Stella POV.
"Which room do you want Stella, cause whatever she wants, I want," Finn says with a big teasing smile on, but I wasn't in the mood, as soon as we walked inside this house, I felt like I didn't belong here, I knew I had to leave, to run out, toward the wood and hide.
"Finn, leave your sister alone, she's having a hard time," mom scolds him.
"Come on, Stella, on the pictures they sent, there's this one room that would be perfect for you," dad says going up the stairs and dragging me along with him, I didn't want to go up, but it felt like I was on autopilot.
"This one," dad says opening the door to one room, it looked to be very small, like a small closet, it's where you put the unwanted child if there was no space underneath the stairwell.
"This one?" I repeat to dad.
"Well, no, not this one, this is the extra storage room for your mother, come on," dad says leaving the first room and going into the next one, it was a bathroom, he's putting me in a bathroom now?
"Ryan, I guess this is the room you wanted to show her," mom calls from another room, dad nods and guides me to where mom is calling.
"Thank you, babe, what would I ever done without you," dad says kissing mom's cheek.
"You'd put our daughter in the closet," mom answers him with a chuckle.
"I'm not putting her in a closet, Stella can come out if she wants, I would be happy if she didn't, but if she does, I'll be there for her," dad starts trembling.
"Dad, I'm straight," I assure him.
"Thank god," dad says with a sigh.
"Even if you were gay sweetie, we'd still love you," mom promises me and he just nods.
"Would you love me if I'm gay? How come Stella got the best room in the house?" Finn asks walking into the room, he doesn't even look and decides I have the best room.
"I'm their favourite," I say, although I knew Finn might be the favourite one, but they like me just as much.
"You're happy moving, she's forced to, she gets a good room to make it up for her," mom says.
"Fair enough," Finn agrees, everyone agrees that this room was great, but I still haven't seen the room, I waited for everyone to leave the room before I looked around.
It's one of the biggest rooms I have ever seen, it's a lot bigger than my old room, it had sunlight coming through the big window, the sun made it feel warm and happy, I walked toward the window and saw that there was a giant window seat there.
I took a seat there and looked out, I could see the woods, the whole house was surrounded by woods, big trees, and no animals, but the fear was still there.
"Get settled in," Mom calls from the door, dropping my bag, I stayed seated on the window seat unable to take my eyes off the woods, the woods were calling me, maybe it's a new bear thing, they call you into going into the wood so they can kill you, I rolled my eyes at myself, I'm being stupid now.
"Stella, you want pizza or fried chicken?" my brother's question pulled me out of my thoughts.
"Huh?" I say confused.
"Mom, she wants Pizza," he calls and walks into my room closing the door behind him.
"You haven't unpacked yet?" Finn asks and I shrug, I didn't do much, the woods had me under their spell.
"Do you think these woods have magic in them?" I ask him.
"They are magical sure," Finn agrees with me.
"No, I mean, do you think they have magic, real magic?" I ask him.
"If you mean a creature in the woods calling you to come over, calling your name, telling you you'd be safe there, you feel like you need to run out and hide there?" Finn asks and I nod my head, that's exactly what I'm feeling, an urge to get out there.
"Nahhhh..." Finn says and I look around for a weapon to smack him with, but can't find any.
"You stupid," I say frustrated.
"Hey, it's pretty out there, it's calling me too, but this isn't Moana movie, the sea isn't calling us," Finn says in a firm voice, he's a big Disney fan.
"Thanks a lot, Finn, I thought that I was the lead or something, that I'll start singing and dancing," I say with too much sass.
"You need to start unpacking," he says opening my suitcase for me and throwing it around the room to make it look like I am busy putting my stuff away.
"Thanks," I say, if mom and dad check on us, it'll look like I'm working on it.
"You welcome, can't have your ass grounded already, we need to go out and discover," Finn says.
"But we're not going into the woods," I say in a firm voice.
"Sure thing mother, we'll stay in the city, you see the city?" he asks me pointing out toward the window.
"Finn, can you be less mean?" I ask him.
"Someone needs to keep you humble," he answers me.
"And that someone happens to be you?" I ask him with a raised brow.
"We all got a job to do," he answered me with a shrug, how innocent of him, I started to actually unpack, putting my things in the closet, I had a big space to put my stuff in, more storage but at what price?
"You still sad?" Finn asks me.
"I don't know, I'm not too excited, but I'll survive," I answer him.
"Good, I need my sister out there with me when we go to explore the new country," Finn says and I chuckle.
"Of course, who else would you throw to the bear while you run for your life," I say.
"I was planning on throwing you to the wolves actually," Finn says while laughing out loud.
"Funny," I answer him, I haven't thought much of wolves since coming here, but I don't think wolves would be that bad.
"Kids, dinner," Mom calls us from downstairs, we leave my room and go down to the kitchen, the food was pizza, it wasn't the same pizza we had at home, but it's good too.
"You ready for school?" dad asks starting small talks with us.
"School?" Finn asks him, we thought we'll have some days off before we are forced to get back to learning.
"Yes, the company did the transfer papers, you'll be starting in Saint Louis school tomorrow," dad says.
"Dad, we don't know anything about that school, how about some help?" I ask him.
"It's a local school, been open for like a hundred years, the education is top-notch, most of the students are local," dad says with a shrug, that's the whole explanation that we got regarding the school.
If the students are all local that means they know each other, and we're going to be the new students who moved in during the half of the semester, maybe it'll be like the Twilight book, or maybe we'll be bullied. Knowing my luck, it's probably the latter, the twilight book had vampires, and we all know that those don't actually exist.
"Do we have uniforms?" Finn asks, we're used to those, so when dad said yes, it was something typical for us.
"We don't have the uniforms, we can't go tomorrow, we'll look like a sore thumb without them," I say trying to avoid going to school already.
"We're driving you there early tomorrow, you'll get the uniforms, wear them before the classes start," dad says, there goes my hopes and dreams.
"But that's not fair," Finn whines, he too wanted to stay at home for an extra day.
"Life isn't fair, get a helmet," mom says, we're raised this way, we're always told to get used to thing, no one is going to adapt with us, we have to adapt with the world.
"Thanks mom," Finn says with an eye roll while I chuckled at him, poor guy.
"If you're all setlled get an early night, you need your rest," dad says.
"We slept during the flight dad, it's morning back at home," Finn objects.
"This is home now, get used to the new timing," dad says firmly.
"Real cold man," Finn says on his way to his room, unlike him, I didn't sleep through the whole flight, I was busy crying, I'm exhausted now, and happy to obey and call it an early night.
"Good night," I say leaving the kitchen and heading back to my room, I got a bed all set for me, but I had to put my own sheets on, the house was fully furnitured for us, but it lacked a touch of home, it feels like someone's else place and that's not just because I wasn't feeling very confident in here.
I tried to put my things out while I'm at it, I tried to make the room look more of mine, but I kept having the feeling that someone was looking at me, like I'm being watched, I turned to the winodw, it was fully dark now, the day ended aburptly in here, it doesn't go slowly, it simply went dark.
I tried to look through the woods but I couldn't see anyone looking at me, but the feeling of being watched didn't go away, I decided to close the blinds just to feel safer, but even with them closed, I still had that same feeling going through my veins.
I got under my covers, turning the light off so the one watching me couldn't see me anymore, I tried to sleep, but the fear had me wide awake, I was tired, and I felt the urge to cry again, but no more tears came down.
I have managed to fall asleep, but I don't know what time it was, there was no alarm clock, so I had to depend on my parents to wake me up in the morning, my dreams were filled with nightmares, I saw figures following me, running after me, and I tried to runa way, a voice on the other end of the darkness kept calling me, telling me to come over to be safe.
I woke up with a gasp, I'm calling for someone that I don't even know, I'm calling for someone to keep me safe, I didn't even know that person and I'm dreaming of them, I'm losing my mind, it's this place that's driving me insane.
I went to the bathroom and got ready for the day waiting for mom to tell me it's time for us to leave the house, I went toward the window and pulled the blinds up, sitting down on the window seat, I looked out of the window, I couldn't see anyone, but I felt like the woods are calling me, next I'll be singing the woods are calling me, I tried to shake myself out of this.
"You up early," Mom says opening the door and looking inside.
"I couldn't sleep much," I answer her.
"If you're ready can you help me make breakfast?" Mom asks.
"Sure," I say, and walk down to the kitchen and look through to make breakfast, we had basic food in the fridge, I guess the company got us the food as well.
I went with the easiest breakfast, making some toast and getting some kind of spread out, then I went on the search for coffee, I know dad doesn't like me drinking too much coffee, but I like it, it helps me wake up.
"Mom do we have any creamer?" I ask mom, looking around.
"No, we have milk, it's better for your bones," she answer me and I groan, I preferred creamer.
"I'll make sure to add some to my shopping list," she says, I know she's greatful that the company has provided some food, even if it's not our favourite.