My heart was littered with despair on hearing the news. I couldn't comprehend what to do anymore. Only I, myself, could know how hurt I was.
On my way home, I tried not to burst into tears. I walked slowly into my apartment and fell flat on the bed, facing the ceilings.
Tears ran down my eyes; my heart was beating fast, and my entire body felt as if I were on fire. What am I to do in this kind of situation?
I had read a lot of novels and watched movies where ladies faced the kind of problem I was facing then. I knew the consequences of attempting abortion, so I won't dare try it.
However, I mustn't make a child out of this God-forsaken pregnancy. My parents, friends, and neighbors would like to know who the father of the child was if I give birth; I can't possibly say I didn't know the man. My parents would surely eat me alive.
I sobbed on thinking about all these. If I had considered this kind of situation that night, I wouldn't have allowed him go down with me. He was just a sick-headed man who couldn't control his urge, and I, on the other hand, was a crazy young lady fooled by the sweet allure of love.
The next day, I intentionally didn't go to my workplace. I didn't care whether I got fired or not; I had my own fate to bear. I held a pillow tightly to my chest as I sat in the sitting room, watching the TV.
Of course, watching TV should be the least thing I could think of doing in that kind of situation. But it was a kind of appliance that switches on automatically when someone shouts.
I only left it on because I was too distressed to stand up. The news was playing at that time.
At the moment, I saw something unbelievable.
"Wha-what? That's him! That's the guy!" I shouted, pointing at the TV. The same man who put her in this kind of situation was at a conference where an old CEO was making an official announcement to make his son the next CEO of his company.
'I hereby announce my retirement in favour of my son, William Blakes,' said the man.
"William Blakes? That's his name," I mumbled. I couldn't lie that a part of my worries vanished on knowing the man's name. To fix it all, I listened on to the news in order to find out the name of the company.
The strange man, William Blakes, held the mic and said, 'I am delighted to be made the new chief executive officer of this company. From today onward, I vow to work hard in order to add to the existing progress of this company. Up Williams Vintage!'
'Up!' people chorused and also applauded the speaker.
I was so excited to find out all these informations. I should be thanking my spirit for buying an automatic TV.
I picked up my phone and searched the name of the company. Just as expected, it was one of the largest companies in the country and the second most productive in the entire world.
I wasn't flustered by how influential the man was; I just wanted to let him accept the pregnancy and take full responsibility. Right now, I wasn't ready for marriage or anything else.
The next day, I got into a taxi and went to the company. It was indeed marvelous, being a glass-built skyscraper.
'A banner of him is hung at the top,' I mumbled. Then, I entered the lounge.
A lady approached me and asked, "Good morning. Do you have an appointment this morning?"
"Hum, kind of. I just-" I paused, seeing the man, Blakes, heading towards the exit of the company. He was guarded by a set of bodyguards.
Looking at him, my heart brightened up, as if I met my soulmate. I smiled at him, but he looked at me as if he never had known me. What kind of reaction was that?
I ran over to him and drew him back. "Long time, no see. I was worried I wouldn't find"
"Please, who are you?" He interrupted, coldly.
I felt shivers run down my spines when I heard him speak. On regaining my senses, I was dazzled by how he was doing, as if they had never met before. I was agape.
"Miss, you can't..." The bodyguards tried to touch me, but he stopped them.
"You shouldn't rough handle a woman," he said. "What's your deal? You must be one of those paparazzis that want to know my weaknesses."
Know what? I was completely dumbfounded.
I shouted, "Stop acting as if we have never met before! That night, you don't remember?"
Blakes smirked and signaled to the bodyguards to get rid of me. God won't make me that kind of a fool; not even when I had found him would he think he could get rid of me because of his influence.
"Get off me!" I shouted at the bodyguards and pushed them away. Back in the day, I went to a judo class too. I yelled, "Don't you dare think you can get rid of me!"
I knew I drew the attention of the reporters: I didn't care. If this was how I should do it for Blakes to take responsibility for my pregnancy, I am ready.
The bodyguards grabbed my arms tightly and began to drag me out of the company.
I shouted, "Didn't you say that you love me?!"
'Is she Mr. William's ex?'
'Did he hook her up?'
The reporters murmured, taking pictures of I and Blakes. His stare was the coldest thing I had ever seen in my life. He seemed very upset when I said that, but was I lying?
"Yes. You told me that night that you love me, and I believe you do. I love you too!"
'This is going to go viral!'
The reporters murmured again, taking more pictures.