Mayleen, of Chinese ancestry, and Aika, whose parents hailed from Japan, are roommates. More than that, they are lovers ...
Chapter 1: A Quiet Moonlit Night
Chapter 1: A Quiet Moonlit Night
An almost full moon shone down on the private garden nestled behind an average house, casting leaf shaped shadows through the bamboo. The garden was small but a jewel of tranquility amid the busy city. High walls blocked out the sight of the city while the distant sounds from traffic and other human activities seemed reluctant to intrude upon this patch of greenery.
At a small garden table with two chairs, sat a young woman. The woman was slender, certainly no more than twenty years of age, and quite pretty. Her name was Aika, given to her by her Japanese parents just before they moved to the US. She wore her ebony hair straight and long, almost down to mid-back. In the privacy of that peaceful place, she wore only a short robe called a happi coat, in a silky blue with lotus pattern, leaving her legs bare. On the table was a small tea pot. She sipped from a small cup decorated with a bamboo leaf pattern.
As she waited, she wondered if there might be some way they could put in a small fountain. The sound of happy water would go well with the tranquility they wished to create there and help keep the city sounds at bay.
At the sound of a voice calling her name, she replied, “I’m out here.”
Another young woman came into the garden. She was about the same age and also of Asian ancestry, but her parents hailed from China. Like Aika, she had long black hair but kept it shorter. Her face was more rounded and full but still very pretty. She wore a typical young woman’s attire, jeans and a tee shirt. She was also slender, but, unlike many oriental women, had a large pair of breasts pushing against the shirt. Not that Aika’s were small, just less than her friend’s.
“What a hassle,” Mayleen said. “The traffic was terrible and Mr. Green expected me to finish up the report before I left. That’s why I’m late.”
“No problem. I have made some Double Happiness and Wonton soup. It will take only a few moments to heat it up.”
For those two roommates, a mixture of traditional Japanese and Chinese foods was normal. They had learned to cook both styles and both enjoyed many dishes from each culture.
“I’ll change and be right back,” Mayleen said.
Aika rose and went into the small kitchen where she put the food in a microwave to warm up. A few minutes later, just as the microwave chimed, Mayleen came in, wearing only a bathrobe.
“I’ll take a shower after dinner,” she said.
Aika was setting the dishes of hot food on the table, along with a larger pot of hot tea. The two set to eating, chatting only after they had satisfied their initial hunger.
“I’m ready to go looking for another job,” Mayleen said. “I’m getting tired of Warner Tech. Green makes me do all the research and work, then takes credit for any good ideas I come up with or any good job I do. That that rise last month was to laugh at.”
Aika frowned. “I am sorry to hear that. One spends so much time at one’s job that it is a shame to hate it.”
“Got that right!” She took another bite of chicken and added, “How are you doing at Baker?”
“There is talk of more layoffs,” Aika admitted. “They say business if falling off.”
Mayleen said nothing. Conversations like this were not uncommon for these two working girls. They usually led to talk about their getting college degrees so they would have better jobs, but the high cost of education was still stopping them.
When the meal was over, Aika put the dishes in the dish washer and started it. Mayleen came over to her and put her arms around her friend. Gently they kissed as they held each other and pressed their bodies together. The kiss was that of two lovers, more than just friends.
“Aika, would you please help me relax?” Mayleen asked.
“The trunk?”
“Yes, I think that would be good. Help me get work off my mind.”
“Let’s take a shower first. Then I shall be happy to help you.”
The shower was taken together, as they often were in that house. There were more kisses and loving touching, but both of them held back, not allowing the acts to become too stimulating. There was what amounted to a ritual to be performed before they would go to bed, and before any serious lovemaking between the two lesbians would happen.
After toweling each other down, they headed into the second bedroom, the one they called the “Playroom.” The house was small, only two bedrooms, but since they shared the same bed, they had an extra room in which to play their kinky games. It was not a very big room, about eight feet by ten. But they didn’t have a bed in there, so the room didn’t have to be large. There was, however, a steamer trunk in the middle of the floor. It was old and had some travel stickers plastered on it, but it served their purpose.
Aika pulled a cardboard box out of the closet. From it she took a few lengths of rope and set them down on the trunk. Both girls were still naked from their shower. Aika had a length of rope in her hands. “Hard or soft?” she asked.
“Hard. I need to clear out my mind.”
“Very well. Turn around.”
Mayleen was already turning and putting her arms behind her back. Had she opted for soft, only her wrists would have been tied in a crossed position, a really mild tie for them. Had she said medium, her elbows would have been tied also. More uncomfortable but not severely so because both of them were flexible and could easily touch their elbows behind them.
However, she had said hard, and that was something stronger and more extreme than the other two levels. Her arms were bent and pulled up behind her until the hands were above her shoulder blades. Aika turned her palms so they faced each other and tied the wrists together. When they were tightly bound, she took another piece of rope and looped that around the forearms down as close to the elbows as she could. When she pulled on that rope, the elbows began to come together. She pulled until they were touching, then added four more loops of rope round them, cinched it down, and knotted it several times.
The left Mayleen in what is called reverse prayer. It was a very secure way to bind the arms because it was virtually impossible to work your arms out of. It also keeps your hands in a useless position. You could do nothing with them.
But that was not the finish of the arm binding. Mostly for the feeling and appearance, she added ropes around the arms and across Mayleen in front, just above and below her breasts. Pulled tightly and cinched down, they would crush her arms against her back. Both girls knew that it would not be comfortable but that was part of the purpose. Mayleen was to feel as totally helpless as possible.
With her arms taken care of, Mayleen sat on the trunk and allowed Aika to bind her legs. She began with the ankles, tying them firmly and cinching the rope down until it was much more than firm. Rope was also added above her knees but not quite as tight.
The final step was the gagging. The inability to speak added to the helpless feeling, so it was necessary. Aika got the necessary supplies from the box. Mayleen opened her mouth and allowed Aika to stuff a rolled up rag into it. The rag was a little too big for the mouth but Aika stuffed it in with her fingers. Mayleen did not try to push it out and waited patiently as Aika wrapped some elastic bandage around her head and over the gag. Over that went half a dozen windings of duct tape. The tape made a loud ripping sound as it was pulled off the roll.
They were now ready for the finish stage. Mayleen stood up to allow Aika to open the trunk lid. Aika wrapped her arms around Mayleen’s hips and lifted her so she could fit her feet inside the trunk. The inside was not huge. In fact, it was barely large enough to hold Mayleen’s body, and she had to get down on her knees and bend over. Aika helped her in doing so.
There was only one other thing to do before the lid would be closed and locked. From the cardboard box, Aika tooked a small box with a couple dozen small envelopes inside. Each was sealed and unmarked. While Mayleen watched, Aika stired around the envelopes and picked one at random. Making sure that Mayleen could not see, she opened the envelope and looked at the small piece of paper it contained. Without any expression on her face, she folded the paper and replaced it in the envelope. That was then placed inside the trunk, down my Mayleen’s feet.
Mayleen bent over until her chin was almost touching her knees. Aika closed the lid. They had screwed two hasps on the lid and side. She closed those and inserted small padlocks into them. She clicked the locks shut and Mayleen was sealed in. For how long, only Aika knew.
An important part of that game was the victim, in this case, Mayleen, not knowing how long she would have to stay in that uncomfortable bondage. Each of those envelopes had a number written on the piece of paper. The numbers ran from 20 to 200, and represented the number of minutes before Mayleen would be let out. To assure that Aika adhered to the correct number, the envelope was inside with Mayleen. When she was released, she would look at it and compare it with the clock. It was a point of honor that they both adhere strictly to that time limit. Not a minute longer, not a minute shorter.
They had talked about devising some way to have a timer built into the locks on the trunk. That way, only the timer would know how long, not either of the girls.
Aika had been careful not to show any expression that would tell Mayleen if the time was short or long. 200 minutes was three hours and twenty minutes – a very long time to be locked in that trunk. If she had frowned, Mayleen would have known the time was long. If she smiled, Mayleen would figure the time was short. Maybe. It was not uncommon for the girls to enjoy putting each other in what amounted to ordeals.
Aika left the bedroom, turning out the light as she did. Inside the trunk, Mayleen was in almost complete darkness. They had drilled numerous air holes but with the bedroom light off, the holes could only the slightest trickle of light that came through the bedroom window and made its way into the trunk.
Inside her prison, Mayleen was beginning to feel helpless. She knew that she could not possibly free herself from the ropes. And, even if she could, she couldn’t get out of the locked trunk. Already her arms were uncomfortable and she knew that would only grow worse as the minutes crept by. The muscles in her back and shoulders would begin to ache from the bent over position. It was not uncommon for the woman coming out of this form of punishment to moan loudly as her body tried to straighten up.
Those were the negatives. The positive side of this exercise was that as the helpless feeling increased, so would her sexual arousal. The two of them were members of that unique class of woman who find helplessness very exciting. In other words, both of them became extremely horny when tied. Their vaginas would become well lubricated and heat up until that sensitive part of their bodies was demanding satisfaction. Of course, tied that way and locked away, they could do nothing to provide that satisfaction themselves, nor could the other help. The frustration built up and up until they were twitching and moaning and begging to be touched.
It was a unique experience that most women would not welcome. But for those lucky few who enjoyed it, it was about the most intense feeling they could have, short of an all-out orgasm. And it sometimes led to that outcome.
Aika went to watch the evening news. After that, she read a book. She was careful not to go to bed for fear she might fall asleep and miss the time for her to let Mayleen out. That would mean Mayleen would stay there all night. And that was something they were too afraid to try.
As she read, her mind kept returning to Mayleen and her fate. The number on the paper, while not the maximum, was large enough to make her time in the trunk an ordeal. Not that it would be all that terrible for the young woman. She had endured much worse. And always enjoyed it.