Stella POV.
"Ready to go?" Dad asked me, he saw the milk out of the fridge, and he said he was very proud of me for having milk and being healthy, I had to hold back my laugh, I was having coffee, but he didn't need to know that.
"I hate you, I hate the world, grrr," Finn says walking out, he was dragged out, and pushed toward the car, and he took a nap in the car as dad drove us toward the school, the whole place was covered by wood if I pay attention, I'll notice that there are other houses around, we're not the only ones out there, maybe if I scream my sound would be heard after all, I think to myself with a chuckle, I won't die a long and painful death after all.
"How are we gonna come back home?" I asked my mom, if they only have one car, and if dad is taking it to work, how would we move around?
"You can take the bus," Mom said, and I looked at her with wide eyes.
"Mom, the bus? Really?" I asked her, maybe it's cool to get on the bus around here, but I had my doubts, taking the bus is never cool, back at home, I mean our old home, we used to walk back home, walking wasn't that bad.
I'm sixteen, and I should be starting to drive soon, and maybe when I get my own car, I can drive myself and my brother to school and back, we soon made it to the school and dad parked the car in the parking, it was just us and a couple of the teachers who are here early.
Dad guided us inside, this school looks like it's been up for a hundred years or so, it's an old castle building, but it's well kept, it's beautiful, but scary at the same time, I had the same feeling walking in the school like I did back at home, I was in danger here, but the only danger I'm in would be bullying danger.
Dad gave the receptionist our names and we were guided right to the back so we could try our uniforms, it's a skirt and shirt along with a blazer, the very typical school uniform, I had a bit of fun when the lady handed both me and Finn the same size, small, we're both tiny, mom offered to take our street clothes back home for us.
"All set, here are your schedules," the lady says handing us the time tablets for our days, this school was so huge, my brother and I go to the same school, but we each have different times.
"Bye guys, I love you," dad says, waving goodbye to us, but I would take a hug right now, I don't mind him staying in here with me either.
"Bye," I say looking at his back with fear going through my veins.
"I'll see you when it's time to leave," Finn says, since we're both taking the bus, we'll have to meet on the way out, but here's the thing, I had no idea where we live, and how to get back home, but we'll deal with that when we get over to that step.
Although it took us some time to get our uniform on, but it was still early, and I could just walk around the school and look at the whole building, it's beautiful but it felt like there was some kind of spirits in this place, maybe it was cause it's a very old building, it has its own magic. I walked around the building, exploring the school, I was all alone and the students hadn't made it over yet, maybe if I walk around enough and check all the classes I need to attend, I wouldn't get lost when it was time for me to get to the classes for the day.
I took another turn, but it was clearly a wrong turn, I wasn't in the school space anymore, I was on another side of the castle, and I couldn't see classes anymore, maybe I should walk back to the right side.
I tried to turn around and get to the classes, but there weren't any signs or anything to tell me which side I should be going to, and the castle was huge, it was charming as well. I took another left, I remember that I took lots of rights when I walked in, I had hit another dead end, and this one was darker than the last one I had hit. I heard a noise coming from behind me, I turned around ready to ask for help, I must be late for the classes by now, it took me too long looking around.
"Excuse..." I say starting to talk, ready to ask for help to get out of there, but the creature that was standing behind me wasn't a human as I expected, it's a school, there should be humans, students and teachers around, not a freaking dog, but no, this creature was a lot bigger to be a dog, was it a wolf? I'm not sure, I've never seen wolves before, but I know that I'm terrified of bears and this creature was the same size as a bear, or what I imagine a bear size to be, so I screamed, I screamed as loud as I could.
I must have scared the wolf away, he ran off from me, and that was really good, I felt tears starting to gather in my eyes, the fear had control over me and I couldn't move or scream anymore, I was terrified.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" a guy asks me walking toward me, I was ready to run to him and ask for help, but the fear still had the best of me and kept me in my place, I hardly looked up at him.
"Students aren't supposed to come over here," he says looking at my uniform, I looked at him with confusion, he wasn't wearing a uniform, so maybe he's a teacher.
"I got lost," I answered him, it was the truth, I didn't mean to do so.
"Are you new?" he asks me next, it's very clear that I'm lost.
"Yeah, my first day," I answer him, and he just sighs.
"They should've told you not to come to this side of the school, it's not meant for students," he scolds.
"I'm sorry, no one told me anything," I say, getting up ready to leave this part of the school and get going.
"Then let's go, the classes have already started, please stay near the students and don't walk toward this side of the school," he says and I nod, sure I'll stay in here.
"Verbal answers," he scolds, that's not very nice.
"Yes, Sir," I say out loud but I was really annoyed by his words and the way he's talking to me, so what if I got lost, I didn't mean to.
"Come on, you're late enough," he says running ahead of me, he was walking, but his steps were much bigger than mine, and it felt like he was running, and so I had to run to keep up with him.
"Uhh...sir, did you see the dog?" I asked him after we kept on walking.
"Dog? This is a school and a good one child, there are dogs around," he answers me in a mean voice.
"Okay," I say, but I knew what I saw, there was that dog, it's why I screamed.
After running for five minutes we made it back to the part of the school where we started, it's where I could hear and see students, and where the classes were going.
"Do you have your schedule?" he asks me and I show it to him, he nods, and keeps on moving showing me to my first class.
"Thank you," I say trying to sound grateful.
"You're welcome, but don't get lost again, this place isn't what you think it is," he says, does he mean the big dog? But he said that he didn't see anything, maybe he lied to me.
I opened the class door and walked into my first class of the day, the class had already started before I even made it here, I tried to look less scared, and less out of breath, but I knew I was failing miserably and this was only my first class of the day.
"I'm new," I tell the teacher, who went back to his desk and checked his papers.
"Stella Star, take a seat," he says and I do, I run to take my seat anywhere that's empty would be good, anywhere but standing here in the door looking like an idiot.
The class kept on going and I had a hard time trying to keep up, it's not that I'm stupid at school, or a bad student, it's the fact that this is a new teacher and new class, and everything that coming out of his mouth feels like he's speaking another language that U didn't understand.
"Stella a word," the teacher called me when the class ended.
"Yes?" I answer him.
"I'm only letting this go 'cause it's your first day, but I don't take well to my students being late or wandering around the school, don't let it happen again," he says, how did he even know why I was late? Weird.
"Okay, sorry," I say and move to the next class, this time I make it on time, and I take a seat in the middle of the class, trying to avoid the teacher's eyes, but being born with bad luck on an unaligned star night, the teacher I had was the same one who showed me the way to the classes, and he wasn't too happy about seeing me, he gave me one hell of a glare but started his class.
The funny part was that he taught art history, and it's an easy class, it's one that I enjoyed, but the teacher was terrifying-looking.
"What's up his pants today?" a student behind me says, his voice was low, but I could hear him.
"You mean whom?" his friend says and they both laugh, I had a tiny smile on my face, it was kind of funny.
"Calesti, Alec, is there anything you want to share with the class?" the teacher, who I learned that his name is Mr. James.
"No sir," the boy answered him.
"Calesti, change places, sit next to Star girl," he says, the girl moved her seat and took a seat next to me now instead of behind me.
"Hey, new girl," Calesti says taking a seat next to me.
"Hello," I whisper back to her, she has a smile on her face, and she looks pretty, she's blond with blue eyes, she looks like a doll.
"Girls," Mr James scolds and we both pay attention back to him.
"We'll talk more after class," Calesti whispers to me and I nod, after the class ends which feels like forever we leave the class together.
"I'm Calesti, what's your name? The teacher called you Star," she says.
"I'm Stella Star, nice meeting you," I say with a smile on my face.
"You're new, right? Welcome," she says.
"Yeah, I'm," I answer her.
"This school is nice and all, you'll get used to things and moving around here," she says happily.
"It's different from where we came from," I say to her.
"Really? What did your old school look like?" she asks me next.
"It wasn't a school that goes on in a castle," I say and she laughs.
"I know it feels like Hogwarts in here," she says with a laugh.
"Yeah, it did," I say, but it didn't, it felt more like a hunted castle movie, and the feeling of being watched by a million eyes never left me, I walked with Calesti and tried to pretend it wasn't there.