Then we entered the kitchen, Kenzo and Livia were sitting at the table eating some plant base food. The housekeeper also told me that Deborah demands that they have a plant base diet. I would fucking kill myself.
« Kids this is Miss. Ridges, your new nanny. » The housekeeper informed them.
I smiled brightly at them, Kenzo shot back a charming smile just like his father’s but Livia didn’t try to smile at all.
« You’re the girl that crashed her dad’s car. » Kenzo says, remembering the party incident.
Not your best moment, Dora.
I chuckled awkwardly. « I was just kidding about that. »
« Mommy said you’re immature. » Livia finally speaks, she’s clearly very protective over her family and feels threatened by my presence.
Well your mom is a stuck up bitch.
« Livia, you’re very beautiful. » I tried changing the subject by complementing her.
It wasn’t no lie, the little girl was gorgeous and looked just like Faust with her honey brown hair, Kenzo had blonde hair and looked more like his mother but was still as gorgeous.
Livia blushes and looked the other way, I’m already winning them over. I’m step mom material, definitely.
« Morning, amori miei. » Faust kissed both his kids heads, Livia seemed more content when she seen her father.
« Buongiorno papà. » Both kids said at the same time with huge smiles.
Faust’s eyes found their way towards mine, they seemed to linger more around my breast area if anything. I smiled softly, he returned the smile but not as soft.
« Morning. » My plain American ass said. Sadly I didn’t learn Italian but instead Spanish, I took two years of it.
« Miss. Ridges before heading off to work, may I have a few words with you outside. » Faust says.
Wonder what he has to tell me, was it because I was late or maybe because of my clothes.
« Sure. »
I was the first one to walk out the sliding glass door followed by Faust. I crossed my arms making sure to give him the best view of my breast, maybe spark some memories of the night we shared at the club.
« Yes, Mr. Santos ? » I ask.
« Stop playing games, Adora. I’m married, happily married. » He corrects his statement.
Happily married ? That’s what all the unhappy married guys say. I nodded my head while biting my lips.
« Yea and I’m happily going on a date with your cousin. » I told him.
His eyes were overthrown with jealousy as mine sparked with excitement. I stalked over to him, my fingers ran up his suit. This man was a giant, I had to literally look up at him.
« You know for a married man you sure are tense, right here. » I whispered when my fingers crossed his shoulders.
His jaw flexed, his eyes grew darker and more dilated.
« For someone who’s going on a date, you are oddly concerned about me. » He whispers back, his hand slips behind my neck. He yanks me up close to his face, I gasp.
« Carina, I suggest you worry about my cousin and not me. »
Jesus fucking Christ, I love it when he speaks Italian to me.
« Why ? This is so much more fun. » I purred. I ran my lips against his softly, not kissing him but allowing our lips to touch gently.
« Have a nice day at work, Mr. Santos. » I took him off guard when I pulled back from his embrace. I smirked before heading back inside with his kids.
Livia was sitting at the table facing the door with her arms crossed and her little nose was scrunched up.
« I think we should do some arts and crafts, shall we ? » I asked both kids.
Faust kisses Kenzo and Livia goodbye before heading out the door.
« We shall ! » Kenzo says excitedly.
« I guess. » Livia says calmly.
After Faust left I played around with the kids, Livia started to warm up to me. I painted her nails pink with sparkles and I played a board game with Kenzo, I guess Deborah doesn’t allow them to use technology. I whipped up some vegan snacks for them.
It started to get late, what does Deborah do all day ? She doesn’t work from what I heard. Could she be cheating on her husband ?
« I think tomorrow we should have a pool day. » I told the kids. They both started to jump around excitedly while nodding their heads eagerly.
I started to pick up the mess we left while the kids sit in their pjs, watching a little bit of tv. I heard footsteps coming from behind me, I turned around to see Nicolas leaning against the counter. It was like he was admiring me.
« Uncle Nico ! »
Both kids shouted while running towards him, Nicolas immediately wrapped his big arms around them, pulling them towards his broad chest.
« How’s my favorite niece and nephew ? » Nicolas asks while kissing their foreheads.
Now it was my turn to admire him, he was clearly good with kids. What a man.
« Uncle, we’re your only niece and nephew. » Kenzo laughed.
« Still. » Nicolas chuckles.
Just on schedule, Faust walks in also. The kids right away forget about Nicolas and run to their dad with open arms. I smiled softly, I wish I had that type of relationship with my dad.
« How were they ? » Faust asks.
« Amazing. » I told him. Which was true, their amazing kids and I now realize I can’t ruin their family for my selfish needs. A frown appears on my mouth, what was I thinking ?
« Are you ready for our date ? » Nicolas ask, drawing my attention back on to him.
« I’m not feeling so great, rain check ? »
I felt guilty for even thinking of ruining this happy family, my family issues clouded my judgement.
« Uh sure. » Nicolas shot me a gentle smile.
« I have to go. » I said while grabbing my purse, I also managed to button my shirt.
« Are you alright ? » Faust’s voice sounded like he was actually worried.
« I’m fine, I just wanted to say you have a beautiful family and I’ll be here on time tomorrow. » I told him. He seemed confused with what I said but quickly recovered.
He nods.
I walk outside to my car, once I got in I banged my fists against my steering wheel, taking my anger out on it.
My family is so fucked up that now I’m thinking I’m also just as fucked up. I left the Santos residence promising myself that I’ll never be as selfish as I was being.
The kids were dressed in their swimsuits ready for the long pool day ahead of us. I was informed by the housekeeper that Faust would be working from home today, she says it happens twice a week. I cut up some watermelon and melon before heading outside with the kids.
They were really excited, I was too. I had to wear my most modest two piece bikini, modest isn’t really something I do but for the stake of Faust, I will.
« Mom doesn’t really let us go in the pool. » Kenzo informs me.