The sun was shining brightly in the sky, marking the beginning of a new day. My eyes opened widely on hearing the chirping of birds and also the sound of driving cars.
Of course, I won't be hearing this if I were in my house. So where am I?
'How did I end up on the floor?' I thought, on scanning the place with my eyes. Consequently, I noticed my clothes and underwear a few meters away from me. The issue would get complicated if my fellow workers met me in this state!
Wrapping the blanket tightly on myself, I hopped back into my clothes. I didn't know where the blanket came from; nonetheless, I hid it under my table.
At the moment, memories flashed of my night with the young man. I surely slept with him, but he's nowhere to be found now.
I mumbled as I rearranged the items in my bag, "I don't want to believe that he has dumped me. Is that even possible?"
Deep in my heart, I knew that's right.
Then, I heard multiple footsteps coming from the entrance. I knew immediately that it's my colleagues.
I put on a fake smile as I saw a woman. I greeted, bowing slightly, "Good morning, Miss Rebecca."
"Good morning, Miss Sophia," the woman, having long blonde hair, replied. She grinned, asking, "I believe your shift went well."
Again, I faked a smile, "Yes, kind of."
Later on, I made my way out of the company. When I got into a taxi, heading home, my heart was filled with despair. I couldn't even imagine I went down with a man I just saw; it didn't take up to ten minutes after seeing him.
Obviously, he used me to satisfy his sexual urge, then dumped me. What if this encounter creates problems for me in the nearest future?
'I screwed up! I shouldn't have allowed him!' I cried inwardly, gripping my bag tightly as if it was the cause of my misfortune. I thought, a hint of tears falling from my eyes, 'I thought it was true when he said he loves me.'
In no time, the taxi pulled over at my neighborhood's junction. I got out of the car, paying the driver off. I was seriously heartbroken as I began to trek. I really knew I totally screwed up!
The man didn't love me! He only used and...dumped me!
* * *
After some weeks, I decided to move on with my life. After all, I can't nurse the hurt forever.
'Life is all about changes.'
I was a virgin until the incident that night; for a long time ago, I knew that one day I wouldn't be a virgin anymore. That man was only the factor to bring about this change for me. Nothing other than that!
During the weekend, I decided to cook a lot of foods and invite my friends over. It had been long since I had a proper meal because of work and the pain I was nursing.
Anyways, it's high time I returned to my normal life. After making fried rice, I arranged the raw chickens into the pot.
Suddenly, I hiccuped. At first, I didn't take it seriously. But hiccuping for three times, I stopped what I was doing and tried to take some water.
Just at the moment, I felt a great urge to throw up. I ran fast to the toilet and threw up into the closet.
After rinsing my mouth, I said, "I wasn't sick before, so why's this happening? Ptt...I will figure that out later."
'Wo, I smell a nice aroma in this area!'
'Sophia! We are here!'
A big smile curled on my lips as I heard the voices of my two friends. I went to the sitting room and hugged them one after the other.
"So good to see you guys," I said, smiling.
Evelyn said to me, "I was surprised when you asked us to come over to your house. So much unlike you."
The other one, Ann, added,You never share your worries with us and suffer all alone. What you did today really surprised me too."
That's just the clear description of the kind of life I lived. They were my friends, but I don't let them know how I feel. Today was nothing different either—II only called them to shake off some of my worries concerning the unfortunate night I had at my workplace.
"Let me check what I am cooking. Feel at home, guys," I said as I went towards the kitchen.
"Baby girl, you have a Netflix subscription, right?" Evelyn asked, loudly.
"Yeah," I replied before entering the kitchen.
That day, I had a nice time with my friends, the ones I had missed for a long time ago. Consequently, my worries came back after they left.
I had thought I wouldn't be disturbed anymore by the past. But no, it escalated even more.
The next morning, I visited the hospital to check if there wasn't anything wrong with me. I personally knew that the biggest thing that could be the cause was that I had malaria.
I was called to the doctor's office after going through some tests.
"It's malaria, isn't it? I should -"
The doctor cut in, "Miss Sophia, this is way more serious than that. You don't have any illnesses."
I was short of words. I stuttered, chuckling, "What can be more serious than being ill?"
"This is your result," the man said, handling a form to me.
My eyes widened in shock, and I was agape. What is written on this result? In a second, I assumed the doctor made a mistake. The result doesn't belong to me. Not even by a minute's chance...
'I mean, how can I be pregnant due to a night's mistake?' I thought, my hands shaking. I asked the doctor, "I am not pregnant, right? This isn't my form, is it?"
I pant hardly. How was I to tell the world I got pregnant for a stranger?
Tears rolled down my eyes. I could feel my heart ache.
"There's no jurisdiction to the fact that the result is yours. You are pregnant, Miss Sophia."