Stella POV.
"Did you text mom?" I asked my brother, the whole place and area looked the same, everything looked so similar, I couldn't decide if we made it or not.
"I did, she's lost as well," Finn says with a groan, we have found the bus, we're not the only ones on the bus, but we're the lost ones, and we're the ones who don't even know where our home is.
"Great, how are we supposed to get home?" I say on the verge of tears, I was always the crybaby, and this whole place is driving me insane, this place is pushing me to the edge.
"We'll get off the next stop and walk until we find home," Finn says, it's the best plan any of us had so far, and so I agreed with him when we found the bus stop, we got out of the bus and started to walk, there are numbers, there are names of the streets, so you'd think we won't be lost.
"So where is home?" I ask Finn, hoping he knew the number of our home at least or the name of the street.
"No idea, text dad, you're his favourite," Finn says and I roll my eyes at him, I wasn't dad's favourite, but I was daddy's girl, he loves us both, but he likes me best some days.
"I'm texting him," I say sending a message to dad asking him about our home address.
"Okay, we're on the street three-o-two, our house number is eighty-nine," I say reading the message, we now know where we're going.
"Okay, let's go," Finn says guiding the way, I walked after him, trusting his senses more than mine, we walked and walked some more.
"How much do you think the population is around here?" I ask Finn,
"Maybe a couple hundred, with us around, it's a couple hundred and four," he says with a chuckle.
"This feels like a movie, next we'd fall in love with the vampire," I say the forever hopeless romantic girl.
"Or get eaten by one," Finn says and I sigh, that's an option as well, but in stories, you can't kill the hero right away, and I think and feel like the hero of my story.
"Maybe I'll turn to be the villain," I say with an evil smile on my face.
"Nope, you're too soft to be evil, but I'll make a great villain, I'll even have a special sentence that I would say all the time, I'd hate you for being dad's favourite," Finn says thinking this through.
"Finn, you can't hate me for something that I have no control over, dad loves you too, and you're mommy's favourite, you don't see me trying to kill you," I say.
"You're too nice to be the villain, I'll be the villain and by the time you keep up with me, I'll have taken over the world," Finn says with confidence, and I believed him, he would do it, I knew he would.
"Finn, where are we?" I ask him, we've been walking for a while now, and no house has come into view, and neither did any sign of the streets we're walking through.
"Near home, come on, we're almost there," Finn says, and I believed him, the woods were getting thicker and the fear was making its presence known, I felt the urge to run, but seeing Finn walk with confidence I believed him that we'll be okay, that we're near home, he was the one excited to come here, maybe he knows the way more than me, I wasn't paying a lot of attention to the way.
"Finn, I think the way is very wrong," I say, the fear had its hold on me all over again, it felt the same way it did back at school, I felt the urge to fall down on my knees and cry.
"Are you okay Stella? You're very pale," Finn says and I shook my head no, I was sweating like a pig.
"Come on, let's go back this way," Finn says trying to get me away from the harm way, he had to hold a lot of my weight, and my breathing was getting a lot worse as we walked.
"Stella! You can't die on me, don't die on me," he begged me as I felt my eyes start to close, I wasn't able to breathe, I wasn't able to stay awake, and everything went dark all of a sudden.
I heard voices, and they weren't mine or Finn's, voices that I didn't recognize, but they felt like they were coming from inside of me, maybe it was the voices that everyone was talking about, maybe I was going insane, that's it, this place is driving me insane.
"Hey, are you okay Stella?" a new voice that familiar asks, I thought about it for a second and knew it was Theo's voice, why was I thinking and imagining his voice? I'm insane with a crazy crush that's going to kill me, it's how I'm gonna die.
"She blacked out, she never did that before," Finn says out loud, so maybe I wasn't imagining, maybe there was someone else out there talking to Finn, I'm not insane after all.
"Where's your home?" he asks Finn and he gives him our address.
"That's on the other side of town, how did you two end up here?" Theo asks confused.
"We got lost," Finn confess, we are really lost, I should wake up and tell the voices to shut up so I could focus.
"I'll go get my car, I think she's just overwhelmed," Theo says, running away, I wanted to wake up and yell at him to come back, but I couldn't.
"Come on Stella, we're going home, please wake up," Finn said and I whined trying to wake up, and I finally managed to open my eyes and look around, we're not in the same forest surrounded area, we were not in the area that had me under so much pressure.
"My head hurt," I groaned holding my head, whining from the headache that was forming.
"A guy from school offered to drive us home, we're on the wrong side," Finn says with a blush.
"Tomorrow, we'd ask for direction before leaving the school," I say trying to stand up, but my knees gave up underneath me and Finn had to help me stay up.
"Come in," Theo says, coming toward us in his car now, he's driving already, luck him.
"Thank you for the ride, you don't have to do this Theo," I say blushing sitting in his car.
"And leave you out in the woods, it's not safe out there Stella, I'll drive you home every day if you need to," Theo says in a firm voice.
"No, we'll find our own way," I assure him, not wanting to be a burden.
"I don't mind," Theo says.
"We'll see how things go tomorrow," I answer him, deciding not to go with him, but happy about today's drive.
"What's wrong Stella, you never faint," Finn asks from the backseat sounding worried.
"Nothing is wrong Finn, I think I was just overwhelmed," I answered him, I didn't think anything was wrong with me physically, but mentally I'm not very sure of it.
"Maybe you should get a doctor to check on you," Finn says and I hated doctors, he knew that.
"I'm fine," I assure him.
"Sure you are," Finn says not believing me, I wouldn't believe me either, Theo had to drive us for over fifteen minutes until we made it to our house, he's right, we were on the other side of the town.
"Thank you for driving us Theo," I say with a smile.
"You're welcome Stella, how about I pick you up in the morning?" he asks us.
"No, dad likes to do that," I say quickly.
"Fine, I'll see you in school then," he says driving off and I can finally breathe, I don't know why I'm so anxious around Theo, I'm a mess around him and I just met him.
"Dad likes to do that? Really Stella? why don't you just say, you're friendzoned?" Finn scolds me.
"I'm not friend-zoning him," I say feeling guilty, I had a crush on him but didn't know how to show it or hide it.
"You are Stella, you need to date more often," Finn scolds me walking inside the house, it's weird but he's my younger brother and he's been dating girls since kindergarten while I never dated anyone, no one felt good enough for me.
"Thanks, Finn," I answer him, we both walk inside the house and are met by a very angry mom.
"Where the hell have you two been?" she yells.
"Lost," Finn answers her.
"You took the bus, the bus stops two streets up, there's number and signs, don't lie to me," she says not believing us.
"Mom, I think we missed our stop," I say explaining how and why we were late.
"Fine, keep on lying to me, go to your rooms," she says not believing us.
"Mom, why are we in trouble? We didn't mean to be late," Finn says.
"I said to your room now," she yells at us, and we both go to my room instead of going to our own room, I laid down on the bed since I had a terrible headache, and Finn sat next to me on the bed and petted my head, kissing the top of my head a couple of times, I hate being yelled at for no reason.
"I'm going to take a nap, try to rest," Finn finally says when I was almost asleep in bed, I think I have fallen asleep and I dreamt about the voices again, calling me, telling to come over and I woke up scared.
"Stella, Finn," we heard Mom's voice calling us down.
"Coming," I say, leaving my room to go downstairs and meet with my parents and Finn who was sitting on the sofa having his ass chewed up.
"I know you two are old enough to be spending time out with your friends, but it's a new country and not knowing where our kids are leaving the both of us terrified, so please, and I'm asking nicely only this time, next time it'll be a month grounding, don't go out without telling us, just a message guys that's all we're asking of you," dad says.
"We really got lost though, everything looks the same out there and we didn't know which stop to get off," I say defending us.
"It doesn't look that bad Stella, you'll get used to the roads in no time," Dad assures me.
"Finn was lost too," I say defending myself.
"Finn would get used to the roads too," dad says with a sigh.
"Dad, Stella fainted today," Finn snitched on me and I looked at him with wide eyes, he didn't have to do that.
"Why are you feeling okay? What's wrong?" dad asks turning to me with worry filling his eyes.
"I'm fine dad, I think I was just overwhelmed, I don't enjoy being lost," I say trying to blame the fact that we were lost.
"I don't like this," mom says looking at me with worry filling her eyes as well.
"You should take her to the doctor," Finn suggests and I gave him the glare that would kill.
"Is our insurance working? I'll take her tomorrow," mom says.
"Yes, it is," dad answers her quickly.
"Wait, we don't know anyone here, we don't know any of the doctors, you can't just take me over," I say trying to get out of this.
"I can ask my colleagues, and I'll set an appointment for tomorrow," dad says and I feel the urge to cry, I hate doctors so much.
"We just need to make sure you're okay Stella," mom says in a soft voice, and I just nod, maybe something was wrong with me after all.