My heart galloped as I rushed down the stairs. Why had I shoved him so hard, or fled as if he was a serial killer who was after me with a sword? There was also the fact that I didn't know if he had been trying to kiss me or not. I'd just panicked when I saw_or felt him suddenly closer. I wanted to yank at my hair from all the thoughts whirling through my head, and it got so bad that I didn't see the person coming right in front of me until I bumped into them.
"Hey, be careful" Helaena's voice sounded frantic as she steadied me with her hand. "You look like you are being chased by a ghost. Are you ok"
Pushing her hand from my arms, I forced a smile on my lips. "I was... I just..." I stuttered, my brain scrambling to find an excuse.
Helaena touched my arms, something I noticed her doing often, but at least it made me feel a bit calmer than I normally did when other people touched me.
"It's ok. You do not need to explain anything to me... I understand".
I nodded. "I haven't thanked you for last night".
Helaena waved my words away. "Please, not you too. Kushi gave me an earful already, which was absolutely unnecessary." She paused then took my hand all of a sudden. "And I really want to play it cool, but I just want to say you're a sort of a role model to me" she confessed and my brows raised.
"I don't understand..."
"You have accomplished so much in such a short time Sybil, you are literally a billionaire, you have several companies which you keep expanding, and you invest in only the best ventures... You're literally an icon".
I grinned, feeling a glimpse of what Seth must have felt when I praised his work. "Have you always known this or was this after yesterday"?
Helaena blushed. "Ok, it was after, but finding out how cool you are, I feel like I've loved and known you my whole life," she said and I laughed. Helaena grinned too.
"Well thank you for the compliment... I'm sure you're going to accomplish great things too Helaena. You're already dressed the part" I complimented because her style was also the same as mine. "You look really gorgeous".
Helaena sighed. "I spent hours looking for the perfect dress, and I'm so glad you noticed when the person I'd dressed up for didn't".
Unable to help my curiosity, I found myself wondering who it was. "Who didn't notice"I blurted when she didn't elaborate. It was not like me, but I couldn't help myself.
Helaena hesitated, then sighed once more. "My boss. We started dating just a month ago after four years of me chasing after him, but it's all still the same... Forget about me, what about you? There was nothing on you from my digging, no scandal, no boyfriend, no nothing"
I wasn't surprised that she didn't find anything. My parents had erased everything they knew could do damage to their image, not that there was anything for them to worry about after I was left at the altar.
"I am too busy with work right now. Success comes at a cost you know." It did, and for me, it came with being lonely and worrying every single minute of the day about losing everything or investing in a bad enterprise, having a migraine over decision-making that could destroy my whole achievement, or getting involved in a scandal that would ruin my goodwill.
"Are you alright, you look pale all of a sudden" she observed and I made to answer when I caught movement from the edge of my vision.
"My world, if it isn't the infamous Sybil Eagan" a familiar voice gasped. I turned to face her knowing exactly who it was.
"Kehlani, such a small world" I forced myself to sound cheerful as we hugged and kissed each other's cheek stiffly.
"I didn't know I'd ever see you in a place like this"
"Well, I was trying to have a change of scenery. Work was starting to get hectic. Oh, meet Helaena, a friend of mine" I introduced and Helaena smiled at Kehlani, who choose to blatantly ignore her.
"I wanted to introduce you to someone too," Kehlani said and waved an elegantly dressed lady over. "Meet Park Eunso. She's Korean, one of the big names in the cosmetics industry, and she owns Eclair beauty".
I shook the girl's hand. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Sybil Eagan".
"I know. It is nice to meet you, you're like in the top ten of the most successful people in the world right now. I hope we can work together in the future, but not in the distant future because let's face it, you can't always be so lucky. I mean, you might be a big name now, but you never know what might happen in the future".
I forced my smile to remain pasted on my lips. "Of course. I will keep that in mind" I said letting go of her hand.
Kehlani laughed nervously."Well, I would love to chat, but I already have some plans for today, so let's chat some other time ok, or would you love to join us".
The Gods forbid I did. "I have a thing with Helaena that I cannot miss. You both should just do what you already planned, I wouldn't want to intrude".
"That's good. We'll just leave then" Kehlani said then pulled me into a hug. "It is really nice to see you again after all this time Sybil," she said as her hand rubbed over my back. Kehlani let go, gave a sweet smile then walked off with Eunso.
I turned to face Helaena who was already shaking her head. I laughed.
"I'm so sorry about that".
"Hey it's no big deal. I'm not a big shot, just a lowly assistant, so I'm used to being ignored or treated like I don't exist. You don't have to apologize".
I shook my head in disagreement. "You shouldn't be used to it 'cause it is not right. I'll speak to Kehlani, so next time it doesn't happen"
Helaena regarded me with a prodding expression on her face. "You're not at all what I expected. I at least expected some snobbishness, but you're all cool. I'm in awe".
I grinned, feeling like we could really be friends."Please, I just try my best."
"You do more than that. So, I was going to take a swim, wanna join me? Maybe I'd finally get the chance to introduce my awesome boss to you" she asked.
"Sorry, but I'll have to decline. I was hurrying somewhere remember, also I prefer to swim at night".
"Oh right. Well, I'll see you around" she said and walked away. I leaned against the banister.
This resort was starting to feel like a bad idea, especially since I'd already met Kehlani who I'd always done my best to stay out of her radar. It was probably gonna get worse from here on.
"Did you see how she spoke down to us? She must think she is some big shot" Eunso said as they both sat down at the resort's bar.
"She was always that way. Sybil thinks she's better than everyone else, but in the real sense of the word, she's just a dumb little girl who got dumped and left stranded on her wedding day... "
Eunso choked on her drink. She spluttered and took in some short breaths until she found her equilibrium. "What did you say?" She asked, eyes wide.
"You heard what I said Eunso and I won't be repeating it. I shouldn't even be telling you this since it is Eagan's biggest family secret and I owe my fortune to them. They even made me sign an NDA on this subject, can you believe it".
"I already find the concept of Sybil almost getting hitched so hard to believe"
"You better believe it".
"But it's not even in the news. Such a scandal should have at least made some impact before they shushed it up".
"Well, it was a sort of low-key wedding that she planned and there were not a lot of pictures because people failed to recognize her quickly enough. Sybil was really naive at the time when it all went down. She was foolishly in love, but I'm sure she already learned her lesson, or not since she still refuses to receive any help from her parents."
Eunso nodded, her lips pouting as she mulled the information over. "But she hasn't had any scandal since then... How is that even possible... Do you think she's still in love with the guy who broke her heart" she gasped and Kehlani made a face.
"She'd be stupid to still pine after that guy. She literally had to be admitted for weeks because of the trauma".
"Right. But who is the guy anyway".
"Just like everyone else, I don't know. His picture never got out and no matter how much I visited them during the period when they dated, I never saw him. I bet he was some broke ass guy living off her allowance".
"Tragic. I still think we should bring her down a peg or two don't you think".
Kehlani crossed her arm. "You are right Eunso. I think she's been getting too popular for doing the same kinds of stuff we are. A scandal should do the trick".
"Well, I am sure you will be able to come up with something. In the meantime, I'll try to tolerate her. Don't take too long to come up with a plan tho, you know I hardly have the patience for waiting".
Kehlani forced a smile as she took a sip of her cocktail. She stared at Eunso over the glass, her Inner self cursing her out. And while I'm at it, I'll also bring you down a peg or two Eunso, talking to me as if I work under you, and telling me what to do as if you're the boss, well I guess once I plug out some of your feathers, you won't be using that haughty tone for awhile.
"I'll make sure to get it done as soon as possible Eunso. You know I'll do anything for you" she said instead and Eunso smirked and raised her glass.
"Good. I look forward to it"
"Me too best friend. Me too".