Chapter 4: Christening the New Home
Let us skip forward a few months, ignoring some of the unimportant details and get to the point where our two heroines have just moved into a new home. You probably don’t care about what kind of new cars they bought – Aika a Nissan GT-R because she liked to drive fast, and Mayleen a Mercedes-Benz Maybach because she liked to go fast in luxury – or how they told their old bosses to take a flying leap into the nearest cesspool. Suffice it to say that they were not frugal in spending money. Still, even with the purchase of what amounted to a manson in the hills overlooking the Pacific Ocean, there was plenty of money left. They could easily have also bought a private jet, a vacation home on the French Riviera, paid off the national debt of some small, struggling country and still have plenty left. Aika, being the more business-minded, saw to investing the majority of the funds in secure, conservative income producing stocks and bonds. They were thus assured of a rock-star type income for the rest of their lives.
Oddly enough, the wealth didn’t change them much. Oh, they drove nicer cars, were about to live in a house very few people could afford, and went to fancy restaurants far more than they ever did before. But their personalities did not change – not really. Neither took up drinking or drugs no matter how fashionable, and neither expressed any desire to become part of the jet-set or high society of any type. They continued to love each other, and play kinky games because they liked them and they satisfied a need within.
For example, on the evening of the first day in their new house, Aika was looking out over the fantastic view of the Pacific Ocean sunset when Mayleen came up to join her. Some of the rooms of the house had panoramic views of the ocean while the other side had views of the tree-covered mountains behind. All were spacious and filled with quality furniture. They had hired an interior decorator and instructed her to make the inside modern but with a definite slant towards both Japanese and Chinese cultures. They planned to make a few changes because the decorator didn’t understand the difference between Japanese and Chinese. But, on the whole, they were happy with the house – all five thousand square feet of it and seven bedrooms. Plus the library and game room, of course. Not to mention the pool. They thought that tennis courts might be a nice touch but wanted to move in and put a court off until later.
“I love the view,” Aika said. “I can almost see all the way to Japan.”
Mayleen laughed. “Didn’t you know that the world is round? Japan is well below the horizon.”
“I’m seeing it with my heart,” Aika replied calmly.
“Then I can see China.”
“Good.” For a few minutes they watched the sun approaching the distant horizon. Aika leaned against Mayleen and took her hand. “Maybe we could do something special for our first night in this house.”
Mayleen had a good idea what “special” meant to her lover, but she played along. “Like what? We can drive into town for a dinner at that Japanese restaurant.”
“Been there, done that.”
“We could drive along the coast and enjoy the sunset.”
“Oh, Mayleen, I don’t mean that kind of special.”
“Then what do you mean?”
Aika shook her head. “You know what I mean. One of us should be tied incredibly tightly, teased until she’s frustrated as hell, and then left alone for a long time. That’s the way we should christen this new home. And, of course, continue with that many, many times thereafter.”
“That’s a good idea!” Mayleen said brightly. “Wish I had thought of it. But… Which one of us?”
“We could flip a coin?”
“The last time we played rope games in the old house, I was the one in the trunk. I think you should go first here. I’ll get my turn tomorrow. We have plenty of tomorrows to come.”
Aika kissed Mayleen gently and affectionately. “You’re so kind. Please be very strict with the ropes. I want to remember tonight for a long time.”
“Of course, you know I always do.”
They watched the sun sink into the Pacific then drove into town for dinner. Once back at their house, Aika kissed Mayleen again, considerably more passionately this time, and told her that she was going to the bedroom to get ready.”
Giving her a few minutes to prepare, Mayleen went in to find Aika kneeling on the cream colored carpet. She was naked, sitting back on her heels, back straight, wrists crossed behind her and head submissive bowed. The room was illuminated by a dozen candles only, which made Aika’s skin a golden glow.
“Stand,” Mayleen commanded. Aika rose gracefully to the feet, kept her eyes turned down and turned her back for the binding of her arms. The first ropes went round her wrists, the next around the elbows, both pulled tight and cinched down even tighter. More rope went around her waist at the narrowest part, also pulled tightly and cinched down until the rope was cutting into her middle and making breathing a little impaired. More rope was added around her chest and arms just above and again below the breasts. And yet some more around her hips at the level of her wrists. When completed, the girl’s arms were crushed against her back and totally immobile.
Aika said nothing and kept her face turned down. But inwardly she was smiling. This binding was, indeed something special in its tightness and security. Of course, her legs could not be ignored. But first Mayleen placed a noose around her neck and used it as a leash to lead her downstairs. The house was two stories tall and had a grand circular staircase. Aika was led down the staircase and into the massive front room. Near the front door, she was ordered to sit on a chair while Mayleen bound her legs together at the ankles, then above and below the knees, all cinched down and knotted firmly.
“Now, my dear, this is just the beginning. But, before I do the rest, you will have to make your way up to the bedroom. And to make sure it isn’t too easy for you, I’m going to add a little something additional.”
The something additional was a leather dog collar buckled firmly around her neck. Mayleen tied a short piece of rope to the collar then passed it under the ropes above her knees. Three times the rope made that journey before it was pulled and tied off. Aika was now forced to bend in the middle with her head held only an inch or so from her knees. It was not too comfortable, mostly because of the way the rope cut into her midsection and the stress put on her arms. But discomfort was not the purpose of this tie. It was to restrict Aika’s ability to move.
She looked across the large room at the curving staircase and frowned. Had she not been tied bent in half, it would not have been difficult for her to wriggle and crawl her way up the stairs. But tied this way, she was not sure she could manage the stairs.
Mayleen was finished with the binding but not the torment. “I will time you. For every minute it takes you to get to the bedroom, you will stay tied in a most uncomfortable position for ten minutes.”
A ten to one ratio might not seem like much, but if it took her twenty minutes, that would mean over three hours in some unspecified but undoubtedly painful position. Heaven help her if it took longer.
“You may begin. Oh, and don’t bother calling to me. I won’t help you and any pleading on your part will result in your being gagged.”
With that, Mayleen calmly walked away. Aika watched as she went up the stair with far less effort than it was going to take Aika. Immediately, she wiggled off the chair and slowly rose to her feet. For a few seconds, she stood there, bent over and swaying just a little. Then she tried to wiggle her feet forward, first one, then the other. She almost fell immediately. Her ankles were tied far too tightly to allow her feet to move.
She then tried to hop. One small hop and she almost lost her balance. But she was determined to try to hop all the way to the bedroom. Only in that way could she make it up the stairs in a reasonable time. She tried a second hop. It worked and she was a few inches closer. Of course, hopping up the stairs would be far more difficult than hopping on a level surface. But she would face that problem when she got to the stairs.
Perhaps she was over confident, because on the third hop, she began leaning to one side. Tied as she was, there was no way she could keep her balance. She fell on her side on the thick carpet. Uttering a few curse words, she began wiggling across the carpet. The few inches a good hop would gain her now took a full minute of straining, trying to pull herself along by her feet dug into the carpet, and folding and unfolding the few inches her body was allowed.
Having no way of judging time, she reached the bottom of the stairs but was sure the crawl had taken her far longer than she would have preferred. Now she faced the prospect of climbing the stairs, a task she was not sure she could accomplish no matter how hard she tried.
A few attempts to crawl up onto the first step failed and she considered that maybe she should just admit defeat and wait at the bottom of the stairs, accepting whatever punishment Mayleen deemed appropriate. Yet the idea of giving up did not last long in her mind. She had to make a supreme effort. She simply had to. That was the way the game was played. As with the game they called “Escape Artist,” she had to try her hardest. That game was simple. One of them would tie the other then give her a time limit to escape. If she failed to totally free herself within the time limit, she would be punished. If she managed that normally impossible task, the one who tied her would be punished. Simple, no?
The point was that she had to make every effort possible to win. It was a matter of honor. And pride. She would expect Mayleen to do the same.
So she began again trying to lift her shoulders onto the first step. She could get part of the way up but couldn’t pull he legs up. Then she tried putting her bound feet on the step and wiggling to get her ass up with them. What finally worked was for her to sit with her back to the step, the push with her feet. With some wiggling and straining, she could just manage to get her bottom onto the step. After that she used her feet to push her bottom up the stairs. It was difficult and she had to pause to rest aching muscles every few steps.
At the top, she turned onto her side and used her feet to push her body along the carpet towards the bedroom. It required a lot of wiggling and rests but eventually she crossed the threshold and was officially in the bedroom.
Mayleen was stretched out on the bed, reading a magazine. When she finally consented to acknowledge Aika’s presence, her only comment was, “Congratulations! You only took forty-seven minutes!”