This novel contains explicit mature content, foul language, murder, and abuse with a lot of romance and magical mystery,...
Morning bliss
"Rise and shine!
“Come on sleepy head wake up", said Ranae. Standing beside the bed admiring her handsome husband rolled up in the quilt, with half of the quilt on the floor, his muscular and bare back facing her and her pillow under his knee, The sight was breathtaking. Her lips curled into a pleasant smile, her heart skipping a beat every now and then, He was an impeccable being.
She had been trying to wake him for 1 hour straight and had no more patience left, she snatched her pillow from under his knee and yanked the quilt away, the friction shook Caleb and startled him to his core, but as the stubborn being he was, he didn’t let even an ounce of his discomfort known to her.
Placing both the quilt and the pillow on a cushioned seater near the window, Rae looked back at Caleb, to check if her brutal disturbance had woken him up, it sure had but he gave her a scrunched nose with a stare and went back to sleep.
Opening the heavy curtains from the window, she let the morning breeze in, a sudden cool gush of wind touched her sun kissed face, breathing the fresh air in, all her senses refreshed, the desperate peeking sunshine from behind the curtains trying to get in, could finally spread itself throughout the room in the instant, as the huge curtains were moved out of it’s way.
“Honey! look outside the window, it's another beautiful day today and you Mr are missing this serene beauty.”
“Fine....... Woman! I am done sleeping for today", cried Caleb in his husky and sleepy voice, getting up from the bed he sat straight, yawning and stretching his arms,"Where is my coffee though?”
“I had brought it earlier, but since you had made up your mind to over sleep today, I had an extra cup of coffee today, now, if you need any there is some left in the coffee pot, it is on the counter as usual, and you today can have your coffee in the kitchen itself.”
Caleb: “Could you please bring me some?”, giving her a puppy face.
Ranae: “Hhuuuffff....you are so troublesome sometimes, fine I’ll get it, in the mean time you will have to freshen up before I get back with your coffee, we are running behind our schedule today and I don’t understand what’s gotten into you? You were the one who was an early bird and now I have to put an extra hour just to wake you up.”
Caleb: “My love, Love happened.” Kneeling down, his hands wide open as a dramatic character in historical Novels.
Ranae: “Love? so a person who was always punctual and needed everything to be perfect and difficulty dealing OCD, becomes carefree, because of Love? Who knew miracles like these happened.”
Caleb: Yes boss lady, it can happen in Love, to spend every second of my life with my loved one, to never let go of an opportunity just to spare a glance at you, and have unnecessary conversations, making trouble so that you pay more attention is all in love, and I have fallen head over heels for you.
Placing her hand on her forehead, Ranae shook her head in disapproval, she turned around and left the bedroom, leaving him staring at her back as she left.
Caleb: “Okay, okay it’s my fault, but what I said was the absolute truth.”
Ranae turning her head towards him, gave him a polite nod, a display that she acknowledged his words.
Caleb’s teeth sparkled as his lips parted for a sweet and content smile.
Life has it’s own way to recompense, Both Ranae and Caleb were diverse people, their personalities alike but manners conflicting, and life had brought them together. No, this wasn’t easy at all, and was extremely challenging, they had their fair share of difficulties and troubles.
Caleb Baker was from one of the most renown and wealthy families in the capital city of Georgia,
He and his siblings were strictly disciplined and were taught to follow a routine everyday, so much so that it was unhealthy, they had very little time to play or spend time with other children, this had turned Caleb into a impressively intelligent, prompt, handsome but a cold guy, it wasn’t easy to impress him, women swoon over him, but he was oblivious to it, he aced at every opportunity he got in life.
And yes, no one is ever perfect, and just Like a beautifully Carved artefact also has concealed scars, Caleb and Ranae did too.
After a while...
The room was lit brightly with the sunlight and air flew in and out easily, the walls were tall and white bricks layered slightly uneven to give them a texture, the floor was terracotta tiles as in old European houses, hard wood furniture was sleek and lite, overall giving an airy and comfy feel to it, the old and dark stoned antique fireplace was the highlight and the statement of the room, any person would love to board this place after a long and hectic day.
Rae entered the room with Caleb’s coffee, carefully placing the mug on the side table, she looked if Caleb was ready.
Caleb was still in the shower, Music playing on his phone, a classical tune from an album of his favourite artist.
Rae: “Honey! You are really late today, please hurry up, the kids too have still been sleeping.”
“like father like kids.” muttered Ranae while making the bed, shaking her head in disapproval.
Just then Caleb had finished his shower and came out from the bathroom, Rae was still making the bed, and didn’t realise that Caleb had sneaked behind her and her face definitely didn’t look like she was in a good mood.
Caleb placed his warm hands from the shower on her waist and pulled her closer into him, Hugging her.
Rae's back pressed against his bare chest, leaving her silk shirt and skirt damp, her work clothes were now a mess.
She tried to escape but that only made him hold her even tighter, He was a well built guy, and was naturally muscular without any body building, he scarcely went to the gym, but Jogging, rock climbing and swimming were his routine, he was ripped and muscular with no sign of fat on his body, he would dedicate two hours everyday for his evening run and later would go for a swim in the lake.
Having no choice Rae gave up, placing her head on his chest, she looked into his deep blue eyes, “Hon, what are you up to?”
Both staring deeply into each other’s eyes kept silent, Lost they were in Love, but still the wounds of the past hadn’t healed completely, and Rae’s eyes filled with tears, his arms tightened around her in protest.
Her heart felt warm in his embrace and lost in each other they felt the world around them disappear.