« You chose him, Deborah so go be with him and leave me the hell alone. »
My eyes widen from realization. Deborah crossed her arms against her chest. Was this the reason why Deborah was always away doing errands ? Was she sleeping with Nicolas, Faust’s cousin.
« You know what, I feel like I’m interrupting something. I’ll see you later Nicolas and you, Mrs. Santos. » I made sure to say her last name, it was kind of a tease for her.
I was being a distraction for Nicolas, all men are the same Adora.
« Adora, we need to talk. » Nicolas grabs my wrist, I looked back at him. His lips were still red and swollen from the kiss we shared a couple minutes ago.
« And we will. Just not now. » I averted my eyes back to Deborah, I smiled gently before exiting the room.
So awkward but now I have a dirty little secret on Deborah but it could hurt Faust more then I planned on doing, it could hurt Nicolas.
Entering sims was beyond terrifying, not only does it look wrong that I’m meeting up with my best friends boyfriend but also he’s the man that raped me and scarred me for life. I’m so happy tomorrow is Saturday, I need a break from life.
I walked over to the bar where Jakob was sitting at with a girl wrapped around his greasy, disgusting arms.
« What do you want ? » I demanded, not beating around the brush.
Jakob looked at the girl before nudging her arm, it was a sign for her to leave. As she was leaving he had the audacity to slap her ass, the stupid girl giggled. Jakob grabbed his glass of whiskey, turning around to make eye contact with me.
« You’re a disgusting pig. » I gritted my teeth together, he’s cheating on my best friend right in front of me.
« You’d rather me be a disgusting pig with you, right. » Jakob sloppily got up, tightly grabbing my arm yanking me closer to him.
I tried pulling back but he was to strong. « Tell me what the fuck you want so I can leave. »
Jakob took a big gulp of his drink before speaking.
« I heard that your dad got you a job with Faust Santos, the famous billionaire. »
My shoulders grew tense, my eyes looked past him, looking at the couple in front of me laugh between each other. I tried to not look suspicious but my body naturally took defense. Jakob was observing me carefully, an evil smirk pulled against his mouth.
« I want you to recommend me to your newly found boss. »
Now I’m convinced this man is crazy, loco if you ask me. I laughed softly, my hand crawled up against my lips. « You must be delusional if you think I’m going to help you. »
His hand strongly tighten around my arm causing me to whimper in pain.
« Do it, Adora or I swear I’ll fuck you all over again but this time I’ll make it hurt a lot more. » Jakob growls.
I shivered in disgust, I lowered my head in humiliation.
« Fine. » I yanked my arm from his grip, I pointed my finger in his face. « But this is the last time you humiliate me. » I threaten.
« Babygirl, you know that’s not true. » Jakob leaned over just to kiss my check, I immediately wiped it off.
« Now excuse me while I go rail that blonde chick over there. » Jakob winked. I almost threw up from how disgusting he is but I was just happy he was leaving. His hand gripped my cheek so tightly that my lips were forced into a pout.
He laughs before releasing my jaw, my hand touched my sore jaw. Jakob walked up to the blonde, throwing her over his shoulders as she giggles. My eyes started to get watery as memories of that night came back, the image of me screaming over and over again, begging him to let me go, begging his to stop.
I glanced at the alcohol on the shelves, I sat on the stool. « Shot of tequila, keep them coming. » I told the bartender.
Alcohol is my escape, it numbs me. I chugged down the tequila, letting the warm liquid fill my body. Every step I take to better myself somehow never works, I always end up where I started from. Drink after drink, allowing my demons out.
My reflection was shown through the empty tequila bottle I finished all by myself, my hair was frizzy and messy, my lipgloss was smudge across my chin, my mascara was mixed with my salty tears that were dripping down my cheeks.
« Miss, do you want me to call someone for you ? » The bartender asked.
My intoxicated brain couldn’t comprehend his words right, I just nodded.
« Nick-. »
« The name with the N. » I drunkenly say, my words were sloppy.
« Nicolas ? » The man asks, I nod heavily.
I laid my head against the table, the smell of tequila was still strong and in my system. My mind floated back to that night when everything changed, the night where I forcibly lost my innocence. I hate myself for what happened, I blame myself for getting raped, if I would have listened to my dad and stayed home none of this would have happened.
It’s always me, it’s always my fault. It’s my fault I got raped, it’s my fault my parents fell out of love, it’s my fault that I’m an alcoholic, it’s all my fault.
« Adora. » My face was embraced by soft hands, I lazily looked over to the stranger.
Nicolas, he’s here.
« Niki. » I mumbled.
Nicolas chuckled. « Close enough. » He stares deeply into my eyes, he was checking me for any marks. « Come on. » Nicolas picks me up bridal style, he carries me out of the bar.
I laid my head against his chest, feeling safe and comfortable. Once we got to the car, he opened the door and sat me down. Before he closed the door his soft hand touched my cheek, holding my glaze.
We both held eye contact as his eyes trailed every curve of my face. I never notice how captivating his eyes are till now, he seemed worried, no one has ever been worried about me before. He made sure to put my seatbelt on as he closes the car door.