"I honestly do not understand this switch, Sybil. You were ok just some minutes ago" Zach worried, his eyes trying to catch mine. "Are you mad that I talked with Miguel for so long, because if you are, I don't even know what to tell you right now"?
I stared at the liquor I'd poured for myself, my gaze boring into the liquid that I hadn't quite worked up the nerve to drink. "I just saw Dian"
Zach choked on whatever he wanted to say, took a pause, and I finally met his gaze. He looked dumbfounded.
"What?" He finally gasped, a disbelieving look on his face. "I'm not sure I heard you right..."
"I said I fucking just saw Dian" I yelled, then grabbed the glass in front of me, but Zach smacked it out of my hand before I could drink it. Staring at the shattered content, my gaze snapped to Zach and I glared, the anger in my chest urging me to pour out all the fury I felt onto him, but Zach looked furious too.
"And what if you saw Dian, what the fuck does that have to do with anything" he yelled and I got up from where I stood.
"What do you mean by what the fuck does that have to do with anything-"
"It's exactly what you think it means. I can't believe this Sybil," he said, walking agitatedly across the room.
I stared at him, unable to comprehend why he was mad, why he wasn't by my side, why he wasn't trying to offer me comfort.
"What are you on about Zach-" I asked, and the look he directed at me could freeze hell over.
"I thought you were over Dian, I also thought that after the last time, we talked about him, you were finally going to close that page of your life, but I was wrong wasn't I? It's so clear to me that you are still pinning after that jerk when you should be out there having the best time of your life".
"I am not pinning over him" I got out halfheartedly. But was he right? Why had seeing him affected me so much? But I was only human and he'd hurt me deeply, if I didn't react at all, then I might as well be a freaking doll.
"You know you are and I have tried my best to be there for you, but it has been tough to see you build your whole life around him when you could be so much more Sybil. Dian does not deserve you, and I swear to God, you dodged a bullet when he took off and left, because now you know he was with you for your freaking money, so stop feeling fucking sorry for yourself and act like the billionaire badass you are".
"I do not feel sorry for myself, I'm just angry"
"Being angry means you care, and trust me, Sybil, you shouldn't care about vermin like Dian Angelo, you shouldn't give him a time of day, matter of fact, you shouldn't act like he exists."
"Well I can't do that now since he very much exists and he's right here at this resort" I got out, then rubbed at my face in exhaustion. "Also I do not think it was because of the money. Dian was rich already... My parents just didn't think he was rich enough, and there was also the bad blood between our family".
"forget about the bad blood Sybil, yes, Dian was rich but we both know how greedy humans are. Marrying into your family would have made him set for life without wanting anything. You know your parents are always a good judge of people's character right".
He was wrong, and I knew why he thought they were. My parents were like a chameleon. They switched their color so much for different situations that you'd think they were angels when in reality, they were the worst.
"They are bad judges of character" I corrected and Zach just shook his head and walked towards me, then took my hand.
"Even tho you don't think they are, they were still right about Dian. He was only after your inheritance and once he found out your parents cut you off, he made up some stupid note that would make it feel as if it was your fault he left when in the real sense you had absolutely nothing to do with it," he said and I sighed, the anger draining out of my chest. I needed to stop. Five years was a long time to still feel so much for one guy.
"You are right. I have let this affect me for too long".
"I feel like we've had this same line of conversation a hundred times and yeah, you have".
I groaned because he was right, and he wasn't even the only one I'd repeated the same damn thing to.
"Look, Dian is probably like over you at this point and probably has a girlfriend..."
My eyes widened at the thought, Helaena's smiling face crashing into my head. They'd been standing side by side and she'd told me before that her boss was her boyfriend. Was the guy she was talking about Dian? I jumped to my feet as I remembered the tattoo, it had run the length of his arm down to his very knuckles, and even tho he'd been wearing a suit today, those were still visible, so it had to be the same guy that had been in the limo, her boss, and her current boyfriend.
I couldn't believe I had sat so close to Dian without knowing that it was him.
"This is so messed up" I groaned and I felt like destroying everything in the room.
"Why, what happened?"
"You are right. This is all just stupid" I said instead. "I'm done with this topic".
Zach stared at me. "Okay, this is weird"
"You are right about everything Zach and I believe it is time I finally let it all go. Dian has probably moved on and built a life for himself, and, I am just here, giving myself headaches over what could or should have been. I should move on... Dian shouldn't affect my life anymore".
"Are you sure?" He said, his gaze raking over the bottles of drink in the mini bar. "You didn't drink anything in the minutes we've been talking did you?" He got out suspiciously and I rolled my eyes.
"You know I didn't. I just think this has gone on for way too long and I need to start living for myself now" I sighed.
Zach suddenly grabbed my hand. "Then let's go and enjoy the place then. I heard there was an archery class"
"We just came inside" I protested.
"Yeah, but to have a soul-sucking conversation. Come on, let's go or are you scared you are going to run into Dian Angelo".
"I am not scared of anything" I got out sharper than I intended and Zach raised a brow. "I'll put on something more appropriate then. Give me some minutes" I said, stepping away from him, then went into the room.
Staring at the mirror, and watching my reflection strengthened the new decision I'd made. No more thinking about Dian, or wondering about what could or would have been. I was going to act like he was of no importance because, at the end of the day, he wasn't. I'd loved blindly, he'd broken my heart and that was that.
I stepped away from the mirror, put on my sporty clothes, wore comfier shoes, and parked my hair up into a bun.
I walked out of the room and Zach gave me a once-over then smirked.
"Now there's the sexy girl I know" he complimented and I smiled, taking his outstretched hand. We both left the room.
Zach suddenly stopped after some minutes of us just walking in silence. I could see some of the guests moving around. "Are you sure you're really ok? I don't want you having a breakdown in the middle of firing an arrow, and have the other guest coming at me for making you cry" he said and I smacked him.
"Can you not joke about everything" I shook my head even tho I was smiling.
He pulled me closer until my head rested against his shoulder. "You could just sleep in today if you want because I think I've pushed you too hard already".
I shook my head. "No. I don't want to think too much" I murmured and he pulled me back to study my face. He smiled, then messed up my hair.
"Fine, we'll do what you want then and..."
"Sybil Eagan" a rough voice boomed startling the both of us. I turned, knowing exactly who I'd see standing there. Shivers raced up my spine as I met his gaze.
Zach stared at him, a shocked look on his face which would have reflected mine if not that I'd already seen him before.
He stepped towards us, a dark look in his eyes as he ate up the space that separated us. My heart pounded loudly in my chest, my fingers tightening over those of Zach's instinctively.
I hadn't expected that he would approach me first and that threw me off.
His gaze slipped to where my hand was encased in those of Zach and his nose flared, his anger a palpable feeling in the air. I resisted the urge to pull my hand away from Zach's hold. His gaze lifted until he pinned my eyes with his, an evil smirk on his lips.
"We meet again, Sybil Eagan".