The door was slammed open, suddenly in appeared their 2 year old toddler Sofie, she was sad and trying not to shed any tears wiping her nose with the ends of her sleeve, her lips quivering from her overwhelming emotions.
This was not a good time, Rae was in a shock with the sudden change in the circumstances, Caleb turned to Sofie and hurried towards her, and picked her up to calm her down.
Rae was a mess trying to button her shirt and clean her messed up look before their 7 year old Son Shine could enter and ask any further questions as to what they were doing, Right behind Sofie entered their Son Shine into the room with Sofie's broken doll, he had a guilty face, and Sofie was screaming at the top of her lungs.
Both Caleb and Ranae looked at each other and started to laugh at their situation which led the kids into confusion and stared at their parents thinking something is wrong them.
Ranae sat on the side of the bed to calm herself down and took a sip of the coffee that had now become cold.
Caleb: (heading towards the kids room, both the kids in his arms), “Rae just give me a moment”, smiling at her and teasing her.
Rae was upset with Caleb for teasing her throughout the morning, and Caleb was clearly enjoying it.
In the suburbs
“I’ll get you now, will not let you go this time Ana,” shouted the young boy chasing behind the little girl, the boy had spectacles on, and his little friend was teasing him for it.
Ana: It looks like you have got two pairs of eyes, you look so funny johnny.
John: wait till I get my hands on you, you little brat.
John was really mad at Ana, he didn’t want to wear spectacles, he had to, his ophthalmologist had prescribed it to him. He knew his friends would make fun of him for it, moreover he knew Ana would so he didn’t want to use them.
John’s parents had come to his school to ask the teacher to keep an eye on him, which did stop the other kids from bullying him but not Ana.
She was a little monster in a good way though, john was two years older than Ana, but they were still best of friends.
John was a kid everyone loved and Ana on the other hand not so much by the kids and Adults as well, she wasn’t from a wealthy family. John’s family was one of the most richest and famous families of the city, they had moved to the suburbs due to John’s health condition, he got sick easily in the city, his immune system was too weak to handle the city life, but once their doctor advised them to move to the country side where there was a lot of fresh air and no kind of pollution and return when he got better, and later they had moved to the suburbs and saw that John’s condition was actually getting better.
John and Ana were neighbours and soon became very close friends, they were inseparable.
John’s parents didn’t like him mingling with the kids in the country but they couldn’t stop Ana sneaking in their house to meet her best friend, she had been a huge reason in John’s better health condition.
She thought of him as a big brother he did too, john had a sister Lia of Ana’s age but she was too proud to be her friend, and Ana wasn’t comfortable with her either, she could sense that Lia didn’t want to be around her, so Ana gave her the space she needed.
John got hold of Ana’s long braided hair and didn’t let go until she apologised to him, and promised him a treat.
She had to agree to it or John wouldn’t have let her go.
Just when John thought that he had won this battle against her and let her hair go, she pushed him to the ground and sat on his back with all her strength, he was a big boy and Ana wasn’t a match for him in strength, but she had got the will for it, Ana tried to hold him down with her weight but when it looked like she couldn’t succeed with it, she started to pull on both his ears.
John was a fair kid and Ana pulling his ears turned his face and ears red due to the pain, she knew he would get her back for this, and escaped the scene before he could get over his pain.
John looked around for Ana but she was long gone.
John cursed himself for getting beaten by a little girl and stood up to tidy himself before heading back home or his mother would be mad at him for being with Ana and not coming back home before the curfew they had given him.
As he was about to leave their secret play area John sensed that someone had been watching him from the woods behind, he turned his head to get a clear look and a large black silhouette with a pair of large blue eyes was advancing towards him, John was scared to death and turned around, ran as fast as he could screaming for his mommy, not looking back even for a moment.