” Cassandra said to her mom warmly while bowing her head as a sign of respect.
“Don’t make or let me wait for you,” Cassandra’s Mom replied Cassandra sternly while exiting the Hay House.
“My Elders! My Fellow Witches!! My daughter, Cassandra will be out soon.” Cassandra’s Mom said to the Elders and the Gemini witches warmly as soon as she came out of the Hay House.
“What Is taking her so long??” The Elders and the Gemini witches murmured among themselves because they were getting Impatient.
“Ah! Here she comes!! My daughter, Cassandra!! Cassandra’s Mom said out in pride while smiling brightly and looking at the direction of where her daughter was walking majestically from.
The Elders and the Gemini witches Immediately turned toward where Cassandra’s Mom was looking at and smiled brightly when they saw Cassandra walking towards them majestically.
“Mother! Cassandra called her mom while bowing her head in respect as soon as she got to where her mom was standing.
“Kneel!! Cassandra’s Mom ordered Cassandra sternly while placing a white substance on her hand.
“Repeat after me.........Oh Great Ancestors!! I’m willing to be used by you as a vesel. I am willing to give you all of me for the benefit of our coven.” Cassandra’s Mom ordered Cassandra warmly while placing a staff on her hand.
“O magni maiores! Ut vas a te adhiberi volo. Cupio tibi omnia dare pro beneficio nostro co- ventutis.” Cassandra repeated after her mom using their magic word and with that, the clouds darkened Immediately and a powerful wind started blowing heavily followed by powerful thunderstorms.
Meanwhile, Cassandra's eyes were turned to blue and she was facing the sky, chanting some spells.
“She is cursed..........Never have the ancestors rejected who we offer to them as vessels,” The Elders said out in fear as the plague increased the more.
“No, She Is too powerful to be accepted as the Crown Princess.........Her powers are more powerful than us...We can't use her..........She must be killed so her powers can flow through the earth,” Cassandra’s Mom said out in a trance as she was possessed by the ancestors.
Cassandra kept chanting her spells causing very powerful thunderstorms that were beginning to hit and tear the ground and powerful wind that were blowing heavily until her nose started bleeding.
“Someone should stop her now,” One of the Elders screamed in fear when the ground they were standing on started tearing apart because of Cassandra’s magic.
“Egredi,” One of the witches said out while stretching her hands towards Cassandra, Making Cassandra to pass out Immediately.
And with that, The ground stopped tearing apart, the thunderstorms stopped striking and the wind calmed down Immediately.
“My Lady! Great measures have to be taken seriously.......The ancestors want her dead because her powers would bring havoc to us, destroy us, and destroy her..............We need to kill her now before she wakes up as instructed by the ancestors.” The Elders and the Witches of the Gemini Coven said to Cassandra’s Mom in a suggesting manner.
“I know the ancestors wants her dead..........But this is my only daughter you all are talking about............No one is gonna kill her on my watch.” Cassandra’s Mom yelled at the Witches and the Elders of the Gemini Coven angrily.
“Are you gonna go against the orders of the ancestors because she is your only daughter??” The Elders of the Gemini Coven asked Cassandra’s Mom sternly while glaring furiously at her.
“Yes!!! And anyone who dares lay a finger on her hair shall have my wrath upon themselves.” Cassandra’s Mom yelled at the Witches and the Elders of the Gemini Coven while glaring at them furiously.
“She shall be banished and never to set foot on our soil again!! That way she won't cause havoc to any of us!!! Cassandra’s Mom said further to the Witches and Elders of the Gemini Coven sternly while glaring at them coldly.
“You might be the leader of our Coven but we follow the ancestors law and lead!!! They want your daughter dead and so shall it be,” The Elders of the Gemini Coven said in fury to Cassandra’s Mom while glaring at her angrily.
“Yes!!!! We Must Kill Her!!!! She's an abomination!!!!! She must die!!!!! The Witches of the Gemini Coven yelled in support of the Elders.
Cassandra’s Mom seeing that she was losing, telepathically told her daughter to get up and run for her dear life.
Cassandra opened her eyes Immediately and teleported herself away from the scene before the Witches and Elders could notice.
“Where is she??” The Elders asked out angrily while looking at one another when they couldn't find Cassandra lying on the ground again.
“We don't know?? How did she disappeared??” The Witches asked themselves in shock while looking around to see if they were gonna find her footprints.
“She is long gone and she is far away from this soil!!! You can't find her........No one can not even your ancestors.......Hahahahahaha!!!! Cassandra’s Mom said out while laughing in a mocking tone.
“You?! What did you do??” The Elders asked Cassandra’s Mom in fury.
“I saved my only daughter from your clutches,” Cassandra’s Mom replied The Elders and the Witches of the Gemini Coven while stabbing herself to death to make her powers flow to the earth in place of her daughter's magic.
“No!!!!!! One of the Elders of the Gemini Coven yelled in horror and disappointment as Cassandra’s Mom’s body dropped on the ground and her magic flowed out of her.
“Find the girl!!!! Find her!!!! The Elders of the Gemini Coven yelled at the Witches in fury.
And with that, The Witches dispersed to find Cassandra but Cassandra was long gone so they couldn't trace or find her and they returned back to their Coven without her to the Elders and this made the Elders highly disappointed.
Meanwhile, Cassandra was passing through a thick forest in the night, she was moving in haste because these woods were known to be very dangerous at night.
It was a cold night and the wind was blowing heavily, making her body to shiver and her platinum curly hair to flow with the rhythm of the wind.
She kept looking at her back while running because she was trying to see if any of the Witches was chasing her because she was almost killed by the Witches of her own Coven but had to run away as far as she can because of her fear that she might get killed by her fellow witches If they lay eyes on her again, Just as her Mom told her.
Meanwhile, a pair of yellow eyes belonging to a black werewolf in his wolf form was following the young woman, he was intending to have her for his supper tonight.
Just as Cassandra came close to his proximity, he immediately dived into the air aiming for Cassandra's head, and just when he was about to dive Cassandra's head, another white werewolf in his human form caught hold of him using his claws.
"What the hell?" That was my supper, Grrrrrhhh," The black werewolf grunted as soon as he changed back to his human form.
"You are not going to have that young woman for your supper tonight!!." The white werewolf who happens to be a Hybrid (Vampire and Werewolf) yelled at the black werewolf angrily while glaring at him in fury.
"Then watch me you prick," The black werewolf said to the Hybrid with hate and pride while pushing him aside, he used his speed to sprint towards the young woman, and just when he was about to tear her flesh with his claws, The white werewolf ripped out his heart from his back.
"I told you not to harm her," The Hybrid said to the black werewolf angrily while glaring at him in fury.
"Uh! yuh! uck! ahh! Cough! Cough! oops, well! well! well! "You happen to find her fascinating, don't you?? when has our Alpha the almighty half breed (Hybrid) of our kind ever care about a stranger??? (Hahahaha)," The black werewolf said to the Hybrid in a mocking tone while smirking devilishly at him and breathing his last breath.
"Let's say today, Tristan...
“Thud!! The black werewolf’s body fell down to the ground.
"Farewell Tristan, rest in peace." The hybrid said to the dead black werewolf in a somber voice.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhh, get away from me you beast," Cassandra screamed at the white werewolf totally frightened and disoriented.
"It's okay Miss, breath, breath, you are safe now, I've got you alright?" The Hybrid said to Cassandra while putting his hand on her shoulder.
"T...Thanks for saving me back there, for a moment I thought I was gonna die when I saw his claws aiming at me," Cassandra said to the Hybrid warmly while staring hatefully at the black werewolf corpse.
" It's nothing, I just happened to be around this woods when he was about to attack you," The Hybrid said to Cassandra warmly while smiling brightly at her.
"Oh! I see, thanks anyway, if it wasn't for you who saved me, I would have been the one lying dead on the floor, I can't believe I just froze, I should have lit him up on fire," Cassandra said to the Hybrid while looking at the black werewolf corpse disgustingly.
"So you are a witch??” The Hybrid asked Cassandra warmly while looking at her inquisitively.
"Yeah, I'm a witch from the Gemini Coven," Cassandra answered Claradious warmly.
"Hmm, Interesting,” The Hybrid said to Cassandra warmly with a pause while smiling brightly at her.
"So by the way, what were you thinking, coming to this part of the woods by this time of the night? You were lucky that Tristan was the one who caught your scent, if the rest had caught your scent, you probably should have been dead by now," The Hybrid said to Cassandra further in an angry tone while glaring at her angrily.
“I was almost killed by Witches from my coven because the ancestors told them to If My Mom hadn't told me to run for My life, they said my powers are of a danger to them and me......., and I was scared for my life because My Mom told me that if they should ever lay eyes on me again then they are gonna kill me because some of them hate me for being so powerful even before the ancestors knew," Cassandra said to the Hybrid fearfully while stepping backwards away from him.
"Hmmm, maybe that's the reason why you froze and couldn't defend yourself," The Hybrid said to Cassandra warmly while advancing towards her.
"Yeah, I guess so, once again thank you for saving me," Cassandra said to the Hybrid in fear while smiling gratefully at him.
"What's your name?" The Hybrid asked Cassandra warmly while looking at her inquisitively.
"Cassandra Limouei," Cassandra answered the Hybrid in fear while shivering and stepping backwards away from him.
"Nice to meet you, Cassandra, I'm Claradious Dondarrion," Claradious said to Cassandra warmly while introducing himself.
"Nice to meet you Claradious, but what are you?? I must say you look entirely different from the rest werewolves, your speed and agility tell it all." Cassandra said to Claradious warmly while still stepping backwards away from him.
"Yeah, I'm different from the rest of the werewolves, and the reason for that is because I'm also what you witches call “Bloodsucker,” I'm a Vampire and a Werewolf, making me a special breed called a “Hybrid," Claradious said to Cassandra warmly while starting at her totally amused by the way she was stepping backwards away from him.
“Cassandra...............You do know that I'm not gonna eat you, right??” Claradious asked Cassandra warmly while looking at her inquisitively.
“You are a predator and I'm the prey here.............Yes, I know you won't hurt or eat me but I'm stepping backwards away from you for safety sake.” Cassandra replied Claradious warmly while still stepping backwards away from him.
“If I wanna kill you.............I’ll make you do it yourself.........because I wouldn’t want to stress myself………..So why the hell are you running from me?? I just saved your life, remember??” Claradious said to Cassandra warmly while cornering her as soon as he used his speed to get to where she was standing at.
"Wow! I know you just saved me but C’mon! I haven't heard anything like these before, all my mother does is to prepare me as the next leader of the Gemini Coven………I never knew they was ever a predator that could be good or kind." Cassandra said to Claradious warmly while staring at him in disbelief.
"Are you the only type of your kind?" Cassandra asked Claradious curiously while staring at him inquisitively.
"Yes but no, I'm the First True blood Hybrid ever to be created by the gods, My late brother was the second but we were created the same day..............It’s just I was the one to be created by Zeus first before he created My brother some hours later," Claradious answered Cassandra warmly while smiling brightly at her.
"I'm sorry about your brother," Cassandra said to Claradious warmly while looking at him with pain-filled eyes.
"It's okay! I'm past that now." Claradious said to Cassandra warmly while trying hard to smile brightly at her.
"Every human I turn into a vampire becomes sired to me, every human I turn to a wolf becomes sired to me also, my late brother sired a lot of hybrids, werewolves, and vampires too, including the one who just attacked you, but years later he disappeared," Claradious said to Cassandra sadly.
"That's amazing, Claradious," Cassandra said to Claradious while staring at his golden wolf eyes.
"Why are your eyes different from that beast???(referring to Tristan) Cassandra asked Claradious anxiously while putting her hands on his face.
"My eyes are golden because I'm an Alpha, a true blood werewolf, I was never bitten by any werewolf to become one, I and my only brother and sister were created by the gods.", Claradious explained to Cassandra while caressing her face.
"How wonderful it is to be created by the gods.", Cassandra said to Claradious while smiling brightly at him.
"Sometimes I think of it as a curse," Claradious said to Cassandra sadly.
"I know......but sometimes, it's a blessing......like you, you get to live forever, not having that fear that one day you might sleep and not wake up, and your brother might be alive somewhere else too," Cassandra said to Claradious warmly.
"It really is a blessing I guess," Claradious said to Cassandra warmly.
"Yeah, I know," Cassandra replied Claradious warmly.
“So how old are you, Claradious??” Cassandra asked Claradious anxiously while smiling brightly.
”If I tell you, you will be shocked,” Claradious said to Cassandra while smirking and chuckling.
“Try me,” Cassandra replied Claradious, urging him to tell her his age.
“I will tell you but first you gotta promise not to freak out, alright??” Claradious said to Cassandra warmly while looking at her with his eyes full of worry and uncertainty.
”I promise! I won’t freak out,” Cassandra replied Claradious in an assuring manner while putting her hands slowly on his face.
”I’m Five hundred billion years old! I and my brother stopped aging after twenty human years.” Claradious said to Cassandra warmly while observing her facial expression to see if she’s freaked out.
”When was your brother created??” Cassandra asked Claradious anxiously while looking at him inquisitively.
”You don't seem to pay attention.” Claradious replied Cassandra warmly while chuckling softly.
“I do.............It’s just that I was shocked............Five Hundred Billion Years Is a huge amount of years to live and you are still going to live longer than that without getting sick or dying.” Cassandra said to Claradious warmly while gawking at him.
“You amuse me, Cassandra! Like I said earlier, My brother was created the same day I was created but I was created first so with that I'm older than him,” Claradious replied Cassandra warmly.
”What about your sister?? How old is she??” Cassandra asked Claradious warmly while looking at him anxiously.
”She’s our baby sister!! She was created two hundred billion years later after I and My brother was created.............We had to cry to Zeus to give us a sister before He created Mia,” Claradious replied Cassandra warmly while smiling brightly.
“You really love and cherish her judging from the way you smiled when you just talked about her! I will love to be loved and cherished by someone one day,” Cassandra said to Claradious warmly while smiling brightly at him.
”You deserved to be loved and cherished! It is only a fool that would set his eyes on you and not cherish you,” Claradious said to Cassandra while smiling brightly and looking at her seductively.
And with that, their eyes locked on each other, sparks started flying everywhere and in no time Claradious sped towards Cassandra, kissing and sucking her lips hard, while Cassandra returned his kisses with the same equal passion.
(Ten Years Later In Venice)
Claradious and Cassandra are now married, they were living in the City of Venice, Cassandra was heavily pregnant and she was already due for labor.
(In the house of Claradious and Cassandra)
"Hey Mia, you can't do that by yourself, here let me help you," Cassandra said to Mia, Claradious's younger and only sister.
Cassandra stretched her palm towards the place Mia was standing at, about to carry something heavy, in no time wind blew and the heavy object was magically placed at the right place in the room.
"Wow that's so cool aunty Cassandra, I wish I could do something like that," Mia said to Cassandra while smiling brightly.
"Is that why you wanted to have it upon yourself to carry that heavy object?? Do you know you haven't fed for the last thousand years?? what would you had have me say to your brother if you had passed out while trying to raise that heavy object, huh??" Cassandra asked Mia while pretending to be angry at Mia.
"I'm sorry aunty Cassandra, it won't happen again," Mia said to Cassandra apologetically.
"I know you just wanna be like your brother, but your brother is a special breed, he is the first of his kind created by the gods themselves, you can't compare yourself to him, it could get you killed," Cassandra said to Mia in a convincing voice.
"Alright, so can you please forgive me?" Mia asked Cassandra curiously in a pleading tone.
"Yeah, I can forgive you, Infact! I've already forgiven you, and I promise not to tell your brother when he gets back," Cassandra said to Mia while opening her arms for a hug.
"Thank you so much, Aunty, you are the best," Mia squeaked happily while accepting Cassandra's opened arms for a hug.
An hour later, Cassandra was cleaning the living room when her water broke.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhh," Cassandra screamed in pain while sitting down on the floor because she could not withstand the pain.
"What is it, Aunty?" Mia asked Cassandra as soon as she came to where Cassandra was sitting down in pain.
"The baby..... I think........ the baby is coming," Cassandra said to Mia in pain while breathing heavily.
"Oh heavens!! let's take you to the Midwives, they are infamous for delivering supernatural babies like us," Mia said to Cassandra while helping her to stand up.
"But it's..... too far away from here," Cassandra said to Mia in pain while holding Mia’s shoulders for support.
"I know, but don't worry, I've got that covered," Mia replied Cassandra while smiling brightly.
”But they are witches,” Cassandra said to Mia trying to kick against the idea of them going to the Midwives because of her fear of witches.
”I know, Aunty Cassandra……..That’s why they are to be trusted because they are the only ones who can deliver a supernatural baby without telling a soul so don’t you worry about anything because everything is gonna be okay,” Mia replied Cassandra in an explanation and assuring manner.
"Brother! If you know what's good for you, you better rush down here soon and fast!! your wife is about to deliver your baby," Mia telepathically said to her brother sternly while trying to assist Cassandra to the door.
In a blink of an eye, Claradious sped into the house, he looked painfully at his wife and carried her in his arms, he Immediately sped towards the Supernatural Midwives home and in no time they were there as a result of his super speed.
(In the home of the Supernatural Midwives)
Cassandra was in heavy labor, screaming out her lungs, she was sweating profusely as a result of her labor pain.
Claradious on the other hand was busy comforting her, giving her words of hope and assurance.
"Keep pushing Cassandra, we can see the baby's head, it's coming out," The midwives said to Cassandra.
"You can do it, my love, I know you can," Claradious said soothingly to Cassandra while caressing her hand softly.
"Breath in, Breath out and 1, 2, 3 PUSH!!!.. The midwives said to Cassandra.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhh," Cassandra screamed out in pain while pushing hard with all her might.
"I don't think she can make it Claradious, the baby is extraordinarily strong for her," One of the Midwives said to Claradious worriedly.
"She's going to do it, she's going to deliver our baby safely, I know she can," Claradious said to the Midwife sternly but in pain while assuring himself that everything will be okay.
Twenty minutes later, Cassandra finally delivered her baby.
"It's a Baby girl," One of the Midwives said happily while presenting the baby to Claradious.
"See….My love…..This is the product of our love, she's beautiful, just like you and she has your hair color," Claradious said to Cassandra who was completely weak from the labor.
"Let me see her," Cassandra said softly while outstretching her hands to carry her baby.
'Here you go," Claradious said to Cassandra, smiling brightly while presenting the baby to Cassandra.
"Awwnn, she's so cute," Mia squeaked in happiness.
"Yeah, she is, just like her mother…….Look at her brown hair and her golden eyeballs…..They are so beautiful and adorable…….Just like her mother’s," Claradious said to Mia while smiling brightly.
"Hi, Baby girl, ain't you the cutest girl on the planet?" You are! Yes, You are!! Cassandra giggled softly while looking at her baby with love-filled eyes.
"Angelus Meus Pulcher" My beautiful angel," Cassandra said to her baby smiling brightly.
"Angelus" Wow, I think that's a nice name," Claradious said to Cassandra and Mia while smiling happily.
"Yes, It’s a nice name!! Her name shall be called "ANGELUS MEUS PULCHER DONDARRION!!" Cassandra said to Claradious warmly while smiling brightly at her baby.
"Hi, Baby Angelus nice to meet you, you are going to be my niece and I can't wait to take you hunting when you grow up," Mia squeaked in happiness while looking adoringly at Baby Angelus.
"Angelus! My beautiful angel, mom wants you to know that she loves you very much, she wants you to know that she's sorry for not being able to see you grow into the strong and beautiful woman you are meant to be, please forgive me, Angelus," Cassandra said to Baby Angelus in a somber voice while smiling sadly at Claradious.
"What are you talking about My love? We are going to raise Angelus together, like a family," Claradious said to Cassandra while holding her palms tenderly.
"I'm sorry, My love, I wish I could be part of that beautiful world where we raise our baby girl together, but I'm sorry Claradious, I can't be part of that world.” Cassandra apologetically said to Claradious while looking at him with pain-filled eyes.
"My love please don't say that, we live for each other, don't you dare dream of leaving me," Claradious said to Cassandra sadly, pain etching from his face.
"I wish I could promise you on this……but I can't," Cassandra said to Claradious sadly while cupping his cheek softly.
"What's she talking about?" Claradious asked the Midwives confusedly while looking at them inquisitively because he needed answers.
"Claradious! That baby took a toll on her while she was trying to bring your baby forth into the world, your baby happens to be of three species," One of the Midwives said to Claradious warmly.
"What do you mean by three species?" Claradious, Cassandra and Mia curiously asked the Midwives chorously while looking at them inquisitively because they were totally confused.
"The Baby is a Vampire, a Werewolf and a Witch, making her three supernatural species in one, hence the name "TRIBRID" the very first of her kind." The midwife replied Claradious, Cassandra and Mia warmly.
"How is that possible?" Claradious asked totally bewildered while looking at Baby Angelus in shock and disbelief.
"Claradious! It's possible because you are her father, and you are a Hybrid, a Vampire and a Werewolf all together, you were able to reproduce because of your wolf gene, and her mother is a powerful witch from a powerful bloodline, So Angelus inherited her species from you both." The Midwives explained to Claradious, Mia and Cassandra warmly while smiling brightly.
"Oh, I see," Claradious replied totally shocked while looking at Baby Angelus in awe.
"Wow this is so cool," Mia replied in amazement while looking at Baby Angelus adoringly.
"She's a special baby Claradious, keep her safe," Cassandra said to Claradious warmly while giving Baby Angelus back to him.
"We will," Claradious and Mia replied chorously while smiling brightly at Baby Angelus.
”One last thing!! Cassandra said to Claradious weakly.
”What’s that My love?? Claradious asked Cassandra softly while caressing her cheek tenderly and looking at her inquisitively.
”Mia!! Claradious!! Y’all should promise me that Angelus won’t know about her coven,” Cassandra said to Claradious and Mia weakly.
“We will, My love! We promise," Claradious replied Cassandra warmly while caressing her cheeks tenderly.
“I know you will, My love but I gotta here Mia promise me,” Cassandra replied Claradious weakly while looking inquisitively at Mia.
”Aunty Cassandra!! I promise Angelus won’t know about her coven!! I’ll keep it a secret from her for as long as I can,” Mia replied Cassandra solemnly while taking Cassandra for a hug.
”Please take care of her for me,” Cassandra said to Claradious warmly while looking affectionately at Baby Angelus.
“We will," Claradious and Mia replied Cassandra chorously while smiling brightly.
"I know you will, farewell, My love," Cassandra said to Claradious while breathing her last breath.
"Cassandra!!!. Claradious called out while shaking Cassandra's body vigorously, trying to wake her up.
"Aunty Cassandra please wake up, don't go, don't leave us alone, please," Mia cried out hysterically.
"Cassandra!!!. My love, please wake up!!!... Nooooooo!!!!!!!.... Please wake up, I still need you." Claradious wept in agony.
"Take heart Claradious, you have to be strong for your daughter and your sister now," The Midwives consoled.
"Noooooooooo!!!!!!! Claradious hysterically screamed in agony.
(Present, The Modern-Day)
Angelus has grown up into a beautiful, strong, and confident young lady, she is 5 foot 4 inches tall and she looked twenty in terms of age but she is a seven hundred million years old girl.
She is now a fully activated Tribrid.
Angelus stopped aging when she was twenty years old because her vampire part was accidentally activated when she drowned and died in a sea, trying to save the life of some travelers whose ship was shipwrecked on the sea.
She is currently living in San Francisco with her aunt Mia, her father had taken his own life by staking his heart because of the pain of losing the love of his life, four hundred and ninety million years ago.
But unknown to Angelus, Claradious her father wasn't dead but was just in a prolonged sleep because he is a True blood hybrid and can't be killed.
Angelus was raised by Mia, a Three hundred billion years old vampire, after the sudden death of her brother which he induced on himself because he couldn’t stay without his beloved wife.
Mia knew Claradious, Angelus’s Father was still alive but choosed to keep it to herself because she feared it would only bring pain to Angelus, besides it was what her brother asked from her.
Mia is currently a medical doctor at the Stephen Global Hospital, she went to medical school ten years ago while trying to seek a new identity.
Mia and Angelus always relocated to a new city after living for a particular time in that city because they didn't want the human world to discover the existence of supernaturals, to humans supernaturals like Vampires, Werewolves and Witches were a mere myth and they wanted it to stay that way.
Angelus though knowing fully well, the risk of humans knowing about their existence still loves helping them but she was very careful whenever she was helping them and some Vampires hated it because they thought she was just trying to be a hero like her Dad.
Angelus loved helping and protecting the humans from her kind (Vampires, Wolves, Witches) and she won’t mind killing any Vampire or Wolf who tries to hunt any human for food or any Witch who tries to oppress the humans with their magic.
Mia as a medical doctor has never lost any of her patients in the course of treatment, any of her patient's illnesses or injuries that can't be healed medically would be healed by her by giving them her vampire blood.
None of her nurses were able to recall seeing her healing a patient with the use of her vampire blood because as soon as she's done with the healing process, she mind controls them to forget about everything they saw that day.
This of course made her the best Doctor and the most sought out Doctor in San Francisco.
Angelus on her path keeps going to high schools and colleges because she doesn't want to bring attention to herself.
Angelus on the other hand has graduated from high schools and colleges so many times that she began to lose count.
Meanwhile, so many wolves were migrating from one country to another, desperately looking for their new Alpha.
Witches, on the other hand, were desperately trying to figure out who the current generation of Cassandra might be because they were desperately in need of a leader.
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