Chapter 3: Good News
“So we’re now rich.”
That simple statement shocked Aika as much as it had Mayleen. At first, she had not believed Mayleen’s story, thinking it some kind of joke. But there was the paperwork from the lottery commission. Then there was the bank statement Mayleen brought up on her laptop, showing the mind-boggling amount.
All she could do was shake her head in disbelief. Being a practical young woman, her immediate response was, “You mean you’re rich. That money is yours.”
“Oh, Aika! I’m going to share with you. You’re my best friend. I couldn’t have rented this house without your salary to help. This is going to put an end to our worries! Forever!”
Aika was silent for a while after that. She reached across the table to take Mayleen’s hand. A small tear crept down her cheek. “I love you,” she said.
“And I you.”
They treated themselves to a dinner far more expensive than they normally would have. All the while they were talking about what changes they would make in their lives.
“A new car!” exclaimed Aika. “I’ve never had a new car in my life. And mine’s about ready to fall apart.”
“Okay, we both get new cars,” said Mayleen.
On the way home, they talked about maybe buying a house. Not like the small rental they were living in, but something large and magnificent. But the planning stopped when they got back home.
“Mayleen, remember you promised to put me in the trunk?”
“Oh, Aika, I haven’t forgotten. It’s just that we’ve been so excited.”
“Our special games have always been a part of our living together. Just because you’re wealthy now, I don’t want that to change.”
“Neither do I, Aika. That will always be a part of our lives. Forever.”
“Good. Then I’m ready.” She demonstrated by unbuttoning her blouse.
“I’ll go get the trunk ready,” Mayleen said, happily. “It will be fun locking you in there. I enjoyed last night. I hope you enjoy tonight.”
In the game room, while Mayleen opened the trunk and arranged the ropes, Aika was divesting herself of the remaining clothing. When she was naked, she turned her back to Mayleen and put her arms behind her. “Please tie me the same you I did with you last night. Nice and tight.”
“Of course, don’t I always?”
“And let’s ignore the envelopes for this one time. Let’s just pretend that I drew the maximum time.”
“If that’s the way you want it. But you’ll be quite uncomfortable.”
“That is fine with me.” Aika smiled as she said, “It may be funny but I feel like celebrating. And what better way than spend some wonderful time being completely helpless and waiting for my lover to come and rescue me.”
“Of course,” Mayleen agreed as she began wrapping the rope around Aika’s wrists. A few minutes later, the Japanese girl was tightly bound and ready for her gag. A wash rag was rolled up and stuffed into her mouth, followed by windings of duct tape. Aika was lifted and placed in the trunk. When she was kneeling and bent over, Mayleen patted her bare bottom affectionately and closed the lid. The two locks went on and Aika’s time officially began.
Mayleen sighed happily. It was as if a great weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Suddenly the future was wonderful and filled with happy times. And, of course, many, many happy hours of playing kinky games!
She caressed the trunk lid lovingly, imagining what Aika was feeling in the darkness within. She wondered if they could buy a new trunk. Then it occurred to her that they could have a custom made iron-barred cage built for them. Maybe one for each, custom sized to just fit their bodies.