“How could they do that to you mom?? How could they banish you from your own family??” Angelus asked herself emotionally while shedding tears, running towards Yennevia’s house.
It didn’t take long for Angelus to arrive at Yennevia’s house.
Yennevia’s house is located at Lombard street, a famous landmark in San Francisco.
The house looked like an old house but the architecture was modern and it was built in a Colonial-style due to the fact that the Colonial style is the most popular in San Francisco.
Standing at the entrance door of Yennevia’s house, Angelus kicked the door open and entered inside the house angrily.
“Yennevia!! Yennevia!!! Yennevia!!! Angelus called out Yennevia angrily while ransacking her surroundings with her eyes.
“Angelus!! You are back so sudden?? I told you that I’m going to inform the elders of our Coven about your acceptance of the Gemini Coven throne. Why are you here now??! If you are here to know if I’ve informed the elders??…Well, I haven’t done that yet! You have to give me more time and I promised to give you a call if I’m not mistaken,” Yennevia said to Angelus warmly while descending the stairs and looking at her inquisitively.
“Hahaha!! Who told you I’m here for that?! Angelus said to Yennevia angrily while rolling her eyes and smiling mockingly at Yennevia.
”Aww! I didn’t know you missed me so much already that you can’t stay an hour without seeing me,” Yennevia said to Angelus emotionally with a pause while smiling brightly and putting her hand on her chest.
”I couldn’t have asked for a better friend,” Yennevia said further to Angelus while smiling brightly at her.
”Cut the crap, bitch!! How dare you??” Angelus yelled angrily at Yennevia while walking towards her.
”Sorry?! What are you talking about??” Yennevia asked Angelus feeling confused.
”How dare you take advantage of my weakness??!!! Angelus yelled angrily while bringing out her claws, glaring and advancing towards Yennevia with hate-filled eyes.
”Sweetheart, You have to be more specific!! I’m afraid I don’t know what you are talking about,” Yennevia said to Angelus warmly while stepping backward away from Angelus.
”Oh! Don’t you dare play dumb on me because you know what I’m talking about,” Angelus said to Yennevia while using her claws to scratch the wall.
”I’m not playing dumb!! Okay?? I’m lost here!! I…I….I….I’m at a loss here!! Can’t you see I’m telling the truth?! Use your vampire powers to see if I’m lying or not,” Yennevia said to Angelus fearfully while stepping backward away from Angelus.
”You knew I had No Mom since I was a kid!!! You knew I wanted nothing more than to see My Mom even though it’s a mirage or a dream!!! You knew I wanted that so badly so you used that to tempt and trick me to join your Coven??!!! How dare you???!!! Angelus yelled at Yennevia emotionally while staring at her angrily.
”You are delusional, Angelus!! That’s not why I asked you to join our Coven!! I asked you to join our Coven because it’s your destiny to slay the beast and it’s also your destiny and birthright to become our leader,” Yennevia said to Angelus while trying to reason with her and defend herself.
”Hahahahahahaha!!!! Now, I’m delusional!! Isn’t it?? So tell me why you witches had to treat my mom with such cruelty??!!! How could you witches be so cruel to almost kill My Mom for no reason??!!! Angelus asked Yennevia angrily while speeding towards the scared Yennevia.
”Iter!! Yennevia said out making Angelus to stumble and fall.
Raising her hands up, Yennevia said:- “Listen to me!! Listen to me, Angelus!! Just calm down, okay?? Your Mom was a very powerful witch and they were scared of her because in the history of witches no witch has ever wielded that kind of power she had,” Yennevia said to Angelus while stepping backward away from the angry Angelus.
“So tell me!!! Don’t I have that kind of powers you witches were scared of??!! Why did you ask me to join your Coven??!!! Angelus yelled angrily at Yennevia while advancing towards Yennevia, scratching her claws on the wall.
”Actually, Your powers are tens fold more than your Mom’s power but we have no leader to lead us, and no Coven last longer without a leader to lead them,” Yennevia said to Angelus fearfully.
”So you guys just thought you could make me your pawn??!! Angelus yelled angrily at Yennevia while using her magic to throw a kitchen knife towards Yennevia’s chest.
“Congelo!! Yennevia said out, freezing the kitchen knife, preventing it from piercing her chest.
”It’s not what you think, Angelus!! You are just paranoid and I think you are suffering from post-traumatic stress that’s why you are delusional,” Yennevia said to Angelus in a reasoning but fearful manner while stepping backwards away from Angelus.
”I’m not paranoid neither am I delusional and F.Y.I I’m not trying to recover from a terrifying event!!! You know what?! Enough chit-chat!!! Angelus said to Yennevia while speeding towards her with her claws ready to tear Yennevia’s skin to pieces.
“Levitate et suffocant,” Angelus said out while making Yennevia to levitate and choke with her magic.
”Ah! Ah! (Cough) (Cough) (Cough) Stop this nonsense this instant!!! Yennevia said to Angelus in pain while choking.
”Levitate et suffocant,” Angelus said out angrily, doubling the effect of the magic.
“Ventus,” Yennevia said out in pain while using her magic to blow Angelus off with a powerful wind which was useless due to the fact that Angelus was stronger than her.
”Nice try!! Now my turn!! “Eripere,” Angelus said out while using her magic to rip out Yennevia’s heart.
”No!!!!! Please don’t do this! Don’t kill me,” Yennevia screamed in horror when she realized the spell Angelus said out but before she could counter-attack, her heart left her chest.
”Thud!! Yennevia’s lifeless body fell to the ground.
”One down! More to go!! Angelus said to herself while spitting on the lifeless body of Yennevia.
Walking out of the house, she set the house ablaze with her magic and walked towards the road.
While walking down the road, Angelus started reminiscing about the past, painful memories started flooding her head, she started remembering the moments she needed her mom the most but her mom wasn’t there for her due to fact that her mom died while giving birth to her.
”Mom!! Why did you leave me on earth to suffer from loneliness??!! Huh??! Angelus yelled angrily to no one in particular while falling down on her knees due to the fact that she was feeling very upset and angry.
”Mom??! Did you hate me so much to leave me on the very first day I came to this world???!!! Answer me!!! Angelus cried out in frustration.
”Mom!! I’m going to deal with all of them for trying to hurt you!!! They had no right to think of hurt you because you were part of them.....You were their family too!!! Just hold on, okay??! Angelus said to herself solemnly while looking at the sky, still on her knees.
Getting up from the ground, Angelus took a deep breath and started using her supernatural hearing to listen attentively. Only her knew what she was looking for.
While listening attentively with her supernatural hearing, Angelus could hear horns of cars, distant chattering, club music, couples quarreling.
”Fuck! Where are they?! Angelus asked no one in particular while using her supernatural hearing to listen attentively.
After ten minutes of listening for God knows what, Angelus started to hear sounds of birds chirping, sounds of animals, sounds of heartbeats, and chattering that seemed to her like they were having a crucial discussion.
”Finally!! I’ve got what I’m looking for!! Now it’s time!! Angelus said to herself while using her super-speed to run towards the Muir Woods National Monument located at the scenic Marin Headline Hills.
(Muir Woods National Monument)
The witches of the Gemini Coven were busy having a crucial discussion with the elders of the Gemini Coven.
”Are you sure she can pull this off??” One of the witches asked the rest of the Gemini witches.
”Yeah, I’m pretty sure Yennevia can handle it, she has done it before some time ago,” Another female witch replied the other witch.
”Speaking of the devil….Where the hell is she??? Why hasn’t she come back to give us her feedback.” The elders of the Gemini Coven asked the rest Gemini witches while looking at them inquisitively.
Just as a witch was about to answer the elders of the Gemini Coven, they heard the branch of a tree breaking and this startled them.
”What’s that??” The startled Gemini witches asked themselves while looking around and being at alert.
“Creak” “Groan” The sound of a bending tree could be heard.
”Is someone there??” The startled Gemini witches asked out in fear while looking around anxiously.
”Snap” “Crack” The sound of a well-bent tree could be heard, startling the Gemini witches the more.
”Who’s that?? Who’s there??” The startled Gemini witches alongside the startled Elders asked out in fear.
”Someone that’s going to be your doom!!! A voice that turned out to be angry Angelus said out while coming out of where she was hiding.
“Mo pàṣẹ pé kí igi yìí wó lulẹ̀ ní tààràtà,” Angelus said out while using her magic to fall the already well-bent tree towards the Gemini witches while smirking devilishly at them.
”Watch out!!! The Gemini witches and Elders yelled in horror while teleporting themselves away from the spot the tree was going to land on.
”Bang!!!! The large tree fell down to the ground.
“Wow! I didn’t see that coming!! I wanted your death to be slow and painful just like my mom’s,” Angelus said to the witches while wearing a disappointed look.
”Stop this madness right now!! What’s the meaning of this???!!! What have we done to you??! Huh??! Why do you want us dead??! The Elders of the Gemini witches asked Angelus in fury.
”You have no right to be furious and you know it!!! Angelus yelled angrily at the witches while bringing out her claws.
”What have you done with Yennevia??! Where’s she??! One of the witches asked Angelus while glaring daggers at her.
”I killed her and you all are about to meet the same fate and join her on the Afterlife,” Angelus replied the witch nonchalantly while shrugging her shoulders and smirking devilishly at them.
”How dare you??!!! Why would you kill her??! What has she done to you that you decided it’s best for her to die??!!! Huh??!!! The Elders and the witches asked Angelus in fury while glaring daggers at her.
”You dare ask to me such a question?? How silly and foolish of you because that question just pissed me off the more!! What did My Mom do to you guys that you decided taking her life was the best way to get rid of your fears for her power??!!! Huh??!! Answer me!!!! Angelus yelled angrily at the witches and the Gemini witches while advancing towards them, anger and hatred could be seen in her eyes.
”Hold on!! Just calm down a bit will you??” The witches and the Elders of the Gemini Coven asked Angelus while stepping backwards away from Angelus in fear.
”Don’t you dare tell me to calm down!!! Don’t you dare!!! Angelus yelled in fury while activating her Vampire and Wolf powers.
”Oh My God!! We gotta do something!! Angelus listen to us!! Alright?!! You are just delusional that’s why you are acting this way.” The witches and the Elders of the Gemini Coven said to Angelus while using their magic to raise up a force field due to the fact that they wanted to prevent Angelus from coming any closer.
”Alright!! Enough chit-chat!! Now it’s time to die,” Angelus said to the witches angrily while walking through the force field like it was nothing.
”No!! Impossible!!! How could you……One of the Elders of the Gemini Coven said out in shock but before she could finish what she was saying, her heart was ripped out by Angelus, scaring the entire Gemini Coven.
”Angelus, please spare us!! Don’t kill us, please we beg of you,” The scared witches of the Gemini Coven begged for their lives but their pleas fell on deaf ears.
Angelus sped towards the witches while using her claws to tear the flesh of the witches apart.
“Ahh!! Wails and cries of the Gemini witches could be heard as Angelus was busy tearing their limbs apart, ripping their hearts out, pulling their hands and heads away from their bodies, and drinking their blood with no remorse in her face.
The witches were defenseless against Angelus due to the fact that Angelus is a Tribrid and she was too fast for them to counter her attack with their magic.
After about twenty minutes, Angelus was done with her cold-blooded massacre.
Licking the blood on her fingers, she burnt the dead bodies with her magic while walking away from the woods.
Meanwhile, a certain eyes could be seen watching her from afar, this eyes belonged to Rheagal, a Ten billion years old supernatural beast.
“Wow!! That’s what we call a ruthless killing!! I like her,” Rheagal said to himself excitedly while trailing after the exiting Angelus who was still angry even after the killings she made.
After thirty minutes of walking down the road, Angelus felt a presence around her.
”Why are you following me??” Angelus asked out while stopping on her tracks.
”………………………….. No response was heard and this pissed Angelus the more.
”I said why are you following me??” Angelus yelled angrily why turning her back but was shocked to see no one.
”Uh-huh! This is weird! I thought I felt someone’s presence,” Angelus said to herself while putting on a confused face.
”You are right, You did feel something,” Rheagal said to Angelus nonchalantly while shrugging his shoulders.
”Who’s that?! Show yourself!! Angelus said out while ransacking the scene with her eyes.
”I’m right here,” Rheagal said to Angelus nonchalantly while shrugging his shoulders and smirking at her.
”Where are you?! Show yourself this instant!! Angelus yelled at the strange voice while bringing out her claws.
”I’m behind you!! Rheagal said to Angelus nonchalantly while shrugging his shoulders.
”What?! What the hell are you doing behind me?! You weren’t there before!! Who the hell are you?!!! Angelus bombarded Rheagal with questions as soon as she turned her back and saw Rheagal standing, looking at her seductively.
”Are you always this insecure?! I must say I’m impressed with your massacre but that was unnecessary,” Rheagal said to Angelus while walking slowly towards her, looking at her with love-filled eyes.
”Who are you to tell me what and what’s not necessary?! Huh?! Angelus said to Rheagal in a questioning tone while glaring daggers at him.
”First of all…I’m Rheagal your soulmate,” Rheagal said to Angelus nonchalantly while looking at her seductively.
”You must be out of your senses to say that to me, Mr. Rheagal!! I think you are crazy or something,” Angelus said to Rheagal while walking away from Rheagal.
”Don’t think you can run from me,” Rheagal said to Angelus coldly while smiling seductively at her.
”Watch me!!! Angelus said to Rheagal while using her speed to exit the scene but Rheagal caught her in one second.
Blocking the path of Angelus, Rheagal said:- Do you really think you had it in you?? To run away like you always do?!
”Get out of my way!! Now!! Angelus yelled angrily at Rheagal.
”No!!! What are you gonna do now?! Because I’m not leaving,” Rheagal said to Angelus nonchalantly while shrugging his shoulders and smirking at her.
”Get the hell out of my way while I’m still trying to be nice,” Angelus yelled angrily at Rheagal.
”Yell all you want but I'm not getting out of your way!!! Deal with it!!!! Rheagal yelled at Angelus while smirking at her and looking at her with love-filled eyes.
”(Sighs) What do you want, Rheagal?! Angelus asked Rheagal in frustration while sighing deeply.
”I like you.....What am I even saying?? I'll be lying if I tell you I like you!! The truth Is that I love you................I’m so In love with you...........….I wanna be your mate…...........What do they call it here?? Oh! Yes! Boyfriend!!! Yes! I wanna be your boyfriend and you will be my girlfriend,” Rheagal said to Angelus emotionally while looking at her with love-filled eyes.”
”Not happening MR!! We just met by the way and regardless of that…I still won’t date you so just quit trying.” Angelus said to Rheagal angrily.
”I know you don’t like me now but I don’t care!!! I know with time you will learn to love me just as I learned to love you,” Rheagal said to Angelus emotionally while looking at her with love-filled eyes.
”Damn it!! I can’t take this shit anymore!!! Impediendum motum,” Angelus yelled angrily while using her magic to paralyze and move back Rheagal but to her surprise, Rheagal was still standing there and he was waving his hands at her as If he was trying to say “Sorry, Your magic didn't work on me.
”What are you?? How……are….. you…..still standing there??? And how Is your hand still moving??? Angelus asked out in surprise and bewilderment.
”I’m Rheagal like I said earlier! I’m a Ten billion years old supernatural but I look like an eighteen years old kid and don’t you dare try to read my mind again sweetheart!! Rheagal said to Angelus who was still perplexed.
”What do you want from me?? Angelus asked Rheagal in fear.
”I just want your love….Nothing more,” Rheagal replied Angelus while tucking a loose strand of Angelus hair.
”Just….My…….Love??! Angelus asked in surprise and uncertainty.
”Yes but I must say I’m shocked to see the ruthless Tribrid shivering like a chicken that was beaten by the rain. It’s quite amusing to watch,” Rheagal said to Angelus nonchalantly while smirking at her.
”I’m not different from the mortals!! I get scared sometimes but I don’t let it take control of me.” Angelus replied Rheagal warmly.
”That’s nice, So I’m gonna look for an apartment to rent and register myself In your school so I can blend in for a while.” Rheagal said to Angelus while cupping her cheek.
”Haha! So Funny......I wish I could laugh but I can't be seen laughing with a sucker like you!!! Pfftt!! You need a lot of training for you to blend in like the humans,” Angelus said to Rheagal while looking at him with all seriousness and folding her hands.
”Awww!! Too bad I don’t have a teacher to teach me,” Rheagal said to Angelus while pouting and looking at her with puppy eyes.
”(Sighs) Fine!! I’m gonna teach you,” Angelus said to Rheagal while sighing in frustration.
”Are you saying that you are going to teach me or does that mean you’re ready to date me??! Rheagal said to Angelus excitedly while looking at her with hopeful eyes.
”No, I didn’t say I wanna date you!! I only said I’m gonna teach you how to blend in with the humans without being discovered,” Angelus said to Rheagal hastily, brushing the dating thought away from her mind.
”Fine, So can I have your number and maybe know your house address?? Rheagal asked Angelus while looking at her with hopeful eyes.
”Do you even have a phone??? Angelus asked Rheagal while smirking mockingly at him.
”That hurts! What do you take me for?? A broke boy??? Rheagal asked Angelus while pretending to be hurt by what Angelus said to him.
”I didn’t say that!! Let’s go to My place so we can train!! Angelus replied Rheagal while walking towards the direction of the bus station.
”Why should I go to your place when I’m not yet your boyfriend??” Rheagal asked the exiting Angelus while walking hastily after her, trying to catch up with her.
”You really are a funny dude but don’t you worry! I like you and I haven’t really dated any guy since the Seven Hundred and Ten Million Years of my existence so let’s give this a try and see how It goes but mind you…...............If for a second you try to break My heart….........................I’ll kill you in a heartbeat or I might never forgive you and even If I do?? I'll never go out with you again.......................so Impress me very well then I might fall in love with you without knowing when..............................And My Name Is Angelus Meus Pulcher Dondarrion.” Angelus said to Rheagal while Introducing herself and blushing softly.
”Nice to meet you and know your name officially but wait a minute!! Did you just say you like me and you will love to be my girlfriend??” Rheagal asked Angelus in excitement while looking at her Inquisitively and smiling brightly at her.
”Yes, I did say I like you but I'm not In love with you yet!! And I can change my mind about liking you If you ain't careful,” Angelus said to Rheagal while blushing deeply and walking hastily away from Rheagal because she didn't want him to see her blushing.
”Aww! You are very shy!! But don’t you dare change your mind about liking me because I’ll be very careful and I'll make sure I Impress you to earn your love,” Rheagal said to Angelus excitedly while catching up with her and taking her hands in his own.
Angelus was startled when Rheagal took her hand in his own but decided It’s not a big deal because after all, she has seen many humans who are dating each other holding hands together in public.
And with that, they both walked towards the bus station hand in hand.
Do you guys want more? Let me see your likes and comments about this one first.???