"You look like you need to sleep for five days straight," Dave said with a worried smile on his face as he stared at my image.
I forced a smile and dropped my laptop on the table, so I could speak with Dave while also putting away the rest of my stuff. I stepped away from the laptop to get all my work drives. This way, I could at least tie up some of the loose ends at work. Once I finished, I sat back down at the edge of the bed and really took a closer look at Dave's face.
"Yeah. Well, you look like you need to wash whatever that is off your face" I motioned to the ash face mask he was wearing.
He smirked. "This is how I get all the girls, boss. I'm already ugly enough," he paused and I raised a brow waiting for the question I knew he really wanted to ask. "How's Kushi doing?"
"Why don't you just call her and find out".
Dave sighed then inhaled deeply, his smile slipping. "No way. She'd say I'm a stalker and all that. Don't want a lawsuit. Hey, what happened to your phone? I tried calling like a hundred times" he changed the subject and I managed a smirk.
"We had a bit of an accident and the phone was crushed. I forgot to take out my sim card, I only took the memory card... " I trailed off as Dave gave me a knowing look.
"You should have left the memory card behind. You're holding unto things that are slowly killing you. It's been years Sybil" he said and I wanted to snap that I knew that, but he was right. I couldn't hold on to pictures and videos of Dian, yet hating him at the same time and hope to forget about him. Kushi didn't know that I still had all the images we took together... I didn't want her to see me as weak ever, especially not because of Dian.
"Are you there... You're spacing out"
I rubbed my face tiredly. "I have to get something done Dave. Can we talk tomorrow". I didn't wait for an answer before ending the call.
I picked up the flash drive, the temptation to look through the images on them overwhelming. I should hate him with only murderous intent, but he was the only man I'd ever loved. I'd sacrificed everything for him, so there was still something in me that wanted to know why he did what he did to me. I had been so devasted, and it didn't get better not when my parents used every chance they got to rub it in my face, and they had every right to, considering the amount they spent to keep the scandal off the internet
Using the last of my savings, I'd worked with a vengeance to invest and build up my life since I was estranged from my family.
It was just me against the world now, and despite the success, all I wanted to know was why. Was mother right about me, or about him? Did he leave me because he found out I had been cut off from my family and I didn't bother to tell him about it or was I so unlovable that even he got tired of me?
I shoved at the content on the table before I could think it through_as the rage welled up inside. I jumped back from the mess on the floor. I really needed to stop torturing myself.
I crawled on top of the bed, reveling in how soft and comfy it was against my body. The resort was gorgeous, everything perfect and to my taste but I couldn't enjoy it. All I felt was a soul-crushing bitterness, and as I drifted off to sleep, it was to go through all the horrible nightmares that made me hate shutting my eyes.
The loud knock on my door woke me up, and I knew it was no one other than Kushi. I forced my feet to move, even tho what I really wanted to do was never get up.
I pulled the door open and her eyes widened when she took in my appearance.
"What the hell? You totally missed the morning exercise. Are you just waking up?" She asked unbelievably.
"I thought we came here to rest, also, no one told me about any exercising... and it is not even seven yet".
Kushi pushed past me into the room and then picked up the small alarm clock. "It's freaking nine-thirty. I'm sure you slept even tho this rang at seven-thirty." She dropped the clock muttering under her breath. I closed the door and dropped into the sofa. "Should I order you breakfast in bed"
"I'm assuming everyone already had breakfast".
"Mostly everyone. Oh, I also ran into Helaena. She is so fit it's insane. I was so jealous".
The drumming in my head was starting to get louder. "Did you thank her for yesterday"?
"First thing I did." She said, stepped towards me, and yanked me to my feet all of a sudden.
"What the..."
"Go shower right now. I didn't spend months convincing you to come here just for you to stay indoors. I'll take you on a tour, so go!" She said and took my seat.
I cursed under my breath, feeling too tired to argue.
Showering and dressing up didn't take long, not when kushi breathed down my neck every second of the way.
We both had breakfast in my room, with kushi wolfing most of the food down while I tried to force the delicious meal down my throat and simultaneously fought the urge to throw it all up.
Once I managed to finish a plate, we both left my room.
"You should try to eat more Sybil, you're already so lean if you starve yourself..."
"Can you stop" I begged, halting in my track. Kushi stopped too, her gaze raking over me.
"I'm just worried about you Sybil. I fear that something bad is going to happen to you".
"I'm fine ok. You need to stop worrying, especially since it won't solve anything but make me feel like I am a burden to you".
"I do not see you-" she paused as her gaze caught those of someone behind me. I turned to look at who it was, my brows furrowing a bit as I took in the physique of the guy walking towards us with a smile that revealed two beautiful dimples on his cheeks. He was good-looking.
"Hey Kush," he got out once he reached us. Kushi blushed, then smiled up at him.
"Rohan, it's been a minute".
He shook his head, his messy curls bouncing a bit. "No, it has been four miserable hours"
Kushi's smile deepened. "I had to get my friend," she explained and Rohan's gaze finally snapped in my direction, a cute smile making an appearance. "Rohan, this is Sybil my best friend, Sybil, Rohan" she introduced.
I gave a little wave at the same time Rohan reached for a handshake, and it got really awkward when I tried to shake him and he had already withdrawn his hand to wave instead. Oh hell!
Kushi cleared her throat loudly, and I let my hand drop. "It's really nice to meet you, Rohan"
"Same Sybil. I hope you're enjoying this place... It's been the best place to have a getaway so far".
"It's been good," I lied through my teeth because it hadn't been all that good, but my experience had nothing to do with the resort. There was just too much free time. At least when I worked, I did not have the time to think, but being at the resort has had my brain working overtime and it drained me.
"Well, you should come again next year. I would gladly take care of all the reservations and stuff".
Kushi squealed, and at the same time I told him a vehement, "No". Kushi's gaze snapped to mine.
"I mean" I digressed as Kushi gave me evil eyes. "Not next year, maybe the upper one. Lots of work commitment for next year".
"Then you have to make the best of this year. There will be an archery class later, you have to try it out," Rohan said enthusiastically. "Also have you seen the array of food they serve here... They are all mouthwatering good."
Kushi stepped closer to him. "Talking about food is making me pretty hungry, also I haven't seen the sort of delicacies this place has to offer"
"That is not acceptable. Come, I'll show you, you shouldn't miss out on anything while you are here Kushi," he said, taking her hand and holding her gaze as he pulled her along.
I watched them go while resisting the urge to yank kushi by the hair. She told me she was going to give me a tour, convinced me to drop my laptop in the room, and now she was off with some guy she probably met the night before, or early of today since he said four hours, while conveniently forgetting about me.
Not down for feeling sorry for myself, I took the stair and then Walked toward a Grand looking hallway, only to realize it was a mini art gallery. Paintings and pictures adorned the white walls, and they looked amazing.
I looked around, admiring each piece of art until I stood in front of a particular painting. It looked really familiar. It was a splash of different colors but when examined more closely, you could make out a face.
I reached to trace the eyes of the hidden girl.
"You see it," someone said from beside me and I jerked back, my heart almost flying out of my mouth as I turned to glare at the culprit. I blinked and wondered if the hotel made it a point to book and accept only the beautiful and handsome-looking people to the resort.
"I'm sorry I scared you," he apologized, his voice thick with a really sexy accent that I couldn't place. I was mostly hostile with strangers, but the guy looked like he could be an angel. He looked really pure.
"It's fine, and yes, I see it. It is a very captivating piece. I think whoever the artist is, he's a genius" I said, and the guy smiled, his eyes shining.
"I'm glad someone appreciates my work," he said and my eyes widened. That seemed to boost his ego further. "If you do not look closely, you only see colors. You have an art intuition".
"Wow, well, this is... Your work is really a masterpiece, and since I'm meeting you like this, can we talk about my acquiring this piece? Damn, where are my manners? I'm Sybil Eagan by the way"
He smiled, "I'm Seth, Seth Rodriguez, and it's a pleasure to meet someone more beautiful than my paintings".
I stared at him, the compliment not quite hitting right. "Well about what I said... "
"You can have it free of charge since you're the first to have taken notice of it. It is actually my first work, and since you love it, I'm motivated to continue".
I gaped at him. "You mean no one has taken notice of your talent. That is so hard to believe... Look, I could help you, I have friends who are dying to showcase unique art pieces, and since I'm intrigued by your work, I can put in a word for you... What do you say"
"I don't know Sybil. I mean we literally just met and you're trying to help me... I can't wrap my head around it".
Neither could I. Was this, in some sort of tragic way because Dian used to paint? I clenched my fist, hating that everything I did was in one way or another influenced by him.
"-I'll think about it," Seth said and my gaze jerked to his. "I really appreciate the offer tho" he grinned, his bright blue eyes reflecting the light.
I couldn't help but stare at them. They were really pretty, and they were coming closer to me. His lips were almost touching mine when I shoved him until he was on the floor.
My heart raced as he stared at me in shock
I ran out of the gallery without thinking.