Jan seemed interested to see the main sorting and packing floor, once I had explained to her that we made nothing ourselves just dispatched everything to everywhere. So it was that I led the way to dispatch. It was a huge space, a warehouse filled with rack upon rack of items, all destined to be shipped to different discount warehouses. She walked over to the first wall of baskets, there she looked at the cleaning cloths, then the kitchen utensils; she seemed interested by them, far more than by anything else. She half turned towards me holding out two of our largest wooden spoon range for me to see.
“These look useful!” she said smiling at me.
“Have them,” I replied, not understanding her interest but watching her and loving the smile of approval at my gift as it lit up her face.
“Now for your little office.” She grinned at me, tucking the spoons, one in each boot top before taking my hand and waiting
“Well!” She said, as she looked about us.
I jumped too, leading her out of the dispatch warehouse, up the back-stairs, and along a dingy corridor, until I was standing arm out reached to open the door to my work space. I opened the door and she brazenly strode past me, having taken the lead, leaving me to admire her rolling buttocks, tightly contained by her leggings, as she passed by me. Though I admit it was the boots, with their shiny black leather and high heels, and then there was the pair of large spoons sticking out of them that really captivated my attention. I followed her inside, she had already occupied my chair, her boots were now propped up on my desk and she looked at me, waiting I think for me to close the door behind me. My erection had faded on the way here but it was back again, pushing and fighting the restriction of my clothing, desperately demanding attention, any attention.
“Sit!” She had seen the only other chair in my office, a crude plastic hard thing that never got used normally. I pulled it away from the wall placing it before my desk and sat, just looking at her. She ran her fingers over the plastic desk top ignoring me, lost in her own thoughts. My mind wandered slightly, it was a desk like this one, well a better quality desk really than this one, but it was still a desk over which my darling girlfriend had been so soundly thrashed. I could almost picture her beautiful curving bottom fully revealed, with her knickers around her knees. The thought picture changed, instead of it being her receiving the strap I could see my own bottom bared and being beaten, the thought excited me, a lot…
“Now where was I?” She removed one of the wooden spoons from a boot, before crossing them to the accompaniment of a creak of leather, which sent little flickers of electricity down my spine.
“Yes I remember now!”
She was teasing me, I knew it, and she knew it; there was no way that she could have forgotten that she had arrived home and in disgrace, no way in the world, so she was clearly teasing me and enjoying the roll I was sure.
“There was no one to meet me off the train which was to be expected, as no one knew that I had been ordered home in such disgrace. So I took a taxi which dropped me off at the gates to my home. I then let myself in through the small side door, and feeling nervous, I walked the quarter mile up to the house.”
“Your parents are rich, aren’t they?” she asked me.
“Well I wouldn’t say rich as such, but well off most people would say or think!”
“Well mine are, I mean rich, but I will explain that later, just keep it in mind it might make it easier to understand some thing’s later on.”
Rich as well as beautiful and very sexy can’t be bad I decided, eagerly waiting for her to continue.
“Normally I would ring the main door bell and a butler or someone would let me in, but not that day, the last thing I needed was to meet any of the staff! I walked around half the house and let myself in through the back door. There was nobody in sight so I went into the main lounge, still nobody, which was beginning to puzzle me. Normally there was a maid and kitchen staff as well as the butler but not that day. I decided that getting out of my school uniform was essential to my confidence, so I headed along the hall intending to go up to my room and there change. That was when I first heard the noise, a single dull thudding sound, followed by a grunt, followed by another thud!
"The sound came from along the passage and just behind me, the door to the flooded cellar was slightly open, something that for the whole of my childhood had never been the case. Daddy had always insisted that the cellars were dangerous because of the flooding, so he kept the door firmly locked. It had been years since I had even thought of the space below our home, let alone had any desire to actually go down into that dark forbidding place, what with all its dirty water in it, I mean, why would I?”
She was looking at me to see if I had an answer, I didn’t. Like her I too would have ignored the area, but now something seemed out of place to me. If, as her daddy had told her, the cellar was flooded, then why I reasoned, would the door be ajar, and what could be making the strange sounds that had first attracted her attention to the open door?