It is Monday morning, the sun has risen perfectly in the clouds.
Angelus was still sleeping peacefully, probably not having any plans of waking up when Mia entered her room.
"Angelus rise and shine! it's a new day," Mia said to the sleeping Angelus while opening the curtains of Angelus's luxurious bedroom, allowing the bright sun to shine inside the room.
"Hmm.......I wanna sleep more, please let me sleep." Angelus mumbled softly while rolling herself on the bed.
"Wake up for the love of God!! You gotta go to your new school and register yourself." Mia said to Angelus while exiting the bedroom.
"I'm tired of changing schools all the time, it's so annoying," Angelus said to Mia while getting up from her bed.
"Then stop going to school and get a job like me," Mia said to Angelus from outside the room while descending the stairs connecting to the living room.
"School! School! School! I don't wanna go to school, it's so boring." Angelus said to herself while picking up her bathrobe.
Going inside the bathroom, she stopped and looked back towards her room filled with so many graduation caps and she couldn't help but sigh deeply.
Thirty minutes later, Angelus came out of the bathroom and went straight to the living room.
"Aunt Mia! I'm true, I'll start going now." Angelus said to Mia as soon as she came to the living room.
"Good! There are fresh blood packs in the fridge and some fresh animal meat for you to eat and drink." Mia said to Angelus while picking her glass of blood.
"Seriously??? What kind of animal meat?? Angelus asked Mia anxiously.
"Deer! It's the only one I could find this morning, eat it so you don't eat your fellow schoolmates at school." Mia answered Angelus while sipping her blood drink.
"Fine! I guess I have no choice." Angelus said to Mia while walking towards the fridge.
A few minutes later, Angelus was done having her breakfast, she immediately bid her Aunt Mia goodbye and walked towards her new school.
After walking for an hour, Angelus arrived at the lobby of Lowell High School, the school she was going to be registering herself In.
She looked at the building and took a deep breath.
"This school is big, I think I'm going to love it here." She said to herself softly while smiling brightly at the building.
With bold steps, Angelus walked towards the school building.
(In Lowell High School's Hallway)
A young girl of about twenty years who turned out to be Angelus was seen walking towards the principal's office.
As soon as Angelus arrived in the hallway, all the student's eyes in the hallway fell on her.
They were mesmerized by her beauty and aura.
She was looking astoundingly gorgeous and she was having this charming and echanting aura around her, making the students to look dazzled by her presence.
As soon as Angelus arrived at the principal's office, she greeted the bald head man that was seated comfortably on an Office Chair who turned out to be the School Principal.
The Principal was having this intimidating aura around him.
Angelus had come to see him the day before and she submitted some things she was asked of but her admission process could not be completed because The Principal had to leave for an Important meeting.
"Hmm! Miss Angelus! I've checked your records........The one you gave me yesterday and I found out that you are missing immunization records and we do insist on transfer letters from the principal of your former school." The Principal said to Angelus coldly.
"Well! I knew this was coming." Angeles mumbled to herself softly while rolling her eyes.
"Sorry? The principal said to Angelus while looking at her inquisitively, trying to see if he heard right.
"Mr. Principal! Look again!! I'm sure everything you need for My admission into this school is in there." Angelus said to the principal while mind controlling him.
"Yes! Everything I need is indeed here." The Principal said to Angelus while smiling brightly because of the influence of Angelus's mind control.
“Nice! So can I have My School ID and Know My Class??” Angelus asked the Principal curiously while looking at him Inquisitively.
“Yeah, Sure! Here's your School ID! You are In Senior Class One(b).........You look like an Intelligent girl so I registered you for all the classes which Include General academic classes, Honors classes, AP Classes, and electives.” The Principal explained to Angelus warmly while handing her her School ID.
“Okay...........Thanks!! Angelus thanked The Principal while turning her back to leave.
“Wait!! One more thing!! Our School Subjects are:-
(1) English Home Language.
(2) Mathematics.
(3) Natural Sciences..........Life Sciences (Biology) and Physical Sciences.
(4) Social Sciences..............History and Geography.
(5) Technology..................Computer Literacy and Technology.
(6) Economic and Management Sciences...........Business Studies and Accounting.
(7) Creative Arts.
(8) Life Orientation...............This one is Compulsory and it has to do with seeing the Guidance Counsellor.” The Principal explained to Angelus warmly.
“So I'm to partake in all this classes till I get to Senior Class Two before I can choose the one I wanna study in the university, right??” Angelus asked The Principal warmly while looking at him Inquisitively.
Though Angelus already knows this but she just had to ask him.
“Yes!! See? I knew you were Intelligent!! Turns out you are smart too!! The Principal replied Angelus warmly while smiling brightly.
“Thank you very much, Sir!! Angelus thanked The Principal warmly while smiling brightly.
“You are welcome!! The Principal replied Angelus warmly while bringing out some paperwork to fill.
“So can I go now??” Angelus asked The Principal warmly while looking at him Inquisitively.
“Yeah! Sure! You can go.” The Principal replied Angelus warmly while smiling brightly at her.
"Great! So see you around! Mr. Principal!! Angelus said to The Principal while exiting his office.
(In the classroom of Lowell High School)
"Class! Who can tell me what happened in the year 400050 in this our city??? The history teacher asked the class warmly while looking at them inquisitively.
..............................The class kept silent.
"Really??? Doesn’t anyone here….know what happened in the year 400050 in this our city??? The history teacher asked out in disbelief while staring at the class in shock.
"Yennevia! I believe you can tell us, right??? The history teacher asked one of the school's scholars while looking at her with hopeful eyes.
"I'm sorry, Sir! But I have no idea," Yennevia replied the history teacher sadly.
"Seriously??? So no single one of you can tell me what happened in our city four thousand and fifty years ago??? The teacher asked the class in shock while folding his hands and staring at them in disappointment.
"I guess no one of us was born as at then." Erica, one of the school's notorious student said to the history teacher.
"The year 400050 was the year vampires were first spotted in San Francisco, they killed a total number of 16 million people that year," Angelus said to the history teacher warmly, answering his question.
"Wow!!! Just Wow!!!! Wonderful!!! Class can you see?? She just answered what y’all couldn’t answer!! What's your name, Miss??? The history teacher asked Angelus while smiling brightly at her.
"My name is Angelus Meus Pulcher Dondarrion!!! Angelus answered the history teacher warmly.
"Wow! Such a nice name, you really are an angel because you just saved your fellow students from my..........nevermind (hahaha) class please give Angelus a big clap for answering the question you all couldn't answer." The history teacher said out loud.
The students clapped reluctantly while some of them looked at Angelus with hate-filled eyes, others looked at her with envy.
"Thank you very much, you guys are awesome." Angelus thanked the students while smiling brightly.
"Okay! Enough clapping! Let's get back to business." The history teacher said to the class while writing something on the board.
After forty-five minutes, the bell rang, signifying the end of the history class.
"Alright, class! That's our bell, see you all again next class, and please remember to do your homework." The history teacher said to the class while packing his bag.
Angelus left the classroom and went straight to her locker to keep her books.
After keeping her books, Angelus locked her locker and walked towards the cafeteria.
Getting to the cafeteria, Angelus walked straight to one of the counters to order some food for herself.
"Hi, Please can I have two sandwiches, a plate of salad and a cup of coffee?? Angelus asked the counter attendant warmly.
"Sure! Here you go." The counter attendant said to Angelus warmly while giving her the meal she ordered for.
"Thanks! Angelus thanked the counter attendant while walking towards one of the cafeteria tables.
"You haven't aged a single bit." The counter attendant said to Angelus sternly, making her to stop in her tracks in fear and shock. No one was supposed to know about her not being able to age because she was always careful not to make too many human friends.
Turning her back and looking at the counter attendant with eyebrows raised, she said:-
"I meant you have never aged since I last saw you." The cafeteria attendant said to Angelus firmly.
"I.........I think you are mistaking me for someone else, I just moved here a week back." Angelus said to the counter attendant, her heart beating fast because she was getting nervous.
"I know it's you! Brown hair, golden eyeballs which looks weird to me, it's definitely you, I'm not mistaking you for someone else." The counter attendant said to Angelus firmly.
"Okay! I've had enough! I'm not who you think I am! Like I said, I just moved here a week back, how can we have met within a week and I wouldn't remember??? Angelus said to the counter attendant while glaring at her angrily.
"Hey, Angelus! Here you are!!! I've been looking all over for you." A female student said to Angelus warmly as soon as she came to where Angelus was standing, facing the counter attendant.
The Counter attendant was surprised to see what was happening before her, She was so sure she knew Angelus but here's another girl calling Angelus’s name like they have been friends for a long time and the girl calling Angelus’s name looked young and the counter attendant was sure she hasn't seen her anywhere before.
"Do you know her??? The counter attendant asked the female student anxiously.
"Yes, I do and as a matter of fact, she and I go way back, she's My best friend." The female student said to the counter attendant firmly.
"Oh! I see, but she looks familiar to me, I wanted to ask her how come she hasn't aged." The counter attendant said to the female student.
"Well turns out you were wrong about her." The female student said to the counter attendant while taking Angelus's hands in her hands, leading her towards the cafeteria table before the counter attendant would ask them another question that they might not be able to answer.
"Thanks for saving me back there, that woman was so annoying." Angelus thanked the female student as soon as they sat down.
"You are welcome, She’s so inquisitive but she wasn't lying, you know??? The female student replied Angelus warmly but firmly.
"What do you mean by she wasn't lying??? She was totally lying." Angelus said to the female student angrily.
"She wasn't lying because you are the Tribrid, the only one of your kind, and you are also a True blood." The female student said to Angelus warmly but firmly.
"I don't know what you are talking about, I'm not a Tribrid." Angelus denied swiftly.
"Really??? Then you leave me with no choice." The female student said to Angelus while stabbing her on the hand with a knife she took from their table.
"Ouch!! What the hell??? What did you do that for???? Angelus asked the female student angrily without realizing her injury was already healed.
"I stabbed you because I knew you would heal." The female student said to Angelus firmly while smirking at her.
" Angelus asked the female student in shock.
"I knew because I'm also a vampire, you turned me when I was seventeen years old." The female student replied Angelus warmly.
"I turned you??? That's........ Angelus kept quiet not knowing what to say.
"Yes you turned me, I'm sired to you, I still remember the last word you said to me that night you turned me back in Birmingham three hundred thousand years ago." The female student said to Angelus while smiling brightly.
"What was it.....I said to you that night??? Angelus asked the female student anxiously while stuttering.
"You are a True blood, you read minds, why don't you read for yourself??? The female student asked Angelus warmly while looking at her inquisitively.
"All vampires have the ability to head dive any human or supernatural, they have the power of telepathy to read minds and influence their thoughts on others but......It's better if I heard it from you." Angelus answered the female student warmly.
"Fine!! If you insist." The female student said to Angelus, preparing to tell her about the night of her transition from human to vampire.
"Don't worry, I'll just dive into your head and see what happened that night," Angelus said to the female student, preventing her from telling her about what she said to her that night.
And with that, Angelus dived into the female student's head.
It is 9 pm and the sky was already pitch black.
Angelus was seen walking on a road path, enjoying the cool breeze the wind was emanating while humming a song.
Meanwhile, a couple was having a good time, driving home with their only daughter.
"Do you love this music, my dear?? Cersei's father asked Cersei, taking his eyes off the road and looking at her with love-filled eyes.
" out!!!!!!!!!!! Cersei screamed, closing her eyes, feeling scared as she saw they were about to collide with a train that was at high speed.
Screech!!!! Cersei's father tried to dodge the train but to no avail.
Cersei's father and mother closed their eyes, waiting for the worst to happen when they felt their body being carried by someone.
Opening their eyes, Cersei's father and mother saw that they were no longer in the car.
"What just happened??? Where's our daughter??? Where's Cersei??? Cersei's parents asked Angelus hysterically while shaking her body vigorously.
"Daughter??? I didn't know you had a daughter." Angelus replied Cersei's parents feeling confused.
"She was in the car with us!!! Cersei's parents yelled angrily at Angelus.
"Okay! Just hold on, I'll go check the car if she's still there." Angelus said to the parents of Cersei while walking towards the squashed car of Cersei's parents.
As soon as Angelus got to the spot where Cersei's parents squashed burning car was, she used her super-hearing to listen for heartbeat while she used her wolf nose to pick for any human scent within the accident scene.
After some minutes, she got a burning human scent coming from the squashed burning car of Cersei's parents.
She hastily ripped the car door open and brought out a disfigured body that turned out to be Cersei.
"Oh fuck! You better be alive or you are going to make your parents die of heart attack." Angelus said to the disfigured body of Cersei while carrying the body in her arms, walking towards Cersei’s parents.
"Oh My God!!! Nooo!!! It can't be, our daughter can't be dead." Cersei's parents cried hysterically as soon as they saw the disfigured body of their daughter in Angelus’ arms.
"She is barely in there, we gotta take her to the hospital now!!! Angelus said to Cersei's parents while carrying the disfigured body of Cersei.
"Which hospital can make her whole again?? Huh?? Just look at her, she's broken, all her bones have been broken and she’s burnt beyond recognition." Cersei's parents said to Angelus while crying profusely.
"We can't just leave her like this!! Angelus yelled at Cersei's parents emotionally.
"We are sorry, Miss! Thanks for all your help but we have come to accept that our daughter is gone." Cersei's parents said to Angelus in a somber voice while leaving the scene.
"Wait!!!! Come back!!! Please!!! I can help her!!! Angelus yelled at the exiting parents of Cersei but they didn't even turn their back.
Seeing the parents of Cersei leaving Cersei like that made Angelus furious. She yelled at them again that she can save their daughter but they didn’t bother stopping to hear her out not to talk of turning their back and this made Angelus very angry, she sped towards the parents of Cersei and broke their necks while ripping their hearts out.
Thud! Cersei's parents dropped down on the ground.
"It serves you right! Angelus said to the corpse of Cersei's parents while spitting at them.
She turned towards Cersei's disfigured body and saw that Cersei was already dead.
Without hesitation, Angelus tore her hand with her vampire’s fangs and placed her injured hand on Cersei's mouth, so her vampire blood can flow inside Cersei's mouth.
Thirty minutes later, Cersei woke up from the dead, her disfigured body totally healed.
"Where am I??? What happened??? Where are my parents??? Cersei bombarded Angelus with questions because she was feeling disoriented.
"First, you are not dead yet, but you would be if you don't feed," Angelus answered the disoriented Cersei while giving her a blood pack to drink.
"Where are my parents??? Cersei asked Angelus curiously, fear etching all over her face.
"What you are thinking Is right but they didn't die from the accident, I saved them but when I saw how wicked of a parent they were, I killed them," Angelus answered Cersei nonchalantly after reading her mind.
"Noooooooooo!!!! My parents can't be dead!!! Why did you kill them??!!! What did they ever do to you that would warrant to them being murdered by you??" Cersei cried and screamed hysterically while dragging Angelus’ shirt vigorously.
"Your parents are dead Cersei!! I killed them……..They were not good parents but If you want revenge??…..You are going to need all the strength you can get to get it over with, so drink the damn blood and complete your transition from human to vampire." Angelus said to Cersei sternly while throwing another blood pack to her.
Without hesitation, Cersei took the two blood pack and drank the blood in one gulp.
As soon as Cersei drank the blood, her eyes turned red and her vampire fangs came out indicating that she was now a full vampire.
Everything that happened before she died flooded her head in a light speed.
"It hurts! Please make it stop." Cersei cried profusely while begging Angelus.
"It's your memory.............
"Please make it stop!!!! Cersei cried hysterically while screaming at Angelus, interrupting her from what she was going to say.
"Fine! I turned you so I'm responsible for you now." Angelus said to Cersei while walking towards her.
As soon as Angelus came to where Cersei was standing, she stared into Cersei's eyes and said:-
"Forget everything you saw and heard before you woke up, just know your parents are dead and they want you to live your life to the fullest and be happy."
In no time, the mind control took effect on Cersei, making her forget every single thing she heard her parents say but only remember what Angelus just told her.
"Cersei! You are a vampire now, but don't be a parasite to the human race, help save them just like how I helped save you." Angelus said to Cersei who was busy testing her skills as a vampire.
"Fine! I've heard you." Cersei replied Angelus warmly.
(Back to the cafeteria)
"I've seen and heard what I said to you that night," Angelus said to the female student warmly while shrugging her shoulders.
"I never stopped helping the human race." The female student replied Angelus warmly.
"I'm Cersei! The female student introduced herself to Angelus while smiling brightly at her.
"I know and it's nice to meet you again," Angelus replied Cersei warmly.
"Here you are!! You are the bitch that has been disobeying our laws." A male vampire said to Angelus while stabbing her on the heart from her back with a Diamond dagger.
"Noooooooooo!!!!! Cersei screamed in horror as soon as she saw the Diamond dagger stabbed right through Angelus's heart.
Do you guys want more? Let me see your likes and comments about this one first.???