My days usually start with the ring of alarm on my phone waking me up at 5:00 am, Caleb as the early bird he is, would be in the shower after his morning run, I am really a blessed being, I have got everything in the world anyone would dream of, a beautiful family, a home to call our own, a career with immense opportunities, I love all of it and am grateful for having them.
Unlike the usual days, Caleb today has really been pestering me, he knows that I don’t like it when he does that, yet he still did, and now the kids are going to be late for School,
The mother’s at the school’s parents administration are just a whole new chapter of my life to deal with, they pretend to like me, but I know by the looks they give me when I am not with them it’s otherwise, I just don’t want any of this to have a wrong impression on my kids, and put them into trouble of any sort, If I didn’t participate in the curricular activities ignored the gossiping women, my kids were excluded from the birthday parties and even the school plays, yes, shit like this does happen, mother’s keep grudges just to show who really is the boss of the administration in school, and I clearly have no interest in school politics but have to deal with them because of my two beautiful children, it’s not like I haven’t seen worse.
They are the ones I love the most in my life and if I don’t deal with the parents in school, they are definitely going to loose their friends and yes their favourite party invites and get togethers, and I know that this is only for the time being, when they get into elementary school I wouldn’t have to worry about all this, or would I?
Time really flies by, I didn’t even realise that it was already 7:20, we are definitely going to be late today.
Ranae got the kids ready while Caleb was getting the car out of the garage, he parked it in the driveway.
Shine and Sofie started fighting over some silly reason again.
Rae tried to keep her cool, and taking a deep breath in, knelt down so that she could reach their height and said, “ Listen to me carefully now, addressing Shine, “If you ever pick on your little sister again you will face consequences for it, and you little girl,” addressing Sofie “How do you get such high will to hit your older brother when you are so tiny, you too will face consequences if you make unnecessary trouble for your brother, Do you understand?” Questioning both of them, and she received a yes along with a few nods.
She then gave both of them a tight hug, Caleb who had been watching them from afar joined in, for the group hug.
He Lifted all three of them in a swipe while they were still hugging, this startled the kids and Rae and started to giggle and laugh, they were only put down after a minute when Rae reminded Caleb that they were getting late.
Caleb: “Lets drop the kids off to the school and take a day off, spend some time upstairs, and later you can go to the spa and relax, and I’ll get back to work, how about that?”
Rae: “Wouldn’t that mean that you are being partial towards your wife?” In a Teasing tone.
Caleb: “Well I don’t mind as long as I am gaining something from it.”
Ana: “No.... Sorry, I have got a meeting with an important client today, so that, aren’t happening.”
Caleb didn’t want to give up, and got the kids strapped in their seats, while Ranae was instructing the housekeeper who had just arrived from the servants quarters.
Rae was still with her when suddenly Caleb grabbed her hand and took her to the study nearby.
Shocked by his action Rae asked “What are you doing? I was still speaking with her, where are the kids?” she wouldn’t stop speaking and Caleb pinned her on the table, holding her hands above her head with one hand and other hand on on her waist, he kissed her hard, and passionately.
The antique pendulum clock placed in the study struck eight times, Both Ranae and Caleb panicked, adjusting their appearances, hurried out towards the car.
Both the kids were playing with the Care giver who too had arrived only minutes ago.
Once everyone was settled in the car, they left the estate.
The kids were dropped off at school and were happy that they had reached on time, avoiding the unnecessary stress.
On the drive to the company they had a little alone time to themselves, Rae was embarrassed at what had happened earlier, they had left the kids unattended in the car, and Caleb had been messing around the whole morning.
“How could you be so reckless?” Questioned Rae. Her eyes even bigger than they already were.
Caleb had his hands on the wheel and his eyes were on the way ahead of them, “Fine, I am sorry, I will be careful next time and finish what is supposed to be finished in the bed before the kids wake up.” He was still making fun of her.
“On a serious note though, I was a bit extra today, with you and the kids too, I'll be careful with them, I just miss the old us, and want everything to go back to the way it was.”
Rae looking out the window, avoiding eye contact, “That can never be, and we shouldn’t forget our responsibility towards our kids.”
Caleb: “Rae, you know what I mean, why are you trying to change the subject?”
Ranae: “Because I don’t want to talk about it, in fact I don’t even want a single memory of it.”
Caleb: “Rae, it has already been five years since the accident, are you ever going to open up to me?”
Ranae: “Please would you stop already, I don’t want to.”
Caleb: “Fine then, whenever you are ready.”
Caleb was clearly furious, but kept his calm, Rae on the other hand looked sad, and was lost in her own thoughts.
The rest of the drive to the company was accompanied by their silence.
Their day at the office was too busy and hectic, Rae had built this start-up, and Caleb had left his family business to join and support her, with his help and experience she was able to establish it as a renowned company and later had joined other corporations in it.
She also received quite a few awards for her achievements.
Soon they were able to multiply the company shares and started investing into other business areas which too were doing good with only a few losses here and there, Caleb had branded the company as The SS group of industries with the initials of their two children and Rae loving the idea and agreed to it.
Both Caleb and Ranae were holding the position of Directors and had employed over 600 talented and smart people in their company.
The employees Loved and respected Rae for her hard work and perseverance, if it was someone else in her place they would have given up long ago, but Rae was courageous and didn’t give up even with all the troubles and difficulties she had endured, she was kind and supportive towards everyone, helped and guided her employees when needed, and paid salaries to both the genders equally according to their work and position.
Caleb loved her determination in providing the best for her employees as they were the people who helped them in a way, to be successful in achieving their goals, and expanding their Business.
Caleb was in his cabin, busy with a call, his assistant Lucas helping him with file work.
Ranae knocked on the door and entered the room, both Caleb and Lucas looked pleased at her sight.
Ranae: “I have finished my work for today, do you need any help here?”
Caleb: “Thank you hon but, I have got it covered.”
Ranae: “I will be heading back home then, do you want me to wait?”
Caleb: “I’d love to, but I have got an urgent conference meet which I cannot miss, Lucas will accompany you on your way back.
Ranae: “Ooh, no I don’t think that would be necessary, he already has a lot on his plate, don’t you?”
Lucas: “I don’t actually, and I’d be happy to accompany you.”
Caleb: “well then, get going.” Gesturing Lucas towards the door.
In the car
Lucas: “It’s good to see you getting back on track.”
Ranae: ......(Silence).......
Lucas: “Have you spoken to Caleb about it?”
Ranae: “please stop, I am not comfortable talking about it.”
Lucas: “Hhmmm....okay, are you speaking with your therapist?”
Ranae: “Ooh God!.......... Loki please stop, I know that you are concerned for me but I don’t want to even think of that day, so could you please stop asking me about it.”
Lucas: “Fine, fine, I am sorry, I just want you to be happy.”
Ranae: “I am, don’t worry.”
Lucas: “You know that I always have your back right?”
Ranae: “Yes, I know, and thank you.”
Lucas: “Thank you? Thank you? Really? Thank me again and YOU WILL HAVE TO SUFFER MY WRATH.....( Dramatically ) Hhuuu...haaaa....haaaa....haaaa
Ranae gave a blow on Lucas’s head leaving him rub his head trying to soothe the pain.
Ranae: “Stop acting like a little boy, I know what you are trying to do.”
Lucas: “I want to see you smile, that’s all.”
Ranae: “ I know it has been too long, but have you forgotten what had happened to me? How can you ask me to get over it and it’s been a long time. I know it was a long time ago but to me it still feels like yesterday, if you care for me you should understand that, don’t you?”
Lucas: “Yes, this is what I want, for you to speak out every thing that you are feeling, but just don’t keep everything bottled up, it won’t benefit you in anyway, but will also have a bad impact on you and your family as well. so it is better that you speak with me or your therapist.”
Ranae: “Have you been spying on me?” Her eyes getting red due to extra blood flow from anger.
Lucas: “Don’t get mad, please, I am sorry, I didn’t mean to, but I knew you weren’t going to the therapist, I met with her assistant last month and asked how you were doing, and I wasn’t shocked when she said that she hadn’t seen you in the clinic for years.”
Ranae: “Yeah, so what? I don’t need any therapy, I am perfectly fine.
Lucas: “Yes you are perfectly fine, but sissy the stress and trauma you went through wasn’t something which happens to everyone everyday, the fact that you still don’t want to talk about it and don’t even want to think of it is a matter of concern.”
Ranae kept silent the rest of the drive.
Ranae got out of the car, turned to Lucas.
Ranae: “The kids would love to see you, you haven’t been home lately, they miss you.”
Lucas: “You know how Caleb is, he has me tied up with all of the bakers business, since he is busy with yours and he doesn’t want to let his family down and has me doing half of his work.”
Ranae: “Are you complaining?”
Lucas: “No..... I am not, and you just changed the whole conversation, you are one smart woman, I need to be more careful around you from next time,
Ranae, if not for yourself, do it for the kids, give it a thought, you will thank me later,”
Ranae: “Loki you stay back at the quarters, It is good to have you around.”
Lucas: “I’d love to, but my misses is scared to death to even put her foot on the estate, let alone stay here.”
Ranae: “Really? Is she superstitious?”
Lucas: “Ooo yes, she thinks that we will get separated if we spend a night here on the estate.”
Ranae: “That’s just silly thinking, We have been here for over two years and nothing like that her happened to us, we should meet sometime, it’s been long since we had met, and I Aam sure she would like it too.”
Lucas: “Yes, definitely, In fact she has been asking me to arrange for something but I kept refusing her, saying that you were busy.”
Ranae: “You are such a prick, tell her that she can come over any time and doesn’t have to take your permission to meet me.”
Lucas: “Okay okay, I’ll give her the message.”
Caleb overworked at the office and would always return home when the kids and Rae would be asleep.
Caleb was a hardworking and smart guy, perfect in every way possible, Rae and Caleb’s marriage had been arranged by their families. Both Caleb and Ranae had nothing in common except that they were hardworking, and determined towards their goals.
They were completely opposite sides of the pole in nature, in the beginning they had a lot to deal with in their marriage, being intimate was the only thing that wasn’t a facade, no matter how different they were but it was clear that they had chemistry, and were attracted to each other and couldn’t resist themselves when they were together.
Caleb returned home from work and saw his beautiful wife sound asleep, he didn’t want to disturb her and went straight into the bathroom to freshen up.
He took a warm shower, which relaxed his body and the thoughts in his mind.
Once he was out of the shower he went straight to bed and snuggled next to his wife and in no time he was sound asleep.